Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Old Testament Theology: History and Problems of the Discipline

[see also:  Fundamental Controversies about OT Theology]

The bibliography is divided into two main sections as follows:

I.    Surveys of research and methodological discussions up to 1999

1.   Books

Barr, J., The Concept of Biblical Theology. An Old Testament Perspective (London: SCM, 1999).

Childs, B. S., Biblical Theology in Crisis (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1970).

Hasel, G. F., Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate. Fourth edition, revised and expanded (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1991).

Hayes, J. H. – F. C. Prussner, Old Testament Theology: Its History and Development (Atlanta: John Knox; London: SCM, 1985).

Hübner, H. – B. Jaspert (eds.), Biblische Theologie: Entwürfe der Gegenwart (BThSt 38; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1999).

Ingraffia, B. D., Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology. Vanquishing God's Shadow (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).

Knierim, R. P., The Task of Old Testament Theology. Substance, Method, and Cases (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995).

Kraus, H.-J., Die biblische Theologie. Ihre Geschichte und Problematik (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1970); = La teologia biblica. Storia e problematica (Biblioteca teologica, 16; Brescia: Paideia, 1979).

Martens, E. A., Old Testament Theology (Institute for Biblical Research Bibliographies series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1997).

Oeming, M., Gesamtbiblische Theologien der Gegenwart. Das Verhältnis von AT und NT in der hermeneutischen Diskussion seit Gerhard von Rad (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1985, 21987). [see below for the 2004 revised reprint]

Perdue, L. G., The Collapse of History. Reconstructing Old Testament Theology (Overtures to Biblical Theology; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994).

Reventlow, H. Graf, Hauptprobleme der alttestamentlichen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert (EdF 173; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1982); = Problems of Old Testament Theology in the Twentieth Century (London: SCM, 1985).

Reventlow, H. Graf, Hauptprobleme der Biblischen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert (EdF 203; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983); = Problems of Biblical Theology in the Twentieth Century (London: SCM, 1986).

2.   Articles and chapters

Barth, G., "Biblische Theologie. Versuch einer vorläufigen Bilanz", EvT 58 (1998) 384-399.

Beauchamp, P., "Théologie biblique", in B. Lauret – F. Refoulé (eds.), Initiation à la pratique de la théologie, I: Introduction (Paris: Cerf, 1982) 185-232; = "Teología bíblica", in B. Lauret – F. Refoulé (eds.), Iniciación a la práctica de la teología, I: Introducción (Madrid: Cristiandad, 1984) 189-237; = "Teologia biblica", in B. Lauret – F. Refoulé (eds.), Iniziazione alla pratica della teologia, I: Introduzione (Brescia: Queriniana, 1986) 197-254.

Beauchamp, P., "Biblique (Théologie)", in J.-Y. Lacoste (ed.), Dictionnaire critique de théologie (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1998) 169-173; = "Biblical Theology", in J.-Y. Lacoste (ed.), Encyclopedia of Christian Theology (New York: Routledge, 2005) 209-214; = "Biblica (teologia)", in J.-Y. Lacoste (ed.), Dizionario critico di teologia. Edizione italiana a cura di Piero Coda (Roma: Borla – Città Nuova, 2005) 233-238.

Cazelles, H., "Sur les fondements de la recherche en théologie biblique", RechScRel 83 (1995) 357-371.

Dietrich, W., "Wer Gott ist und was er will: Neue 'Theologien des Alten Testaments'", EvT 56 (1996) 258-285.

Filson, F. V., "Biblische Theologie in Amerika", TLZ 75 (1950) 71-80.

Goldingay, J., "Theology (Old Testament)", in R. J. Coggins – J. L. Houlden (eds.), A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation (London: SCM, 1990) 691-694.

Jacob, E., "La théologie de l'Ancien Testament: état présent et perspectives d'avenir", ETL 44 (1968) 420-432.

Janowski, B. – M. Welker, "Biblische Theologie, I. Exegetisch; II. Fundamentaltheologisch", RGG4 1 (1998) 1544-1549, 1549-1553.

Janowski, B., "Der eine Gott der beiden Testamente. Grundfragen einer Biblischen Theologie," ZTK 95 (1998) 1-36; = [same title], in his Die rettende Gerechtigkeit. Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, 2 (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1999) 249-284; = "The One God of the Two Testaments: Basic Questions of a Biblical Theology", Theology Today 57 (2000) 297-324.

Knierim, R. P., "On the Task of Old Testament Theology", in E. E. Carpenter (ed.), A Biblical Itinerary: In Search of Method, Form and Content. Essays in Honor of George W. Coats (JSOTSup 240; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997) 153-166.

Lemke, W. E., "Theology (OT)", ABD VI (1992) 449-473.

Long, B. O., "Ambitions of Dissent. Biblical Theology in a Postmodern Future", JR 76 (1996) 276-289.

