Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Isaiah 18-20: Oracles about Cush and Egypt

[see also:  Isa 13-23 (as a whole)]

The bibliography is divided into four sections as follows:

I.    On Isa 18-20 as a whole

Balogh, C., The Stele of YHWH in Egypt. The Prophecies of Isaiah 18-20 concerning Egypt and Kush (OTS 60; Leiden: Brill, 2011).

Cook, P. M., A Sign and a Wonder. The Redactional Formation of Isaiah 18-20 (VTSup 147; Leiden: Brill, 2011).

Jong, M. J. de, Isaiah Among the Ancient Near Eastern Prophets: A Comparative Study of the Earliest Stages of the Isaiah Tradition and the Neo-Assyrian Prophecies (VTSup 117; Leiden: Brill, 2007), esp. 148-153.

Niccacci, A., "Isaiah xviii-xx from an Egyptological Perspective", VT 48 (1998) 214-238.

Paul, S. M., "Isaiah 18-20: A Chronological Sequence of Oracles in Light of Akkadian and Egyptian Sources", in A. Baruchi-Unna – T. Forti – S. Aḥituv – I. Ephʿal – J. H. Tigay (eds.),'Now It Happened in Those Days': Studies in Biblical, Assyrian, and Other Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Mordechai Cogan on His 75th Birthday. 2 vol. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2017) 2.623-643.

Roberts, J. J. M., "Isaiah's Egyptian and Nubian Oracles", in B. E. Kelle – M. B. Moore (eds.), Israel's Prophets and Israel's Past: Essays on the Relationship of Prophetic Texts and Israelite History in Honor of John H. Hayes (LHB/OTS 446; New York – London: T & T Clark, 2006) 201-209.

Urbanz, W., "Ägyptenworte bei den großen Propheten: Ein Survey von Jes 18–20; Jer 46 und Ez 29–32 = Oracles about Egypt in the Great Prophets : A Survey of Isa 18–20; Jer 46 and Ezek 29–32", PzB 29 (2020) 123-141.

Williamson, H. G. M., "Egypt in the Book of Isaiah", in A. G. Salvesen – S. Pearce – M. Frenkel (eds.), Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 110; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 27-55.

II.    On Isa 18: oracles about Cush

Beuken, W. A. M., "From Damascus to Mount Zion: A Journey through the Land of the Harvester (Isaiah 17-18)", in A. L. H. M. van Wieringen – A. van der Woude (eds.), "Enlarge the Site of Your Tent". The City as Unifying Theme in Isaiah. From The Isaiah Workshop – de Jesaja Werkplaats (OTS 58; Leiden: Brill, 2011) 63-80.

Couey, J. B., "Poetry, Language, and Statecraft in Isaiah 18", in J. B. Couey – E. T. James (eds.), Biblical Poetry and the Art of Close Reading (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 167-183.

Kooij, A. van der, "The City of Alexandria and the Ancient Versions of the Hebrew Bible", JNSL 25 (1999) 137-149. [on Isa 18,1 LXX among other texts]

Lavik, M. Høyland, A People Tall and Smooth-Skinned. The Rhetoric of Isaiah 18 (VTSup 112; Leiden: Brill, 2007).

Lavik, M. Høyland, "Are the Kushites Disparaged in Isaiah 18? Kush Applied as a Literary Motif in the Hebrew Bible", in A. O. Bellis (ed.), Jerusalem's Survival, Sennacherib's Departure, and the Kushite Role in 701 BCE: An Examination of Henry Aubin's Rescue of Jerusalem (Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts, 32; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2020) 19-54. The whole volume was published earlier in JHS volume 19, article 7 (2019): online here; Lavik's essay is on pp. 17-43.

Lavik, M. Høyland, "The Literary Motif of Cush in the Old Testament", OTE 34 (2021) 460-473.

Lubetski, M. – C. Gottlieb, "Isaiah 18: The Egyptian Nexus", in M. Lubetski – C. Gottlieb – S. G. Keller (eds), Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World : A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon (JSOTSup 273; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998) 364-384.

