Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Apocalyptic Literature in the Old Testament and Early Judaism
(and its Ancient Near Eastern Background)

[see also the general bibliography on the book of Daniel]

The bibliography is divided into seven sections, followed by an appendix listing some translations of the relevant texts:

I.    Overview articles

Aranda Pérez, G., "Los apocalipsis: origen del mal y victoria de Dios", in G. Aranda Pérez – F. García Martínez – M. Pérez Fernández (eds.), Literatura judía intertestamentaria (Introducción al Estudio de la Biblia, 9; Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 1996) 271-332; = "Le apocalissi: Origine del male e vittoria di Dio", in G. Aranda Pérez – F. García Martínez – M. Pérez Fernández (eds.), Letteratura giudaica intertestamentaria (Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia, 9; Brescia: Paideia, 1998) 232-289.

Asurmendi, J. M., "La Apocalíptica", in A. González Lamadrid, et al., Historia, Narrativa, Apocalíptica (Introducción al Estudio de la Biblia, 3b; Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 2000) 521-542; = Storia, narrativa, apocalittica (Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia, 3/2; Brescia: Paideia, 2003).

Berndt, S., "Apokalyptik: Versuch einer systematischen Definition", Theologie der Gegenwart 52 (2009) 219-236.

Carey, G., "Apocalypses", in M. D. Coogan (gen. ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) 1.39-55.

Collins, J. J., "Old Testament Apocalypticism and Eschatology", in R. E. Brown – J. A. Fitzmyer – R. E. Murphy (eds.), The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989) §19, 298-304; = Nuovo Grande Commentario Biblico (Brescia: Queriniana, 1997, edizione con CD 2002) §19, 388-395; = Nuevo Comentario Bíblico San Jerónimo. 2 vol. (Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 2004-2005).

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism, IV: Early Jewish Apocalypticism", ABD I (1992) 282-288.

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypses, Apocryphal", EBR 2 (2009) 316-318.

Collins, J. J., "What is Apocalyptic Literature?", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 1-16.

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypticism", in S. Niditch (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion; Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2016) 333-344.

Cook, S. L., "Apocalyptic Prophecy", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 19-35.

Cook, S. L., "Apocalyptic Writings", in S. B. Chapman – M. A. Sweeney (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament (Cambridge Companions to Religion; Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016) 331-348.

Cook, S. L., "Prophecy and Apocalyptic", in C. J. Sharp (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2016) 67-83.

Crawford, S. W., et al., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism", EBR 2 (2009) 318-373. Details: Introduction (S. W. Crawford) 318; I. Ancient Near East (M. Nissinen – B. U. Schipper) 318-321; II. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament (S. L. Cook) 321-324; III. Judaism (L. DiTommaso) 325-340; IV. New Testament (C. Rowland – J. L. Kovacs) 340-343; V. Christianity (B. McGinn – R. Barnes) 344-357; VI. Islam (R. Tottoli) 357-359; VII. Literature (T. Pippin) 359-360; VIII. Visual Arts (S. N. James) 361-367; IX. Music (N. H. Petersen) 367-369; X. Film (D. Bowman) 369-373.

Davies, P. R., "Apocalyptic", in J. W. Rogerson – J. M. Lieu (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies (Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) 397-408.

Davies, P. R., "Jewish Apocalyptic", in P. R. Davies, On the Origins of Judaism (BibleWorld; London: Equinox, 2011) 100-119.

DiTommaso, L., "The Apocrypha and Apocalypticism", in G. S. Oegema (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2021) 219-252.

Goff, M., "Wisdom and Apocalypticism", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 52-68.

Grayson, A. K., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism, III: Akkadian 'Apocalyptic' Literature", ABD I (1992) 282.

Hanson, P. D., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism, I: The Genre; II: Introductory Overview", ABD I (1992) 279-282.

Hellholm, D. – D. Frankfurter, "Apokalypse", RGG4 1 (1998) 585-589. Details: I. Form und Gattung (D. Hellholm) 585-588; II. Schrifttum (in der Antike) (D. Frankfurter) 588-589. English version: "Apocalypse", RPP 1 (2007) 297-299. Details: I. Form and Genre (D. Hellholm) 297-298; II. Literature (in Antiquity) (D. Frankfurter) 298-299.

Hellholm, D., et al., "Apokalyptik", RGG4 1 (1998) 590-600. Details: I. Begriffsdefinition als religionsgeschichtliches Problem (D. Hellholm) 590-591; II. Altes Testament (R. G. Kratz) 591-592; III. Jüdische Apokalyptik: "Antike" (D. Frankfurter) 592-594; "Mittelalter und Neuzeit" (J. Dan) 594; IV. Neues Testament (A. Y. Collins) 594-595; V. Kirchengeschichtlich (W.-D. Hauschild) 595-596; VI. Dogmatisch (G. Sauter) 596-597; VII. Islam (M. Cook) 597; VIII. Kunstgeschichtlich: "Apokalyptische Literature" (K. Vondung) 598; "Apokalyptische Themen in Kunst und Religion" (C. Rowland) 598-600. English version: "Apocalypticism", RPP 1 (2007) 301-307. Details [same authors as in the original]: I. Definition of the Term as a Problem for the History of Religions: 301; II. Old Testament: 301-302; III. Jewish Apocalypticism: "Antiquity" 302-303; "Middle Ages and Modern Times" 303-304; IV. New Testament: 303-304; V. Church History: 304; VI. Dogmatics: 304-305; VII. Islam: 305; VIII. Art History: "Apocalyptic Literature" 305-306; "Apocalyptic Themes in Art and Religion" 306-307.

Marconcini, B., "L'apocalittica biblica. Cenni storici. Origine e sviluppo dell'apocalittica", in B. Marconcini, et al., Profeti e apocalittici (Logos 3; Leumann [TO]: ElleDiCi, 1995) 193-209.

Najman, H., "The Inheritance of Prophecy in Apocalypse", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 36-51.

Newsom, C. A., "The Rhetoric of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 218-234. Reprinted in C. A. Newsom, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics: Approaches to Text, Tradition and Social Construction in Biblical and Second Temple Literature (FAT 130; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019) 67-82.

Nihan, C., "Apocalypses juives", in T. Römer – J.-D. Macchi – C. Nihan (eds.), Introduction à l'Ancien Testament. Seconde édition entièrement révisée et substantiellement augmentée (Le Monde de la Bible, 49; Genève: Labor et Fides, 2009) 661-693; = "Jüdische Apokalypsen", in T. Römer – J.-D. Macchi – C. Nihan (eds.), Einleitung in das Alte Testament. Die Bücher der Hebräischen Bibel und die alttestamentlichen Schriften der katholischen, protestantischen und orthodoxen Kirchen (Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2013) 634-664.

Reynolds, B. H., "Apocalyptic and Wisdom Literature", in W. Kynes (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Wisdom and the Bible (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2021) 475-492.

Rowland, C., "Apocalypticism", in J. Barton (ed.), The Biblical World. Volume One (London – New York: Routledge, 2002) 129-148.

Rowland, C., "Apocalypticism", in K. J. Dell (ed.), The Biblical World. Second edition (Routledge Worlds; London: Routledge – Taylor & Francis, 2021) 172-188.

Stone, M. E., "Apocalyptic Literature", in M. E. Stone (ed.), Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus (Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum. Section 2: The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud, Volume 2; Assen: Van Gorcum; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984) 383-441.

VanderKam, J. C., "Apocalyptic Literature", in J. Barton (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation (Cambridge Companions to Religion; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998) 305-322.

Vanni, U., "Apocalittica", in P. Rossano – G. Ravasi – A. Girlanda (eds.), Nuovo dizionario di teologia biblica (Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni Paoline, 1988) 98-106; = Nuevo diccionario de teología bíblica (Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1990) 133-142.

