Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Old Testament Theology
Some Contributions by Catholic Scholars from 1940 Onwards

[see also:  OT Theology in the 19th cent. and specifically on Beauchamp, Schreiner, and Nobile]

The bibliography is divided into three sections as follows:

I.    Works in Old Testament theology by Catholic authors from 1940 onwards

Bauer, J. B. (ed.), Bibeltheologisches Wörterbuch. 1. Aufl. (Köln: Verlag Styria, 1959); 2. erweiterte Aufl. (Graz: Verlag Styria, 1962); 3. Aufl. (Graz: Verlag Styria, 1967); = Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology. 2 vols. (London: Sheed and Ward, 1970; pbk 1982) [translated from the German 3rd ed.].

Bauer, J. B. – J. Marböck – K. M. Woschitz (eds.), Bibeltheologisches Wörterbuch. 4., völlig neu bearbeitete Aufl. (Graz: Styria, 1994).

Deissler, A., Die Grundbotschaft des Alten Testaments. Ein theologischer Durchblick (Freiburg: Herder, 1972; völlig überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuausgabe 121995); = L'annuncio dell'Antico Testamento (StBib 50; Brescia: Paideia, 1980).

Fischer, G., Theologien des Alten Testaments (Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar Altes Testament, 31; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2012); = Teologie dell'Antico Testamento. Edizione italiana a cura di S. Paganini e B. Rossi (Lectio 8; Cinisello Balsamo [MI]: San Paolo; Roma : Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2015).

García Cordero, M., Teología de la Biblia. I: Antiguo Testamento; II-III: Nuevo Testamento (BAC 300, 335, 336; Madrid: Editorial Católica, 1970, 1972, 1972).

Heinisch, P., Theologie des Alten Testaments (Die Heilige Schrift des A. T. übersetzt und erklärt, Ergänzungsband 1; Bonn: Hanstein, 1940); = Theology of the Old Testament (Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1950, 21955 [revised and supplemented]); = Teologia del Vecchio Testamento (La Sacra Bibbia; Torino – Roma: Marietti, 1950).

Imschoot, P. van, Théologie de l'Ancien Testament, I: Dieu; II: L'homme (Bibliothèque de théologie, Série III, 2 & 4; Tournai: Desclée, 1954 & 1956); = Theology of the Old Testament, I: God (New York: Desclée, 1965) [vol. 2 was not translated into English]; = Teología del Antiguo Testamento. Prólogo de Lucien Cerfaux (Actualidad Bíblica, 12; Madrid: Fax, 1969) [translation of both volumes].

Léon-Dufour, X., et al., Vocabulaire de théologie biblique (Paris: Cerf, 1962, 21970). [translated into 24 languages]

Mattioli, A., Dio e l'uomo nella Bibbia d'Israele (Teologia dell'Antico Testamento) (Casale Monferrato: Marietti, 1981).

McKenzie, J. L., A Theology of the Old Testament (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974); = Teologia dell'Antico Testamento (Strumenti, 11; Brescia: Queriniana, 1978).

Rossano, P. – G. Ravasi – A. Girlanda (a cura di), Nuovo dizionario di teologia biblica (Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni Paoline, 1988); = Nuevo diccionario de teología bíblica (Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1990).

Vermeylen, J., Le Dieu de la promesse et le Dieu de l'alliance. Le dialogue des grandes intuitions théologiques de l'Ancien Testament (LD 126; Paris: Cerf, 1986); = El Dios de la Promesa y el Dios de la Alianza (Santander: Sal Terrae, 1990).

II.    Discussion of the work of those authors

Callaham, S. N., "Must Biblical and Systematic Theology Remain Apart? Reflection on Paul van Imschoot", JESOT 5.1 (2016) 1-26.

Hayes, J. H. – F. C. Prussner, Old Testament Theology: Its History and Development (Atlanta: John Knox; London: SCM, 1985) 189-191 (on P. Heinisch), 227-229 (on P. van Imschoot).

Hubbard, D. A., "Paul van Imschoot, Theology of the Old Testament", in R. B. Laurin (ed.), Contemporary Old Testament Theologians (Valley Forge, PA: Judson, 1970; London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1972) 191-215.

III.    Some methodological studies by Catholic scholars from 1940 onwards

Boschi, B. G., "È possibile una teologia dell'Antico Testamento?", Sacra Doctrina 27 (1982) 430-438.

Braun, F., "La théologie biblique. Qu'entendre par là?", RThom 53 (1953) 221-253.