Lubetski, M., "Beetlemania of Bygone Times", JSOT 91 (2000) 3-26.

Lubetski, M., "The Land Named for an Insect", in M. Augustin – H. M. Niemann (eds.), Thinking towards New Horizons. Collected Communications to the XIXth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Ljubljana 2007 (BEATAJ 55; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2009) 103-112.

Maier, M. P., Völkerwallfahrt im Jesajabuch (BZAW 474; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), esp. 193-212.

Montagnini, F., "Come caldo sereno al brillar della luce? (Is 18,4)", RivB 11 (1963) 92-95.

Redford, D. B., "Studies in Relations between Palestine and Egypt during the First Millennium B.C., II: The Twenty Second Dynasty", JAOS 93 (1973) 3-17.

Sterk, J. P., "'All-Inclusive' Parallelism", Bible Translator 58 (2007) 92-94. [on Isa 18,6b among other texts]

Winckler, H., "Geschichtliche bemerkungen zu den propheten, 6: Das land Kuš und Jes. 18", in H. Winckler, Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen (Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1892) 146-156.

III.    On Isa 19: oracles about Egypt

Adam, K.-P., "'Wendet sich nicht ein Volk an seine Götter, zugunsten der Lebenden an die Toten?" (Jes 8,19). Unterwelt und Totenbefragung im Jesajabuch und in 1 Samuel 28", in F. Hartenstein – J. Krispenz – A. Schart (eds.), Schriftprophetie. Festschrift für Jörg Jeremias zum 65. Geburtstag (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2004) 103-120. [cf. Isa 19,3]

Aster, S. Z., "Isaiah 19: The 'Burden of Egypt' and Neo-Assyrian Imperial Policy", JAOS 135 (2015) 453-470.

Aster, S. Z., Reflections of Empire in Isaiah 1-39: Responses to Assyrian Ideology (ANEM 19; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017), esp. 114-133.

Beaulieu, S. A., "Egypt as God's People: Isaiah 19:19-25 and Its Allusions to the Exodus", PRSt 40 (2013) 207-218.

Bronner, L., "Isaiah 19: Prophetic Historiosophy or Historic Reality", in W. C. van Wyk (ed.), Studies in Isaiah (OTWSA Old Testament Essays, 22-23 [1979-1980]; Pretoria: NHW Press, 1981) 26-31.

Chalmers, A. J., "A Critical Analysis of the Formula 'Yahweh Strikes and Heals'", VT 61 (2011) 16-33. [cf. Isa 19,22]

Cheyne, T. K., "The Nineteenth Chapter of Isaiah", ZAW 13 (1893) 125-128.

Croughs, M., "Intertextuality in the Septuagint. The Case of Isaiah 19", BIOSCS 34 (2001) 81-94.

Deissler, A., "Der Volk und Land überschreitende Gottesbund der Endzeit nach Jes 19,16-25", in F. Hahn – F.-L. Hossfeld – H. Jorissen – A. Neuwirth (eds.), Zion – Ort der Begegnung. Festschrift für Laurentius Klein zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres (BBB 90; Bodenheim: Athenäum Hain Hanstein, 1993) 7-18.

Feuillet, A., "Un sommet religieux de l'Ancien Testament, l'oracle d'Isaïe XIX (vv. 16-25) sur la conversion de l'Égypte", RechScRel 39 (1951) 65-87. Reprinted [same title] in A. Feuillet, Études d'exégèse et de théologie biblique: Ancien Testament (Paris: Gabalda, 1975) 261-279.

Geiger, G., "דגים (1QIsaa 15:11): Fischer", RevQ 24,3 [95] (2010) 453-456. [refers to Isa 19,8]

Greenberg, M., "A House of Prayer for All Peoples", in A. Niccacci (ed.), Jerusalem. House of Prayer for all Peoples in the Three Monotheistic Religions. Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Jerusalem, February 17-18, 1997 (Analecta. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, 52; Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 2001) 31-37. [see J. Loza Vera below]