II.    History of interpretation, tendencies in current research, and bibliographies

Beyerle, S., "Von Henoch bis Baruch: Neue Tendenzen der Apokalyptikforschung", TLZ 137 (2012) 606-618.

Boccaccini, G., "Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition: The Contribution of Italian Scholarship", in J. J. Collins – J. H. Charlesworth (eds.), Mysteries and Revelations. Apocalyptic Studies since the Uppsala Colloquium (JSPSup 9; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991) 33-50.

Collins, A. Y., "Apocalypse Now: The State of Apocalyptic Studies Near the End of the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century", HTR 104 (2011) 447-457.

Cook, S. L., "Apocalyptic Literature", in H. H. Hardy II – M. D. Carroll R. (eds.), The State of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024) 287-303.

Crawford, S. W., et al., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism", EBR 2 (2009) 318-373. Details: Introduction (S. W. Crawford) 318; I. Ancient Near East (M. Nissinen – B. U. Schipper) 318-321; II. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament (S. L. Cook) 321-324; III. Judaism (L. DiTommaso) 325-340; IV. New Testament (C. Rowland – J. L. Kovacs) 340-343; V. Christianity (B. McGinn – R. Barnes) 344-357; VI. Islam (R. Tottoli) 357-359; VII. Literature (T. Pippin) 359-360; VIII. Visual Arts (S. N. James) 361-367; IX. Music (N. H. Petersen) 367-369; X. Film (D. Bowman) 369-373.

DiTommaso, L., A Bibliography of Pseudepigrapha Research, 1850-1999 (JSPSup 39; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001).

DiTommaso, L., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism in Antiquity (Part I)", CBR 5.2 (Feb. 2007) 235-286.

DiTommaso, L., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism in Antiquity (Part II)", CBR 5.3 (June 2007) 367-432 [bibliography pp. 409-432].

Koch, K. – J. M. Schmidt (eds.), Apokalyptik (Wege der Forschung, 365; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1982).

Murphy, F. J., "Apocalypses and Apocalypticism: The State of the Question", CR:BS 2 (1994) 147-179.

Nápole, G. M., "Desarrollo y evolución de los estudios sobre 'la apocalíptica'", EstBib 59 (2001) 325-363.

Noffke, E., "L'apocalittica giudaica: Uno status quaestionis", RivB 69 (2021) 5-25.

Sandy, D. B. – D. M. O'Hare, Prophecy and Apocalyptic: An Annotated Bibliography (IBR Bibliographies, 4; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007).

Schmidt, J. M., Die jüdische Apokalyptik. Die Geschichte ihrer Erforschung von den Anfängen bis zu den Textfunden von Qumran (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1969).

Sparks, K. L., "Apocalyptic and Related Texts", in K. L. Sparks, Ancient Texts for the Study of the Hebrew Bible: A Guide to the Background Literature (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2005) 240-251.

III.    Multi-author volumes

Amirav, H. – E. Grypeon – G. Strousma (eds.), Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late Antiquity: Encounters in the Abrahamic Religions, 6th–8th Centuries (Late Antique History and Religion, 17 – Beyond the Fathers, 2; Leuven: Peeters, 2017).

Ashton, J. (ed.), Revealed Wisdom: Studies in Apocalyptic in Honour of Christopher Rowland (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 88; Leiden: Brill, 2014).

Beyerle, S. (ed.), Apokalyptik (Themen der Theologie, 15 – UTB 1591; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2024).

Blasius, A. – B. U. Schipper (eds.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten: Eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten (OLA 107; Leuven: Peeters, 2002).

Carey, G. – G. Bloomquist (eds.), Vision and Persuasion: Rhetorical Dimensions of Apocalyptic Discourse (St Louis, MO: Chalice, 1999).

Collins, J. J. – B. McGinn – S. J. Stein (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism. Vol. 1: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity. Vol. 2: Apocalypticism in Western History and Culture. Vol. 3: Apocalypticism in Modern Period and the Contemporary Age (New York: Continuum, 1998).

Collins, J. J. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).

Collins, J. J. – P. G. R. de Villiers – A. Yarbro Collins (eds.), Apocalypticism and Mysticism in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 7; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018).

Crawford, S. W. – C. Wassén (eds.), Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism: Engaging with John Collins' The Apocalyptic Imagination (JSJSup 182; Leiden: Brill, 2018).

DiTommaso, L. – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023).

Frey, J. – M. R. Jost – F. Tóth (eds.), Autorschaft und Autorisierungsstrategien in apokalyptischen Texten (WUNT 426; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019).

García Martínez, F. (ed.), Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Biblical Tradition (BETL 168; Leuven: Peeters, 2003).

Grabbe, L. L. – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003).

Grabbe, L. L. – G. Boccaccini (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. With the collaboration of J. M. Zurawski (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016).

Hellholm, D. (ed.), Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Apocalypticism, Uppsala, August 12-17, 1979 (Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1983, 21989 with bibliographical supplement).

Kappler, C., et al., Apocalypses et voyages dans l'au-delà (Paris: Cerf, 1987).

McAllister, C. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature (Cambridge Companions; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Reddish, M. G., Apocalyptic Literature: A Reader (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2015).

Reynolds, B. E. – L. T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), The Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2017).

Rowland, C. – J. Barton (eds.), Apocalyptic in History and Tradition (JSPSup 43; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002).

Schipper, B. U. – G. Plasger (eds.), Apokalyptik und kein Ende? (Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte, 29; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007).

Schröter, J. – T. Nicklas – A. Puig i Tàrrech (eds.), Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (BZNW 247; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021).

Wright, B. G. – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005).

IV.    Books – introductory and monographic

Arcari, L., Vedere Dio: le apocalissi giudaiche e protocristiane (IV sec. a. C.-II sec. d. C.) (Frecce 291; Roma: Carocci, 2020).

Bauckham, R. J., The Fate of the Dead: Studies on the Jewish and Christian Apocalypses (Novum Testamentum Supplements, 93; Leiden: Brill, 1998).

Baynes, L., The Heavenly Book Motif in Judeo-Christian Apocalypses 200 BCE-200 CE (JSJSup 152; Leiden: Brill, 2012).

Bedenbender, A. Der Gott der Welt tritt auf den Sinai. Entstehung, Entwicklung und Funktionsweise der frühjüdischen Apokalyptik (Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Zeitgeschichte, 8; Berlin: Institut Kirche und Judentum, 2000).

Beyerle, S., Die Gottesvorstellungen in der antik-jüdischen Apokalyptik (JSJSup 103; Leiden: Brill, 2005).

Boccaccini, G., Middle Judaism: Jewish Thought, 300 B.C.E. to 200 C.E. (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1991): note espec. Ch. 4 "Daniel and the Dream Visions: The Genre of Apocalyptic and the Apocalyptic Tradition" (pp. 126-160). There is a revised and adapted Italian edition: Il Medio Giudaismo. Per una storia del pensiero giudaico tra il terzo secolo a.e.v. e il secondo secolo e.v. (Radici 14; Genova: Marietti, 1993).

Boccaccini, G., Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: The Parting of the Ways Between Qumran and Enochic Judaism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998); = Oltre l'ipotesi essenica. Lo scisma tra Qumran e il giudaismo enochico (Shalom; Brescia: Morcelliana, 2003).

Carey, G., Ultimate Things: An Introduction to Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Literature (St Louis, MO: Chalice, 2005).

Carlsson, L., Round Trips to Heaven: Otherworldly Travelers in Early Judaism and Christianity (Lund Studies in History of Religions, 19; Lund: Department of History and Anthropology of Religions, 2004).

Collins, J. J., Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigraphy: On Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015).

Collins, J. J., The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature. Third edition, revised and updated (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016). Second edition [same title and publisher] 1998. First edition: The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity (New York: Crossroad, 1984).

Cook, S. L., The Apocalyptic Literature (Interpreting Biblical Texts; Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2003).

Daschke, D., City of Ruins: Mourning the Destruction of Jerusalem Through Jewish Apocalypse (Biblical Interpretation Series, 99; Leiden: Brill, 2010).