Cazelles, H., "Sur les fondements de la recherche en théologie biblique", RechScRel 83 (1995) 357-371.

Collins, J. J., "Old Testament Theology", in J. J. Collins – J. D. Crossan (eds.), The Biblical Heritage in Modern Catholic Scholarship (Wilmington, DE: Glazier, 1986) 11-33.

Collins, J. J., "Is a Critical Biblical Theology Possible?", in W. H. Propp – B. Halpern – D. N. Freedman (eds.), The Hebrew Bible and its Interpreters (Biblical and Judaic Studies, 1; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 1-17.

Collins, J. J., "Historical Criticism and the State of Biblical Theology", Christian Century (July 28 – August 4, 1993) 743-747.

Fischer, I., "Zwischen Kahlschlag, Durchfostung und neuer Pflanzung. Zu einigen Aspekten Feministischer Exegese und ihrer Relevanz für eine Theologie des Alten Testaments", in B. Janowski (ed.), Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments / der Hebräischen Bibel: Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven (SBS Jubiläumsband, 200; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2005) 41-72.

Grelot, P., Sens chrétien de l'Ancien Testament. Esquisse d'un Traité dogmatique (Bibliothèque de Théologie, Série I, 3; Paris: Desclée, 1962).

Lohfink, N., "Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft als Theologie? 44 Thesen", in F.-L. Hossfeld (ed.), Wieviel Systematik erlaubt die Schrift? Auf der Suche nach einer gesamtbiblischen Theologie (QD 185; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2001) 13-47.

Martin, F., "Some Directions in Catholic Biblical Theology", in C. Bartholomew – M. Healy – K. Möller – R. Parry (eds.), Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004) 65-87.

McEvenue, S. E., Interpretation and Bible. Essays on Truth in Literature (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1994).

McEvenue, S. E., Interpreting the Pentateuch (Old Testament Studies, 4; Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1990).

Peinador, M., "La integración de la exégesis en la teología. Hacia una auténtica 'Teología bíblica'", in J. Coppens (ed.), Sacra Pagina, I. Miscellanea Biblica Congressus Internationalis Catholici de Re biblica (BETL 12; Gembloux: Duculot, 1959) 158-179. The essay (under the same title) also appeared in a collective volume: XVIII Semana Bíblica Española (23-27 Sept. 1957) Teología Bíblica sobre el pecado. La teología Bíblica. Otros estudios (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1959) 301-322.

Prato, G. L., "Dalla 'rivelazione come storia' alla 'storia teofanica'. Rassegna metodologica di teologia biblica", in C. Casale Marcheselli (ed.), Parola e Spirito. Studi in onore di Settimio Cipriani (Brescia: Paideia, 1982) 549-573.

Segalla, G. – A. Bonora, "Teologia biblica", in P. Rossano – G. Ravasi – A. Girlanda (a cura di), Nuovo dizionario di teologia biblica (Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni Paoline, 1988) 1533-1552; = Nuevo diccionario de teología bíblica (Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1990) 1819-1840.

Segalla, G., "Teologia biblica: necessaria e difficile ... possibile? Per una teoria olistica della rivelazione attestata nella Bibbia", Annales Theologici 12 (1998) 291-326.

Segalla, G., "Teologia biblica: necessità e difficoltà", in M. Tàbet (ed.), La Sacra Scrittura anima della teologia. Atti del IV Simposio internazionale della Facoltà di Teologia (Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999) 36-68.

Segalla, G., "Canone biblico e teologia biblica. Un rapporto necessario .... difficile", LASBF 56 (2006) 179-212.

Simian-Yofre, H., "La naturaleza de la teología bíblica: un acercamiento histórico y crítico", Revista bíblica 66 (2004) 13-36.

Spicq, C., "L'avènement de la théologie biblique", RSPT 35 (1951) 561-574.

Spicq, C., "Nouvelles réflexions sur la théologie biblique", RSPT 42 (1958) 209-219.

Vaux, R. de, "A propos de la Théologie Biblique", ZAW 68 (1956) 225-227.

Vaux, R. de, "Peut-on écrire une «Théologie de l'Ancien Testament»?", in Mélanges offerts à M.-D. Chenu (Bibliothèque Thomiste, 37; Paris: Vrin, 1967) 439-449; ristampa in R. de Vaux, Bible et Orient (Cogitatio Fidei, 24; Paris: Cerf, 1967) 59-71; = "Is it Possible to Write a 'Theology of the Old Testament'?", in R. de Vaux, The Bible and the Ancient Near East (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1971) 49-62.