Groß, W., "Wer soll YHWH verehren? Der Streit um die Aufgabe und die Identität Israels in der Spannung zwischen Abgrenzung und Öffnung", in H. J. Vogt – C. Steiling (eds.), Kirche in der Zeit. Walter Kasper zu Bischofsweihe. Gabe der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät Tübingen (München: Wewel, 1989) 11-32. [on Isa 19,18-25 among other texts]

Groß, W., "Israel und die Völker: Die Krise des YHWH-Volk-Konzepts im Jesajabuch", in E. Zenger (ed.), Der neue Bund im alten. Studien zur Bundestheologie der beiden Testamente (QD 146; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1993) 149-167. [comments on Isa 19,19-25 among other texts]

Haag, E., "'Gesegnet sei mein Volk Ägypten' (Jes 19,25): Ein Zeugnis alttestamentlicher Eschatologie", in M. Minas-Nerpel (ed.), Aspekte spätägyptischer Kultur: Festschrift für Erich Winter zum 65. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von Stefanie Schips (Aegyptiaca Treverensia, 7; Mainz: von Zabern, 1994) 139-147.

Hagelia, H., "A Crescendo of Universalism. An Exegesis of Isa 19:16-25", SEÅ 70 (2005) 73-88.

Hamori, E. J., "The Spirit of Falsehood", CBQ 72 (2010) 15-30. [on Isa 19,13-14 among other OT texts]

Hausmann, J., "Eschatologische Zuversicht – Erwartung an die Zukunft und Bewältigung von Gegenwart. Überlegungen zu Jes 19,18-25", in A. Berlejung – R. Heckl (eds.), Ex oriente Lux: Studien zur Theologie des Alten Testaments. Festschrift für Rüdiger Lux zum 65. Geburtstag (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 39; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012) 381-389.

Hayes, K. M., "'A Spirit of Deep Sleep': Divinely Induced Delusion and Wisdom in Isaiah 1-39", CBQ 74 (2012) 39-54. [on Isa 19,14-15 among other texts]

Hays, C. B., "Damming Egypt / Damning Egypt: The Paronomasia of skr and the Unity of Isa 19,1-10", ZAW 120 (2008) 612-617.

Hibbard, J. T., "Isaiah 19:18: A Textual Variant in Light of the Temple of Onias in Egypt", in E. K. Holt – H. C. P. Kim – A. Mein (eds.), Concerning the Nations: Essays on the Oracles Against the Nations in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel (LHB/OTS 612; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015) 32-52.

Holter, K., "To the Question of an Ethics of Bible Translation: Some Reflections in Relation to Septuagint Isaiah 6:1 and 19:25", OTE 31 (2018) 651-662.

Hoonacker, A. van, "Deux passages obscurs dans le chap. XIX d'Isaïe (v.v. 11, 18)", Revue Bénédictine 36 (1924) 297-306.

Irsigler, H., "Ein Gottesvolk aus allen Völkern? Zur Spannung zwischen universalen und partikularen Heilsvorstellungen in der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels", BZ N.F. 56 (2012) 210-246.

Israelit-Groll, S., "The Egyptian Background to Isaiah 19.18", in M. Lubetski – C. Gottlieb – S. G. Keller (eds), Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World : A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon (JSOTSup 273; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998) 300-303.

Kaiser, O., "Der geknickte Rohrstab. Zum geschichtlichen Hintergrund der Überlieferung und Weiterbildung der prophetischen Ägyptensprüche im 5. Jahrhundert", in Hartmut Gese – Hans Peter Rüger (eds.), Wort und Geschichte. Festschrift für Karl Elliger zum 70. Geburtstag (AOAT 18; Kevelaer; Butzon und Berker; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1973) 99-106. Reprinted in O. Kaiser, Von der Gegenwartsbedeutung des Alten Testaments: gesammelte Studien zur Hermeneutik und zur Redaktionsgeschichte. Zu seinem 60. Geburtstag am 30. November 1984. Herausgegeben von V. Fritz, K.-F. Pohlmann und H.-C. Schmitt (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984) 181-188.