Dobroruka, V., Second Temple Pseudepigraphy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Apocalyptic Texts and Related Jewish Literature (Ekstasis – Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 4; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013).

Dobroruka, V., Persian Influence on Daniel and Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (Jewish and Christian Texts, 19; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2022).

Förg, F., Die Ursprünge der alttestamentlichen Apokalyptik (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 45; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2013).

Hahn, F., Frühjüdische und urchristliche Apokalyptik. Eine Einführüng (BThSt 36; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1998).

Hanneken, T. R., The Subversion of the Apocalypses in the Book of Jubilees (EJL 34; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2012).

Hanson, P. D., The Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress, 1975, 21979).

Himmelfarb, M., Tours of Hell. An Apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress, 1983).

Himmelfarb, M., Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Apocalypses (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

Juhás, P., Berge als Widersacher: Studien zu einem Bergmotiv in der jüdischen Apokalyptik (Mundus Orientis, 2; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020).

Koch, K., Ratlos vor der Apokalyptik (Gütersloh: Mohn, 1970); = The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic (SBT II/22; London: SCM; Naperville, IL: Allenson, 1972); = Difficoltà dell'apocalittica. Scritto polemico su d'un settore trascurato della scienza biblica (Brescia: Paideia, 1977).

Kvanvig, H. S., Roots of Apocalyptic: The Mesopotamian Background of the Enoch Figure and of the Son of Man (WMANT 61; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1988).

Martin de Viviés, P. de, Apocalypses et cosmologie du salut (LD 191; Paris: Cerf, 2002).

Murphy, F. J., Apocalypticism in the Bible and Its World: A Comprehensive Introduction (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2012).

Neujahr, M., Predicting the Past in the Ancient Near East: Mantic Historiography in Ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean World (Brown Judaic Studies, 354; Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, 2012).

Nicholas, W. C., I Saw the World End: An Introduction to the Bible's Apocalyptic Literature (New York & Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2007).

Nickelsburg, G. W., Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981). Second edition with CD-ROM: [same title] (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2005).

Nickelsburg, G. W. E., 1 Enoch I: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1-36; 81-108 (Hermeneia; Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2001).

Oegema, G. S., Apocalyptic Interpretation of the Bible: Apocalypticism and Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism, the Apostle Paul, the Historical Jesus, and Their Reception History (Jewish and Christian Texts, 13; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2012).

Orlov, A. A., Demons of Change: Antagonism and Apotheosis in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2020).

Osten-Sacken, P. von der, Die Apokalyptik in ihrem Verhältnis zu Prophetie und Weisheit (Theologische Existenz heute, 157; München: Kaiser, 1969).

Pilch, J. J., Flights of the Soul: Visions, Heavenly Journeys, and Peak Experiences in the Biblical World (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011).

Plöger, O., Theokratie und Eschatologie (WMANT 2; Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag, 1959, 21962); = Theocracy and Eschatology (Atlanta: John Knox, 1968).

Portier-Young, A. E., Apocalypse Against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011). Spanish version: Apocalipsis contra Imperio: teologías de resistencia en el Judaísmo antiguo (Ágora 39; Estella [NA]: Editorial Verbo Divino, 2016).

Rad, G. von, Theologie des Alten Testaments, I: Die Theologie der geschichtlichen Überlieferungen Israels; II: Die Theologie der prophetischen Überlieferungen Israels (München: Kaiser, 1957 / 1960); later editions e.g. 61969, 51968 ; = Old Testament Theology, I: The Theology of Israel's Historical Traditions; II: The Theology of Israel's Prophetic Traditions (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1962 / 1965); = Théologie de l'Ancien Testament, I: Théologie des traditions historiques d'Israël; II: Théologie des traditions prophétiques d'Israël (Genève: Labor et Fides, 1963 / 1967); = Teologia dell'Antico Testamento, I: Teologia delle tradizioni storiche d'Israele; II: Teologia delle tradizioni profetiche d'Israele (Biblioteca teologica 6 / 7; Brescia: Paideia, 1972 / 1974); = Teología del Antiguo Testamento; I: Teología de las tradiciones históricas de Israel; II: Teología de las tradiciones profeticas de Israel (Lux mundi 28 / 29; Salamanca : Sígueme, 1972; 5a edición: Biblioteca de estudios biblicos 11 / 12; Salamanca : Sígueme, 1982 / 1984). [Translations in other languages exist too, e.g. Japanese].

Rad, G. von, Weisheit in Israel (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1970); = Israël et la sagesse (Genève: Labor et Fides, 1971); = Wisdom in Israel (Nashville, TN: Abingdon; London: SCM, 1972); = Sabiduría en Israel: Proverbios – Job – Eclesiastés – Eclesiástico – Sabiduría (Madrid: Ediciones Cristiandad, 1973); = La sapienza in Israele (Torino: Marietti, 1975).

Reynolds, B. H., Between Symbolism and Realism: The Use of Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Language in Ancient Jewish Apocalypses 333-63 B.C.E. (JAJSup 8; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011).

Rowland, C., The Open Heaven. A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity (London: SPCK, 1982).

Rowland, C., "By an Immediate Revelation": Studies in Apocalypticism, Its Origins and Effects (WUNT 473; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022). [collected studies]

Russell, D. S., The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic 200 BC – AD 100 (London: SCM, 1964); = L'apocalittica giudaica (200 a.C. – 100 d.C). Con una nuova introduzione e bibliografia di P. G. Borbone (Biblioteca Teologica; Brescia: Paideia, 1991).

Russell, D. S., Divine Disclosure. An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic (London: SCM; Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1992)

Sacchi, P., L'apocalittica giudaica e la sua storia (Biblioteca di cultura religiosa, 55; Brescia: Paideia, 1990): = Jewish Apocalyptic and Its History (JSPSup 20; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996).

Schmithals, W., Die Apokalyptik: Einführung und Deutung (Sammlung Vandenhoeck; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973); = The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction and Interpretation (Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1975); = L'Apocalittica (Giornale di Teologia 95; Brescia: Queriniana, 1976).

Silverman, J. M., Persepolis and Jerusalem: Iranian Influence on the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic (LHB/OTS 558; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2012).

Stone, M. E., Secret Groups in Ancient Judaism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019).

Taylor, R. A., Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis; Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2016).

Tilly, M., Apokalyptik (UTB 3651, Profile; Tübingen: Francke, 2012).

VanderKam, J. C., Enoch and the Growth of an Apocalyptic Tradition (CBQMS 16; Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Association, 1984).

Wilder, C. A., Appropriating Ancient Authorities: Toward Understanding How Second Temple Authors Established Authority in Apocalyptic Literature (GlossaHouse Dissertation Series, 9; Wilmore, KY: GlossaHouse, 2019).

V.      Articles and chapters

Abadie, P., "Les racines de l'apocalyptique", in P. Abadie – J.-P. Lémonon (eds.), Le judaïsme à l'aube de l'ère chrétienne. XVIIIe congrès de l'ACFEB (Lyon, septembre 1999) (LD 186; Paris: Cerf, 2001) 209-245.

Agostini, D., "On Iranian and Jewish Apocalyptics, Again", JAOS 136 (2016) 495-505.

Aranda Pérez, G., "El destierro de Babilonia y las raíces de la apocalíptica", EstBib 56 (1998) 335-355.

Arcari, L., "Apocalyptic Literature and Experiences of Contact with the Other-World in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity", in J. Schröter – T. Nicklas – A. Puig i Tàrrech (eds.), Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (BZNW 247; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021) 27-52.

Arcari, L., "Ancora sui rapporti tra profezia e apocalittica: La communcazione visionaria e le sue forme di messa per inscritto tra guidaismo e protocristianesimo", Cristianesimo nella Storia NS 43 (2022) 471-503.

Aspinen, M., "Apocalyptic Traditions in the Bible: Hermeneutical Questions on an Inconvenient Genre", in A. Mustakallio – H. Leppä – H. Räisänen (eds.), Lux Humana, Lux Aeterna: Essays on Biblical and Related Themes in Honor of Lars Aejmelaeus (Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society, 89; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005) 40-61.

Aune, D. E. – E. Stewart, "From the Idealized Past to the Imaginary Future: Eschatological Restoration in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature", in J. M. Scott (ed.), Restoration: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian Perspectives (JSJSup 72; Leiden: Brill, 2001) 147-177.

Aune, D. E., "Understanding Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic", in his Apocalypticism, Prophecy and Magic in Early Christianity. Collected Essays (WUNT 199; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) 1-12.

Barker, M., "Beyond the Veil of the Temple: The High Priestly Origins of the Apocalypses", SJT 51 (1998) 1-21.

Barton, J. L., "Ethics in Apocalyptic", in J. Ashton (ed.), Revealed Wisdom: Studies in Apocalyptic in Honour of Christopher Rowland (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 88; Leiden: Brill, 2014) 37-51.

Bauckham, R. J., "Apocalypses", in D. Carson – P. T. O'Brien – M. A. Seifrid (eds.), Justification and Variegated Nomism. Vol. 1: The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism (WUNT 2. Reihe, 140; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001) 135-187.

Bazzana, G. B., "The Oracle of the Potter and the 'Apocalyptic Worldview' in Egypt", ETL 94 (2018) 207-222.

Becker, P. – S. Jöris, "Toward a Scientific Designation: Apocalypticism in Biblical and Modern Studies – A Comparative Approach", HBT 38 (2016) 22-44.

Bedenbender, A., "Seers as Mantic Sages in Jewish Apocalyptic (Daniel and Enoch)", in L. G. Perdue (ed.), Scribes, Sages, and Seers: The Sage in the Eastern Mediterranean World (FRLANT 219; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008) 258-270.

Beentjes, P. C., "What About Apocalypticism in the Book of Ben Sira?", in M. Nissinen (ed.), Congress Volume Helsinki 2010 (VTSup 148; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 207-227.

Ben-Dov, J., "Apocalyptic Temporality: The Force of the Here and Now", HeBAI 5 (2016) 289-303.

Beyerle, S., "Apokalyptik und Biblische Theologie", Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 52 (2010) 232-246.

Beyerle, S., "Monotheism, Angelology, and Dualism in Ancient Jewish Apocalyptic Writings", in N. MacDonald – K. Brown (eds.), Monotheism in Late Prophetic and Early Apocalyptic Literature. Studies of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Research Group on Early Jewish Monotheism, Vol. III (FAT II/72; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014) 219-246.

Beyerle, S., "Zauberei und Magie in der Apokalyptik", in J. Kamlah – R. Schäfer – M. Witte (eds.), Zauber und Magie im antiken Palästina und in seiner Umwelt : Kolloquium des Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästinas vom 14. bis 16. November 2014 in Mainz (ADPV 46; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission, 2017) 409-453.

Blasius, A. – B. U. Schipper, "Apokalyptik und Ägypten? Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven", in A. Blasius – B. U. Schipper (eds.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten: Eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten (OLA 107; Leuven: Peeters, 2002) 277-302.

Blenkinsopp, J., "The Development of Jewish Sectarianism from Nehemiah to the Hasidim", in O. Lipschits – G. N. Knoppers – R. Albertz (eds.), Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E . (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2007) 385-404. Reprinted under the title "Jewish Sectarianism from Ezra to the Hasidim", in J. Blenkinsopp, Essays on Judaism in the Pre-Hellenistic Period (BZAW 495; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017) 207-220.

Boccaccini, G., "È Daniele un testo apocalittico? Una (ri)definizione del pensiero del Libro di Daniele in rapporto al Libro dei Sogni e all'Apocalittica", Hen 9 (1987) 267-302.

Boccaccini, G., "The Origin and Legacy of the Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition", in K. B. Bardakjian – S. La Porta (eds.), The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition: A Comparative Perspective. Essays Presented in the Honor of Professor Robert W. Thomson on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday (SVTP 25; Leiden: Brill, 2014) 17-28.

Boccaccini, G., "Non-Apocalyptic Responses to Apocalyptic Events: Notes on the Sociology of Apocalypticism", in L. L. Grabbe – G. Boccaccini – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. The First Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada (June 25-28, 2012) (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 33-42.

Boccaccini, G., "Torah and Apocalypticism in the Second Temple Period", in W. M. Schniedewind – J. M. Zurawski – G. Boccaccini (eds.), Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity (EJL 56; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2021) 229-247.

Capelli, P., "Periodizzazioni del tempo: la soluzione apocalittica", in G. L. Prato (ed.), «Un tempo per nascere e un tempo per morire»: cronologie normative e razionalità della storia nell'antico Israele. Atti del IX Convegno di Studi Veterotestamentari (L'Aquila, 11-13 Settembre 1995) (Ricerche storico-bibliche, 9/1; Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1997) 193-214.

Clifford, R. J., "The Roots of Apocalyptic in Near Eastern Myth", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism. Vol. 1: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity (New York: Continuum, 1998) 3-38.

Collins, A. Y., "Ascents to Heaven in Antiquity: Toward a Typology", in E. F. Mason – K. Coblentz Bautch – A. Kim Harkins – D. A. Machiela (eds.), A Teacher for All Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam, Vol. 2 (JSJSup 153; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 553-572.

Collins, A. Y., "The Uses of Apocalyptic Eschatology", in M. Henze – G. Boccaccini (eds.), Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch: Reconstruction After the Fall. With the collaboration of J. M. Zurawski (JSJSup 164; Leiden: Brill, 2013) 253-270.

Collins, J. J., "Introduction: The Morphology of a Genre", Semeia 14 (1979) 1-20. [This was a monographic number, entitled "Apocalypse. The Morphology of a Genre", edited by J. J. Collins.]

Collins, J. J., "From Prophecy to Apocalypticism: the Expectation of the End", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism. Vol. 1: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity (New York: Continuum, 1998) 129-161.

Collins, J. J., "Temporality and Politics in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature", in C. Rowland – J. Barton (eds.), Apocalyptic in History and Tradition (JSPSup 43; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002) 26-43.

Collins, J. J., "Prophecy, Apocalypse and Eschatology: Reflections on the Proposals of Lester Grabbe", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 44-52.

Collins, J. J., "Some Issues in the Study of Apocalyptic Literature", Hen 27 (2005) 21-26.

Collins, J. J., "Introduction: The Genre Apocalypse Reconsidered", in J. J. Collins, Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigraphy: On Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015) 1-20. [a reconsideration of his influential 1979 essay, noted above] [reproduced wiwth slight alterations in the following title]

Collins, J. J., "The Genre Apocalypse Reconsidered", Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum – Journal of Ancient Christianity 20 (2016) 21-40. [a reproduction, with slight alterations, of his 2015 essay noted above]

Collins, J. J., "Torah and Higher Revelation in the Jewish Apocalypses", in J. Frey – M. R. Jost – F. Tóth (eds.), Autorschaft und Autorisierungsstrategien in apokalyptischen Texten (WUNT 426; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019) 155-170.

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypticism as a Worldview in Ancient Judaism and Christianity", in C. McAllister (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature (Cambridge Companions; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) 19-35.

Collins, J. J., "Where Should We Look for the Roots of Jewish Apocalypticism?", in J. Schröter – T. Nicklas – A. Puig i Tàrrech (eds.), Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (BZNW 247; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021) 5-26.

Collins, J. J., "Old Testament Apocalypticism and Eschatology", in J. J. Collins – G. Hens-Piazza – B. Reid – D. Senior (eds.), The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century. With a Foreword by Pope Francis. Third fully revised edition (London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2022) 962-971.

Cook, S. L., "Mythological Discourse in Ezekiel and Daniel and the Rise of Apocalypticism in Israel", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 85-106.