Köckert, M., "Die Erwählung Israels and das Ziel der Wege Gottes im Jesajabuch", in I. Kottsieper – J. van Oorschot – D. Römheld – H. M. Wahl (eds.), "Wer ist wie du, HERR, unter den Göttern?" Studien zur Theologie und Religionsgeschichte Israels. Festschrift für Otto Kaiser zum 70. Geburtstag (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994) 277-300.

Koenen, L. – A. Blasius, "Die Apologie des Töpfers an König Amenophis oder das Töpferorakel", in A. Blasius – B.U. Schipper (eds.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten. Eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten (OLA 107; Leuven: Peeters, 2002) 139-187. [see Schipper 2014 below on its relevance for Isa 19]

Kooij, A. van der, "The Old Greek of Isaiah 19:16-25: Translation and Interpretation", in C. E. Cox (ed.), VI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Jerusalem 1986 (SBLSCS 23; Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1987) 127-166.

Kooij, A. van der, "'The Servant of the Lord': A Particular Group of Jews in Egypt according to the Old Greek of Isaiah. Some Comments on LXX Isa 49,1-6 and Related Passages", in J. van Ruiten – M. Vervenne (eds), Studies in the Book of Isaiah: Festschrift Willem A.M. Beuken (BETL 132; Leuven: Peeters, 1997) 383-396. [deals with Isa 19,18-19.24-25 among other texts]

Kooij, A. van der, "Ancient Emendations in MT", in D. Böhler – I. Himbaza – P. Hugo (eds.), L'Ecrit et l'Esprit. Etudes d'histoire du texte et de théologie biblique en hommage à Adrian Schenker (OBO 214; Fribourg: Academic Press; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005) 152-159. [Isa 19,18 is one of his examples]

Krašovec, J., "Healing of Egypt through Judgement and the Creation of a Universal Chosen People (Isaiah 19:16-25)", in I. Shirun-Grumach (ed.), Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology (ÄAT 40; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998) 295-305.

Lauber, S., "'JHWH wird sich Ägypten zu erkennen geben, und die Ägypter werden an jenem Tag JHWH erkennen' (Jes 19,21). Universalismus und Heilszuversicht in Jes 19,16-25", ZAW 123 (2011) 368-390.

Loretz, O., "Der ugaritische Topos bʿl rkb und die 'Sprache Kanaans' in Jes 19,1-25", UF 19 (1987) 101-112.

Loza Vera, J., "A Response to Professor Greenberg's Paper", in A. Niccacci (ed.), Jerusalem. House of Prayer for all Peoples in the Three Monotheistic Religions. Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Jerusalem, February 17-18, 1997 (Analecta. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, 52; Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 2001) 39-44. [see Greenberg above]

Lynch, M. J., First Isaiah and the Disappearance of the Gods (Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible, 12; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns – Penn State University Press, 2021), esp. 76-97 (Chapter 4: "The Folly of the Gods in Isaiah 19").

Maier, M. P., Völkerwallfahrt im Jesajabuch (BZAW 474; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), esp. 212-220. [on Isa 19,16-25]

Marlow, H., "The Lament over the River Nile – Isaiah xix 5-10 in Its Wider Context", VT 57 (2007) 229-242.

Monsengwo-Pasinya, L., "Isaie xix 16-25 et universalisme dans la LXX", in J. A. Emerton (ed.), Congress Volume, Salamanca 1983 (VTSup 36; Leiden: Brill, 1985) 192-207.

Ngunga, A. T., Messianism in the Old Greek of Isaiah. An Intertextual Analysis (FRLANT 245; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013), esp. 127-144 ["Messianism in LXX-Isaiah 19,16-25"].

Ramis Darder, F., "El ocaso del mal: Is 19,16-25", in J. M. Díaz Rodelas – M. Pérez Fernández – F. Ramón Casas (eds.), Aún me quedas tú. Homenaje al Profesor D. Vicente Collado Bertomeu (Estella [Navarra]: Editorial Verbo Divino, 2009) 191-215.

Richelle, M., "La pierre angulaire d'Ésaïe 28,16 à la lumière de l'oracle contre l'Égypte (Es 19)", ZAW 123 (2011) 437-440.