Coppens, J., "L'apocalyptique. Son dossier. Ses critères. Ses éléments constitutifs. Sa portée néotestamentaire", ETL 53 (1977) 1-23.

Daschke, D., "'The End of the World and the World to Come': What Apocalyptic Literature Says About the Time After the End-Time", in L. J. Greenspoon (ed.), Olam Ha-Zeh v'Olam Ha-Ba: This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Symposium of the Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization, the Harris Center for Judaic Studies, and the Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies, October 25-26, 2015 (Studies in Jewish Civilization, 28; West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2017) 1-15.

Davies, P. R., "The Social World of Apocalyptic Writings", in R. E. Clements (ed.), The World of Ancient Israel. Sociological, Anthropological and Political Perspectives. Essays by Members of the Society of Old Testament Study (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989) 251-271.

Davies, P. R., "Divination, 'Apocalyptic' and Sectarianism in Early Judaism", in I. Kottsieper – R. Schmitt – J. Wöhrle (eds.), Berührungspunkte: Studien zur Sozial- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt. Festschrift für Rainer Albertz zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (AOAT 350; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2008) 409-423. Reprinted in P. R. Davies, Rethinking Biblical Scholarship (Copenhagen International Seminar – Changing Perspectives, 4; London & New York: Routledge, 2014) 175-187.

Dimant, D., "Election and Laws of History in the Apocalyptic Literature", in D. Dimant, From Enoch to Tobit: Collected Studies in Ancient Jewish Literature (FAT 114; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017) 19-30. Translated from the final Hebrew version published in D. Dimant, Connected Vessels: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Literature of the Second Temple Period [Hebr.] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2010) and then updated and re-edited.

DiTommaso, L., "History and Apocalyptic Eschatology: A Reply to J. Y. Jindo", VT 56 (2006) 413-418.

DiTommaso, L., "The Apocalyptic Other", in D. C. Harlow – K. M. Hogan – M. Goff – J. S. Kaminsky (eds.), The "Other" in Second Temple Judaism: Essays in Honor of John J. Collins (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011) 221-246.

DiTommaso, L., "Penitential Prayer and Apocalyptic Eschatology in Second Temple Judaism", in J. Penner – K. M. Penner – C. Wassen (eds.), Prayer and Poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature: Essays in Honor of Eileen Schuller on the Occasion of Her 65th Birthday (STDJ 98; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 115-133.

DiTommaso, L., "Late Antiquity Apocalypticism", in R. Gounelle – J. Joosten (eds.), La Bible juive dans l'Antiquité (Histoire du texte biblique / Studien zur Geschichte des biblischen Textes, 9; Prahins, Switzerland: Éditions du Zèbre, 2014) 223-253.

DiTommaso, L., "Natura e necessità della communicazione tra cielo e terra nella letteratura apocalittica", in M. Zappella (ed.), « Multifariam multisque modis» (Eb 1,1): Necessità e vie della mediazione divina nell'Israele biblico. Atti del XIX Convegno di Studi Veterotestamentari (Napoli, 7-9 Settembre 2015) (Ricerche storico-bibliche, 29/1; Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 2017) 171-192.

DiTommaso, L., "Time and History in Ancient Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Writings", in J. Schröter – T. Nicklas – A. Puig i Tàrrech (eds.), Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (BZNW 247; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021) 53-88.

DiTommaso, L. – M. Goff, "Introduction: Reimagining 'Apocalypticism' and Rethinking 'Apocalyptic'", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 1-31.

Dobroruka, V., "Hesiodic Reminiscences in Zoroastrian-Hellenistic Apocalypses", BSOAS 75 (2012) 275-295.

Dom, K., "Prophetie, Weisheit oder ... ? Die Wurzeln der Apokalyptik", in C. G. Müller – M. Helmer (eds.), "Darum, ihr Hirten, hört das Wort des Herrn" (Ez 34,7.9): Studien zu prophetischen und weisheitlichen Texten. Festschrift für Bernd Willmes zum 65. Geburtstag (Fuldaer Studien, 21; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2017) 174-190.

Dyma, O., "Tempel, Raum und Zeit in apokalyptischen Erwartungen", in H. Rechenmacher (ed.), In memoriam Wolfgang Richter (ATSAT 100; St. Ottilien: EOS, 2016) 33-48.

Fabry, H. J., "Die frühjüdische Apokalyptik: Herkunft – Eigenart – Absicht", in J. Frey – M. Becker (eds.), Apokalyptik und Qumran: Einblicke. Ergebnisse – Berichte – Reflexionen aus Tagungen der Katholischen Akademie Schwerte 10 (Paderborn: Bonifatius, 2007) 63-83.

Freyne, S., "Apocalypticism as the Rejected Other: Wisdom and Apocalypticism in Early Judaism and Early Christianity", in D. C. Harlow – K. M. Hogan – M. Goff – J. S. Kaminsky (eds.), The "Other" in Second Temple Judaism: Essays in Honor of John J. Collins (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011) 247-261.

Goff, M., "A Blessed Rage for Order: Apocalypticism, Esoteric Revelation, and the Cultural Politics of Knowledge in the Hellenistic Age", HeBAI 5 (2016) 193-211.

Goff, M., "The Apocalypse and the Sage: Assessing the Contribution of John J. Collins to the Study of Apocalypticism", in S. W. Crawford – C. Wassén (eds.), Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism: Engaging with John Collins' The Apocalyptic Imagination (JSJSup 182; Leiden: Brill, 2018) 8-22.

Grabbe, L. L., "The Social Setting of Early Jewish Apocalypticism", JSP 4 (1989) 27-47. [cf. Sim 1995 below]

Grabbe, L. L., "Introduction and Overview", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 2-43.

Grabbe, L. L., "Prophetic and Apocalyptic: Time for New Definitions – and New Thinking", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 107-133.

Grabbe, L. L., "Perspectives on Apocalyptic in the Hasmonaean Period", in L. L. Grabbe – G. Boccaccini – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. The First Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada (June 25-28, 2012) (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 237-251.

Grabbe, L. L., "The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview – An Overview", in L. L. Grabbe – G. Boccaccini – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. The First Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada (June 25-28, 2012) (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 11-31.

Grayson, A. K. – W. G. Lambert, "Akkadian Prophecies", JCS 18 (1964) 7-30.

Greisiger, L., "Apocalypticism, Millenarianism, and Messianism", in A. J. Silverstein – G. G. Stroumsa (eds.) – M. Blidstein (associate ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2015) 272-294.

Hallo, W. W., "Akkadian Apocalypses", IEJ 16 (1966) 231-242.

Hanson, P. D., "The Matrix of Apocalyptic", in W. D. Davies – L. Finkelstein (eds.), The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume Two: The Hellenistic Age (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989) 524-533.

Heintz, J.-G., "Notes sur les origines de l'apocalyptique judaïque à la lumière des 'prophéties akkadiennes'", in J.-G. Heintz, Prophétisme et Alliance: Des Archives royales de Mari à la Bible hébraïque. Édité par Stephan Lauber avec Othmar Keel et Hans-Ulrich Steymans, mit einem Vorwort von Manfred Weippert (OBO 271; Fribourg: Academic Press; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015) 123-138.

Hellholm, D., "Methodological Reflections on the Problem of Definition of Generic Texts", in J. J. Collins – J. H. Charlesworth (eds.), Mysteries and Revelations. Apocalyptic Studies since the Uppsala Colloquium (JSPSup 9; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991) 135-163.

Hezser, C., "Ancient 'Science Fiction': Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity", in S. E. Porter – A. W. Pitts (eds.), Early Christianity in Its Hellenistic Context, 2: Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament (Texts and Editions for New Testament Study, 10; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 397-438.

Himmelfarb, M., "Heavenly Ascent Revisited", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 429-469.

Hogan, K. M., "Pseudepigraphy and the Periodization of History in Jewish Apocalypses", in J. Frey (ed.), Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen Briefen (WUNT 246; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009) 61-83.

Høgenhaven, J., "Something Borrowed, Something New? Reflections on Apocalypticism and Prophecy in the Old Testament", SJOT 31 (2017) 1-25.

Honigman, S., "The Social Setting and Purpose of Early Judean Apocalyptic Literature: Between Resistance Literature and Literate Hermeneutics", in S. Honigman – C. Nihan – O. Lipschits (eds.), Times of Transition: Judea in the Early Hellenistic Period (Mosaics: Studies on Ancient Israel, 1; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns – Penn State University Press and The Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 2021) 341-355.

Horsley, R. A., "The Politics of Cultural Production in Second Temple Judea: Historical Context and Political-Religious Relations of the Scribes who Produced 1Enoch, Sirach, and Daniel", in B. G. Wright III – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005) 123-145.

Horsley, R. A., "The Political Roots of Early Judean Apocalyptic Texts", in R. B. Coote – N. K. Gottwald (eds.), To Break Every Yoke: Essays in Honor of Marvin L. Chaney (The Social World of Biblical Antiquity, Second Series, 3; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007) 262-278.

Jassen, A. P., "Scribes, Visionaries, and Prophets: On the Place of Apocalyptic in the History of Prophecy", HeBAI 5 (2016) 233-254.

Jindo, J. Y., "On Myth and History in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Eschatology", VT 55 (2005) 412-415.

Johnson, T. J., "From Where Should Apocalyptic be Found? The Book of Job as Key to von Rad's Theory", in M. J. Boda – R. L. Meek – W. R. Osborne (eds.), Riddles and Revelations: Explorations into the Relationship between Wisdom and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible (LHB/OTS 634; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018) 215-232.

Knibb, M. A., "Prophecy and the Emergence of the Jewish Apocalypses", in R. Coggins – A. Phillips – M. Knibb (eds.), Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982) 155-180.

Koch, K., "Daniel und Henoch – Apokalyptik im antiken Judentum", in B. U. Schipper – G. Plasger (eds.), Apokalyptik und kein Ende? (Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte, 29; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007) 31-50.

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Kvanvig, H. S., "From Prophecy to Apocalyptic", in J. H. Ellens – I. W. Oliver – J. von Ehrenkrook – J. Waddell – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), Wisdom Poured Out Like Water: Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini (DCLS 38; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018) 100-120.

Lange, A., "Dream Visions and Apocalyptic Milieus", in G. Boccaccini (ed.), Enoch and Qumran Origins. New Light on a Forgotten Connection (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005) 27-34.

Lange, A., "Apocalypse and Authoritative Literatures in Second Temple Judaism", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 143-156.

Manns, F., "Apocalisse e apocalissi", in E. Bosetti – A. Colacrai (eds.), Apokalypsis: percorsi nell'Apocalisse in onore di Ugo Vanni. Presentazione di Carlo M. Martini (Assisi: Cittadella, 2005) 19-48.

Marconcini, B., "Ancora sull''apocalittica': una luce da non spegnere," RivB 45 (1997) 179-182.

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Michel, D., "Weisheit und Apokalyptik", in A. S. van der Woude (ed.), The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings (BETL 106; Leuven: Leuven University Press – Peeters, 1993) 413-434.

Müller, H.-P., "Magisch-mantische Weisheit und die Gestalt Daniels", UF 1 (1969) 79-94. Reprinted in A. Lange – K. D. Römheld (eds.), Wege zur Hebräischen Bibel. Denken – Sprache – Kultur. In memoriam Hans-Peter Müller (FRLANT 228; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009) 29-52.

Müller, H.-P., "Mantische Weisheit und Apokalyptik", in P. A. H. de Boer (ed.), Congress Volume, Uppsala 1971 (VTSup 22; Leiden: Brill, 1972) 268-293.

Nel, M., "View of Time in Ancient Cultures and the Origin of Apocalyptic in Jewish Thought in the Centuries before Christ", in M. Augustin – H. M. Niemann (eds.), Stimulation from Leiden. Collected Communications to the XVIIIth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Leiden 2004 (BEATAJ 54; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2006) 207-217.

Neujahr, M., "Babylonian Scribalism and the Production of Apocalypses and Related Early Jewish Texts", HeBAI 5 (2016) 212-232.

Newsom, C. A., "Spying Out the Land: A Report from Genology", in R. Troxel – K. Friebel – D. Magary (eds.), Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients: Essays Offered to Honor Michael V. Fox on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2005) 437-450. Reprinted [same title] in R. Boer (ed.), Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies (Semeia Studies, 63; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007) 19-30. Reprinted again in C. A. Newsom, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics: Approaches to Text, Tradition and Social Construction in Biblical and Second Temple Literature (FAT 130; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019) 55-66.

Nickelsburg, G. W. E., "Wisdom and Apocalyptic in Early Judaism: Some Points for Discussion", in B. G. Wright III – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005) 17-37.

Nickelsburg, G. W. E., "Response to Sarah Tanzer", in B. G. Wright III – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005) 51-54.

Nissinen, M., "Neither Prophecies Nor Apocalypses: The Akkadian Literary Predictive Texts", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 134-148. Reprinted in M. Nissinen, Prophetic Divination: Essays in Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy (BZAW 494; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019) 87-100.

Norelli, E., "Apocalisse come genere: un dibattito ancora attuale?", Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 17 (2020) 3-58.

Otzen, B., "Crisis and Religious Reaction: Jewish Apocalypticism", in P. Bilde – T. Engbert-Pedersen – L. Hannestad – J. Zahle (eds.), Religion and Religious Practice in the Seleucid Kingdom (Studies in Hellenistic Civilization, 1; Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1990) 224-236.

Owen, P., "The Relationship of Eschatology to Esoteric Wisdom in the Jewish Pseudepigraphal Apocalypses", in C. A. Evans (ed.), Of Scribes and Sages: Early Jewish Interpretation and Transmission of Scripture. Volume 1: Ancient Versions and Traditions (Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity, 9 / LSTS 50; London: T & T Clark, 2004) 122-133.

Paul, A., "Genèse de l'apocalyptique et signification du canon des Écritures", in Department des Etudes Bibliques de l'Institut Catholique de Paris (ed.), La vie de la Parole. De l'Ancien au Nouveau Testament. Études d'exégèse et d'herméneutique bibliques offertes à Pierre Grelot (Paris: Desclee, 1987) 421-433.

Perdue, L. G., "Mantic Sages in the Ancient Near East, Israel, Early Judaism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls", in K. De Troyer – A. Lange (eds.), Prophecy After the Prophets? The Contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Understanding of Biblical and Extra-Biblical Prophecy (CBET 52; Leuven: Peeters, 2009) 133-192.

Piñero, A., "La Apocalíptica dentro de la literatura intertestamentaria: Panorámica general", in V. Collado Bertomeu – V. Vilar Hueso (eds.), II Simposio Bíblico Español (Córdoba 1985) (Valencia – Córdoba: Fundación Bíblica Española, 1987) 591-602.

Portier-Young, A. E., "Apocalyptic Worldviews – What They Are and How They Spread: Insights from the Social Sciences", in L. L. Grabbe – G. Boccaccini – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. The First Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada (June 25-28, 2012) (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 103-120.

Raphael, R., "Metacritical Thoughts on 'Transcendence' and the Definition of Apocalypse", in J. Baden – H. Najman – E. Tigchelaar (eds.), Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy (JSJSup 175; Leiden: Brill, 2017) 1096-1109.

Redditt, P. L., "The Vitality of the Apocalyptic Vision", in L. M. Luker (ed.), Passion, Vitality, and Ferment: The Dynamics of Second Temple Judaism (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2001) 77-118.