Sawyer, J. F. A., "'Blessed Be My People Egypt' (Isaiah 19.25). The Context and Meaning of a Remarkable Passage", in J. D. Martin – P. R. Davies (eds.), A Word in Season. Essays in Honour of William McKane (JSOTSup 42; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1986) 57-71.

Schaper, J., "Messianism in the Septuagint of Isaiah and Messianic Intertextuality in the Greek Bible", in M. A. Knibb (ed.), The Septuagint and Messianism (BETL 195; Leuven: Leuven University Press / Peeters, 2006) 371-380. [deals with Isa 19,6-25 among other texts]

Schenker, A., "La fine della storia d'Israele ricapitolerà il suo inizio. Esegesi di Is 19,16-25", RivB 43 (1995) 321-330. Revised German text: "Jesaja 19,16-25: Die Endzeit Israels rekapituliert seine Ursprünge", in A. Schenker, Studien zu Propheten und Religionsgeschichte (SBAB 36; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2003) 3-11.

Schipper, B. U., "Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Irrtum. Prophetie in Ägypten", Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 69 (2013/3) 12-15.

Schipper, B., "'The City by the Sea will be a Drying Place': Isaiah 19,1-25 in Light of Prophetic Texts from Ptolemaic Egypt", in N. MacDonald – K. Brown (eds.), Monotheism in Late Prophetic and Early Apocalyptic Literature. Studies of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Group on Early Jewish Monotheism, vol. III (FAT II/72; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014) 25-56.

Schmitt, R., "'And Jacob Set Up a Pillar at Her Grave ..": Material Memorials and Landmarks in the Old Testament", in J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten – J. C. de Vos (eds.), The Land of Israel in Bible, History, and Theology: Studies in Honour of Ed Noort (VTSup 124; Leiden: Brill, 2009) 389-403.

Schvindt, C., "Análisis literario y de la relectura de las tradiciones en Isaías 19,16-25", Revista Bíblica 48 (1986) 51-59.

Sedlmeier, F., "Israel – 'ein Segen inmitten der Erde'. Das JHWH-Volk in der Spannung zwischen radikalem Dialog und Identitätsverlust nach Jes 19,16-25", in J. Frühwald-König – F.-R. Prostmeier (eds.), Steht nicht geschrieben? Studien zur Bibel und ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte. Festschrift für Georg Schmuttermayr (Regensburg: Pustet, 2001) 89-108.

Seleznev, M., "Πόλις ασεδεκ in Isaiah 19:18. A Translator's Wordplay or the Actual Jewish Name for 'Leontopolis'?", JSCS 55 (2022) 155-164.

Vaccari, A., "ΠΟΛΙΣ ΑΣΕΔΕΚ Is. 19,18", Bib 2 (1921) 353-356.

Versaci, C., "Israele al crocevia fra antichi nemici e nuovi 'fratelli': l'universalismo centripeto nella letteratura profetica a partire da Is 19,18-25 ed altri testi isaiani", in M. Zappella (ed.), Popolo di un "Dio geloso" (Es. 34,14): coerenze e ambivalenze della religione dell'antico Israele. Atti del XX Convegno di studi veterotestamentari (Venezia, 11-13 settembre 2017) (Ricerche Storico Bibliche, 31/1; Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 2019) 163-182.

Vogels, W., "L'Égypte mon peuple – l'universalisme d'Is 19,16-25", Bib 57 (1976) 494-514.

Williamson, H. G. M., "Egypt in the Book of Isaiah", in A. G. Salvesen – S. Pearce – M. Frenkel (eds.), Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 110; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 27-55. [on Isa 19 see esp. 38-50]

Wodecki, B., "The Heights of the Religious Universalism in Is XIX:16-25", in K.-D. Schunck – M. Augustin (eds.), "Lasset uns Brücken bauen...". Collected Communications to the XVth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Cambridge 1995 (BEATAJ 42; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1998) 171-191.