Reynolds, B. E., "The Otherworldly Mediators in '4 Ezra' and '2 Baruch': A Comparison with Angelic Mediators in Ascent Apocalypses and in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah", in M. Henze – G. Boccaccini (eds.), Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch: Reconstruction After the Fall. With the collaboration of J. M. Zurawski (JSJSup 164; Leiden: Brill, 2013) 175-193.

Reynolds, B. E., "The Necessity of Form and Spatial Content for Defining 'Apocalypse' and 'Apocalyptic'", JSP 33.3 (Mar. 2024) 187-197.

Ringgren, H., "Akkadian Apocalypses", in D. Hellholm (ed.), Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Apocalypticism, Uppsala, August 12-17, 1979 (Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1983) 379-386 [21989, with bibliographical supplements].

Rohner, M., "«Die Prophezeiung des»: eine Vorübung zur Struktur des Apokalyptischen", TZ 53 (1997) 304-321.

Rösel, M., "Gott in anderem Licht. Das Gottesbild der apokalyptischen Literatur im 3. und 2. Jahrhundert", in L. C. Jonker – G. R. Kotzé – C. M. Maier (eds.), Congress Volume Stellenbosch 2016 (VTSup 177; Leiden: Brill, 2017) 354-377.

Rowland, C., "'The Heavens Were Opened and I Saw Visions of God': The Open Heaven – Four Decades On", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 61-83.

Sacchi, P., "Ordine cosmico e prospettiva ultraterrena nel postesilio. Il problema del male e l'origine dell'apocalittica", RivB 30 (1982) 11-33.

Sacchi, P., "Riflessioni sull'essenza dell'apocalittica: peccato d'origine e libertà dell'uomo", Hen 5 (1983) 31-61.

Sacchi, P., "Per una storia dell'apocalittica", in F. Parente (ed.), Atti del terzo convegno tenuto a Idice, Bologna, nei giorni 9-11 novembre 1982 (Associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo, Testi e studi, 3; Roma: Carucci, 1985) 9-34.

Sacchi, P., "L'«attesa» come essenza dell'apocalittica?", RivB 45 (1997) 71-78.

Sacchi, P., "Collins, io e l'apocalittica: o anche gli apocrifi?", in A. Hilhorst – É. Puech – E. Tigchelaar (eds.), Flores Florentino: Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Early Jewish Studies in Honour of Florentino García Martínez (JSJSup 122; Leiden: Brill, 2007) 569-585.

Saebø, M., "Old Testament Apocalyptic in its Relation to Prophecy and Wisdom", in K. Jeppesen – K. Nielsen – B. Rosendal (eds.), In the Last Days. On Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic and its Period (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1994) 78-91.

Samely, A., "Use of Genre for Many Text Meanings: Apocalypse and 1 Enoch", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 157-196.

Schiffman, L., "War in Jewish Apocalyptic Thought", in L. Schiffman – J. B. Wolowelsky (eds.), War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition (The Orthodox Forum; New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University, 2007) 477-495.

Schipper, B. U. – A. Blasius, "Die 'apokalyptischen' Texte aus Ägypten. Ein Forschungsüberblick", in A. Blasius – B. U. Schipper (eds.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten: Eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten (OLA 107; Leuven: Peeters, 2002) 7-20.

Schipper, B. U., "'Apokalyptik', 'Messianismus', 'Prophetie'. Eine Begriffsbestimmung", in A. Blasius – B. U. Schipper (eds.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten: Eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten (OLA 107; Leuven: Peeters, 2002) 21-40.

Schipper, B. U., "Endzeitszenarien im Alten Orient. Die Anfänge apokalyptischen Denkens", in B. U. Schipper – G. Plasger (eds.), Apokalyptik und kein Ende? (Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte, 29; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007) 11-30.

Settembrini, M., "'Una pietra si staccò dal monte' (Dn 2,34): l'avvicendamento dei regni e la salvezza nell'apocalittica giudaica", in F. Dalla Vecchia – A. Passoni Dell'Acqua (eds.), «Chi può narrare le potenti opere del Signore?» (Sal 106,2). Modelli di intervento di Dio nella storia. XLIII Settimana Biblica Nazionale (Roma, 8-12 Settembre 2014) (Ricerche storico-bibliche, 28/1-2; Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 2016) 139-158.

Silverman, J. M., "Persian Influence on Jewish Apocalyptic", PIBA 32 (2009) 49-59.

Sim, D. C., "The Social Setting of Ancient Apocalypticism: A Question of Method", JSP 13 (1995) 5-16. [cf. Grabbe 1989 above]

Smith, J. Z., "Wisdom and Apocalyptic", in B. A. Pearson (ed.), Religious Syncretism in Antiquity. Essays in Conversation with Geo Widengren (Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1975) 131-156; = [same title], in J. Z. Smith, Map is Not Territory: Studies in the History of Religions (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, 23; Leiden: Brill, 1978) 67-87.

Soggin, J. A., "Profezia e apocalittica nel giudaismo postesilico", RivB 30 (1982) 161-173.

Steck, O. H., "Überlegungen zur Eigenart der spätisraelitischen Apokalyptik", in J. Jeremias – L. Perlitt (eds.), Die Botschaft und die Boten. Festschrift für Hans Walter Wolff zum 70. Geburtstag (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981) 301-315.

Stone, M. E., "Lists of Revealed Things in the Apocalyptic Literature", in F. M. Cross – W. E. Lemke – P. D. Miller (eds.), Magnalia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God. Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Memory of G. Ernest Wright (New York: Doubleday, 1976) 414-452. Reprinted in M. E. Stone, Selected Studies in Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha: With Special Reference to the Armenian Tradition (SVTP 9; Leiden: Brill, 1991) 379-418.

Stone, M. E., "Apocalyptic Historiography", in his Ancient Judaism: New Visions and Views (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011) 59-89.

Sweeney, M. A., "The Priesthood and the Proto-Apocalyptic Reading of Prophetic and Pentateuchal Texts", in L. L. Grabbe – R. D. Haak (eds.), Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and Their Relationships (JSPSup 46; London: T & T Clark, 2003) 167-178; = [same title], in M. A. Sweeney, Form and Intertextuality in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature (FAT 45; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005) 239-247.

Tanzer, S. J., "Response to George Nickelsburg, 'Wisdom and Apocalyptic in Early Judaism: Some Points for Discussion'", in B. G. Wright III – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005) 39-49.

Tilly, M., "Zukunftshoffnung und Gegenwartsdeutung: Prophetie und Apokalyptik im antiken Judentum und im Neuen Testament", BTZ 38 (2021) 89-114.

Uffenheimer, B., "From Prophetic to Apocalyptic Eschatology", in H. Graf Reventlow (ed.), Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition (JSOTSup 243; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997) 200-217.

VanderKam, J. C., "The Prophetic-Sapiential Origins of Apocalyptic Thought", in J. D. Martin – P. R. Davies (eds.), A Word in Season. Essays in Honour of William McKane (JSOTSup 42; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1986) 163-176.

Vermeylen, J., "L'émergence et les racines de l'apocalyptique", RTP 129 (1997) 321-340.

Villiers, P. G. R. de, "Apocalypses and Mystical Texts: Investigating Prolegomena and the State of Affairs", in J. J. Collins – P. G. R. de Villiers – A. Yarbro Collins (eds.), Apocalypticism and Mysticism in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 7; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018) 7-59.

Vines, M. E., "The Apocalyptic Chronotope", in R. Boer (ed.), Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies (Semeia Studies, 63; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007) 109-117.

Willi-Plein, I., "Das Geheimnis der Apokalyptik", VT 27 (1977) 62-81. Reprinted in I. Willi-Plein, Sprache als Schlüssel: Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Alten Testament. Herausgegeben von M. Pietsch und T. Präckel (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2002) 159-176.

VI.       Apocalyptic and Qumran

Ben-Dov, J., "Apocalyptic Temporality: The Force of the Here and Now", HeBAI 5 (2016) 289-303.