Yoder, T. R., Fishers of Fish and Fishers of Men. Fishing Imagery in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (Explorations in Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations, 4; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2016), esp. 136-149. [discusses Isa 19,5-10 among many other texts]

IV.    On Isa 20: doom for Egypt and Cush

Beyer, A., "Nudity and Captivity in Isa. 20 in Light of Iconographic Evidence", in C. Berner – M. Schäfer – M. Schott – S. Schulz – M. Weingärtner (eds.), Clothing and Nudity in the Hebrew Bible (London: T & T Clark, 2019) 491-498.

Bosman, H. L., "The Naked Truth or Prophecy as Folly? A Performative Interpretation of Isaiah 20", HTS 78/1 (2022) 1-7. [open access here]

Bosshard-Nepustil, E., Rezeption von Jesaia 1–39 im Zwölfprophetenbuch. Untersuchungen zur literarischen Verbindung von Prophetenbüchern in babylonischer und persischer Zeit (OBO 154; Freiburg, Schweiz; Göttingen: Universitätsverlag; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997), esp. 35-36 and 119-125.

Bronner, L., "Rethinking Isaiah 20", in W. C. van Wyk (ed.), Studies in Isaiah (OTWSA Old Testament Essays, 22-23 [1979-1980]; Pretoria: NHW Press, 1981) 32-41.

Burney, C. F., "The Interpretation of Isa XX 6", JTS 13 (1912) 417-423.

Döhling, J. D., "Prophetische Körper. Ein exegetisch-soziologisches Plädoyer zu einer vernachlässigten Dimension der sog. 'prophetischen Zeichenhandlungen'", BZ N.F. 57 (2013) 244-271.

Gosse, B., "Isaie 14,28-32 et les traditions sur Isaïe d'Isaïe 36-39 et Isaïe 20,1-6", BZ N.F. 35 (1991) 97-98.

Hoffmeier, J. K., "Egypt's Role in the Events of 701 B.C.: A Rejoinder to J. J. M. Roberts", in A. G. Vaughn – A. E. Killebrew (eds.), Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period (SBLSymS 18; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003) 285-289.

Kapera, Z. J., "Biblical Reflections of the Struggle for Philistia at the End of the Eighth Century B.C. Part II: Analysis of the Chapter XX of the Book of Isaiah", Folia Orientalia 22 (1981-1984) 277-294.

Oosting, R., "Text and History of Isaiah 20: Its Development within the Isaianic Tradition", in B. Becking – H. M. Barstad (eds.), Prophecy and Prophets in Stories. Papers Read at the Fifth Meeting of the Edinburgh Prophecy Network, Utrecht, October 2013 (OTS 65; Leiden: Brill, 2015) 76-91.

Ott, K., Die prophetischen Analogiehandlungen im Alten Testament (BWANT 185; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2009), esp. 118-120.

Roberts, J. J. M., "Egypt, Assyria, Isaiah, and the Ashdod Affair: An Alternative Proposal", in A. G. Vaughn – A. E. Killebrew (eds.), Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period (SBLSymS 18; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003) 265-283.

Stell, E., "Beyond Oral and Written Prophecy: Prophetic Performance and Performativity", DSD 29 (2002) 410-437. [on Isa 20,1-6 see esp. 421-425]

Timm, S., "Neues zu Yamani oder: Zur Entstehungszeit von Jes 20", in J. Männchen – T. Reiprich (eds.), "Mein Haus wird ein Bethaus für alle Völker genannt werden" (Jes 56,7): Judentum seit der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels in Geschichte, Literatur und Kult. Festschrift für Thomas Willi zum 65. Geburtstag (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2007) 145-162.

Williamson, H. G. M., "The Evil Empire: Assyria in Reality and as a Cipher in Isaiah", in R. G. Kratz – J. Schaper (eds.), Imperial Visions: The Prophet and the Book of Isaiah in an Age of Empires (FRLANT 277; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020) 15-40. [discusses Isa 20 among other texts]

Winckler, H., "Geschichtliche bemerkungen zu den propheten, 5: Der feldzug des tartan gegen Asdod. Jes. 20", in H. Winckler, Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen (Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1892) 142-145.

Zaccagnini, C., "Legal and Social-Economic Aspects of the Deprivation of Clothes in the Ancient Near East", ZABR 26 (2020) 37-56.