Beyerle, S., "Qumran und die Apokalyptik", in S. Beyerle – J. Frey (eds.), Qumran aktuell: Texte und Themen der Schriften vom Toten Meer (BThSt 120; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2011) 159-223.

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Collins, J. J., "Apocalypticism and Literary Genre in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in P. Flint – J. C. VanderKam (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment. Vol. II. (Leiden: Brill, 1999) 403-430.

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypticism and Jewish Identity in the Dead Sea Scrolls", RivB 62 (2014) 303-322.

Collins, J. J., "Torah and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in A. Gagné – A. Gignac – G. S. Oegema (eds.), Constructing Religious Identities during the Second Temple Period = Construction des identités religieuses à l'époque de Second Temple: Festschrift for Jean Duhaime on the Occasion of his 68th Birthday (Biblical Tools and Studies, 24; Leuven: Peeters, 2016) 155-172.

Collins, J. J., "Apocalypses in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 35-59.

Dimant, D., "Apocalyptic and the Qumran Library", in M. Bar-Asher Siegal – C. E. Hayes – T. Novick (eds.), The Faces of Torah: Studies in the Texts and Contexts of Ancient Judaism in Honor of Steven Fraade (JAJSup 22; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017) 95-118. Reprinted in D. Dimant, From Enoch to Tobit: Collected Studies in Ancient Jewish Literature (FAT 114; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017) 31-54.

Dimant, D., "Qumran and the Apocalyptic", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 129-142.

DiTommaso, L., "Apocalypticism and the Aramaic Texts from Qumran", in K. Berthelot – D. Stökl Ben Ezra (eds.), Aramaica Qumranica: Proceedings of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran in Aix-en-Provence, 30 June – 2 July 2008 (STDJ 94; Leiden: Brill, 2010) 451-483.

DiTommaso, L. – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023).

Frey, J., "Die Bedeutung der Qumrantexte für das Verständnis der Apokalyptik im Frühjudentum und im Urchristentum", in J. Frey – M. Becker (eds.), Apokalyptik und Qumran: Einblicke. Ergebnisse – Berichte – Reflexionen aus Tagungen der Katholischen Akademie Schwerte 10 (Paderborn: Bonifatius, 2007) 11-62.

Frey, J., "Apocalyptic Writings in Qumran and the Community's Idea of History", in J. Schröter – T. Nicklas – A. Puig i Tàrrech (eds.), Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (BZNW 247; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021) 89-116.

García Martínez, F., "La Apocalíptica y Qumrán", in V. Collado Bertomeu – V. Vilar Hueso (eds.), II Simposio Bíblico Español (Córdoba 1985) (Valencia – Córdoba: Fundación Bíblica Española, 1987) 603-613.

García Martínez, F., Qumran and Apocalyptic. Studies in the Aramaic Texts from Qumran (STDJ 9; Leiden: Brill, 1991).

García Martínez, F., "Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in J. J. Collins (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism. Vol. 1: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity (New York: Continuum, 1998) 162-192.

García Martínez, F. (ed.), Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Biblical Tradition (BETL 168; Leuven: Peeters, 2003).

García Martínez, F., Qumranica minora, I: Qumran Origins and Apocalypticism (STDJ 63; Leiden: Brill, 2007).

García Martínez, F., "Aramaica qumranica apocalyptica?", in K. Berthelot – D. Stökl Ben Ezra (eds.), Aramaica Qumranica: Proceedings of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran in Aix-en-Provence, 30 June – 2 July 2008 (STDJ 94; Leiden: Brill, 2010) 435-450.

Goff, M. J., "Wisdom, Apocalypticism, and the Pedagogical Ethos of 4QInstruction", in B. G. Wright III – L. M. Wills (eds.), Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism (SBLSymS 35; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005) 57-67.

Henze, M., "4QApocryphon of Jeremiah C and 4QPseudo-Ezekiel: Two 'Historical' Apocalypses", in K. De Troyer – A. Lange (eds.), Prophecy After the Prophets? The Contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Understanding of Biblical and Extra-Biblical Prophecy (CBET 52; Leuven: Peeters, 2009) 25-42.

Justnes, Å., The Time of Salvation: An Analysis of 4QApocryphon of Daniel Ar (4Q246) 4QMessianic Apocalypse (4Q521 2) and 4QTime of Righteousness (4Q215a) (European University Studies, XXIII/893; Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2009).

Knibb, M. A., "Apocalypticism and Messianism", in T. H. Lim – J. J. Collins (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 403-432.

Lim, T. H., "The Enochic Circles, the Hasidim, and the Qumran Community", in G. Boccaccini (ed.), Enoch and Qumran Origins. New Light on a Forgotten Connection (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005) 204-206.

Machiela, D. A., "The Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls and the Historical Development of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature", in L. L. Grabbe – G. Boccaccini – J. M. Zurawski (eds.), The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview. The First Enoch Seminar Nangeroni Meeting, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada (June 25-28, 2012) (LSTS 88; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 147-156.

Perrin, A. B., "The Aramaic Imagination: Incubating Apocalyptic Thought and Genre in Dream-Visions among the Qumran Aramaic Texts", in S. W. Crawford – C. Wassén (eds.), Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism: Engaging with John Collins' "The Apocalyptic Imagination" (JSJSup 182; Leiden: Brill, 2018) 110-140.

Reynolds, B. H., "Adjusting the Apocalypse: How the 'Apocryphon of Jeremiah C' Updates the Book of Daniel", in A. Lange – E. Tov – M. Weigold – B. H. Reynolds (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context: Integrating the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Study of Ancient Texts, Languages, and Cultures, Vol. I (VTSup 140/1; Leiden: Brill, 2011) 279-294.

Silverman, J. M., "It's the End of the World (as the Persians Know It)? Iranian Influence on Jewish Apocalypticism in Light of the Complete Publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls", in L. DiTommaso – M. Goff (eds.), Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (EJL 57; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2023) 257-280.

VanderKam, J. C., "Mantic Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls", DSD 4 (1997) 336-353.

VanderKam, J. C., "Apocalyptic Tradition in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Religion of Qumran", in J. J. Collins – R. A. Kugler (eds.), Religion in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000) 113-134.

VII.       Online resources

Beyerle, S., "Apokalyptik (AT)", in WiBiLex [erstellt: Febr. 2021]. See the Useful Links page for information about the WiBiLex.

APPENDIX:     Translations of early Jewish extra-biblical texts (including the apocalypses)


Charlesworth, J. H. (ed.), The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vol. 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments; Vol. 2: Expansions of the "Old Testament" and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works (ABRL; Garden City, NY: Doubleday; London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1983 / 1985). [Further details here]

Sparks, H. F. D. (ed.), The Apocryphal Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1984).


Dupont-Sommer, A. – M. Philonenko (eds.), La Bible: Écrits intertestamentaires (Paris: Gallimard, 1987).


Kümmel, W. G., et al. (eds.), Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn, 1973ff). [When completed, the series will comprise five volumes of translations, published first in separate fascicles, and a concluding sixth volume with bibliography, introductions and indexes. A "Neue Folge" began in 2005, though the original work remains to be completed. Further details here]


Sacchi, P. (ed.), Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento. Vol. 1-2 (Classici delle religioni. 2. La religione ebraica) [Classici UTET]; Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1981 / 1989).

Sacchi, P. (ed.), Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento. Vol. 3 (Biblica. Testi e studi, 7; Brescia: Paideia, 1999).

Sacchi, P. (ed.), Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento. Vol. 4 (Biblica. Testi e studi, 8; Brescia: Paideia, 2000). [an index of the texts presented in all five volumes is given here on pp. 729-731]

Sacchi, P. (ed.), Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento. Vol. 5: Letteratura giudaica di lingua greca, a cura di Lucio Troiani (Letteratura giudaica di lingua greca, 5; Brescia: Paideia, 1997).


Diez Macho, A. (ed.), Apocrifos del Antiguo Testamento. 5 vol. (Madrid: Cristiandad, 1982-1987).