Ollenburger, B. C., "Theology, Old Testament", in J. H. Hayes (ed.), Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation (Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1999) II (K-Z) 562-568.

Prato, G. L., "Dalla 'rivelazione come storia' alla 'storia teofanica'. Rassegna metodologica di teologia biblica", in C. Casale Marcheselli (ed.), Parola e Spirito. Studi in onore di Settimio Cipriani (Brescia: Paideia, 1982) 549-573.

Reumann, J., "Profiles, Problems, and Possibilities in Biblical Theology Today – Part I", KD 44 (1998) 61-85; "Profiles, Problems, and Possibilities in Biblical Theology Today – Part II. New Testament", KD 44 (1998) 145-169.

Reventlow, H. Graf, "Theology (Biblical), History of", ABD VI (1992) 483-505.

Reventlow, H. Graf, "Theologie und Hermeneutik des Alten Testaments", TRu 61 (1996) 48-102, 123-176.

Römer, T., "Doit-on encore écrire des 'Théologies de l'Ancien Testament?' À propos de quelques ouvrages récents", ETR 74 (1999) 553-560.

Segalla, G. – A. Bonora, "Teologia biblica", in P. Rossano – G. Ravasi – A. Girlanda (a cura di), Nuovo dizionario di teologia biblica (Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni Paoline, 1988) 1533-1552; = Nuevo diccionario de teología bíblica (Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1990) 1819-1840.

Segalla, G., "Teologia biblica: necessaria e difficile ... possibile? Per una teoria olistica della rivelazione attestata nella Bibbia", Annales Theologici 12 (1998) 291-326.

Segalla, G., "Teologia biblica: necessità e difficoltà", in M. Tàbet (ed.), La Sacra Scrittura anima della teologia. Atti del IV Simposio internazionale della Facoltà di Teologia (Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999) 36-68.

Zimmerli, W., "Biblische Theologie I: Altes Testament", TRE 6 (1980) 426-455.

II.    Surveys of research and methodological discussions from 2000 onwards

1.   Books

Bartholomew, C. – M. Healy – K. Möller – R. Parry (eds.), Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004).

Collett, D., Figural Reading and the Old Testament: Theology and Practice (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2020).

Collins, J. J., Encounters with Biblical Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005).

De Virgilio, G., La teologia biblica: itinerari e traiettorie (Dabar-Logos-Parola; Padova: Messaggero, 2014).

Garrett, D. A., The Problem of the Old Testament: Hermeneutical, Schematic, and Theological Approaches (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020).

Gericke, J., A Philosophical Theology of the Old Testament: A Historical, Experimental, Comparative and Analytic Perspective (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Biblical Criticism; Abingdon, Oxon & New York: Routledge – Taylor & Francis, 2020).

Hafemann, S. J. (ed.), Biblical Theology: Retrospect and Prospect (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002).

Hagelia, H., Three Old Testament Theologies for Today: Helge S. Kvanvig, Walter Brueggemann and Erhard Gerstenberger (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 44; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012).

Hanes, P., The Theology of the Hebrew Bible: An Introduction (Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2019).

Hanson, P. D. – B. Janowski (eds.), Biblische Theologie: Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971), Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 (Altes Testament und Moderne, 14; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005).

Janowski, B. (ed.), Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments / der Hebräischen Bibel: Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven (SBS Jubiläumsband, 200; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2005).

Jeremias, J., Studien zur Theologie des Alten Testaments. Hrsg. v. F. Hartenstein und J. Krispenz (FAT 99; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015).

Klement, H. H. – J. Steinberg (eds.), Themenbuch zur Theologie des Alten Testaments (Bibelwissenschaftliche Monographie, 15; Wuppertal: Brockhaus; Gießen & Lahn: Brunnen, 2007).

Koorevaar, H. – M.-J. Paul (eds.), Theologie van het Oude Testament: de blijvende boodschap van de Hebreeuwse Bijbel (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2013).

Mead, J. K., Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2007).

Oeming, M., Das Alte Testament als Teil des christlichen Kanons? Studien zu gesamtbiblischen Theologien der Gegenwart (Bern: Pano Verlag, 2001). [a revised reprint of his 1985 work Gesamtbiblische Theologien [see above] and of three other shorter studies. There is a new introduction on OT–NT relations].

Oeming, M. (ed.), Theologie des Alten Testaments aus der Perspektive von Frauen (Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel, 1; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2001).

Ollenburger, B. C. (ed.), Old Testament Theology: Flowering and Future, 2nd revised edition (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study, 1; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004) [first edition 1992].

Perdue, L. G., Reconstructing Old Testament Theology: After The Collapse Of History (Overtures to Biblical Theology; Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2005).

Perdue, L. – R. Morgan – B. Sommer, Biblical Theology: Introducing the Conversation (Library of Biblical Theology, 1; Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2009). [includes a chapter about N.T. theology too]

Schmid, K., Gibt es Theologie im Alten Testament? Zum Theologiebegriff in der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft (Theologische Studien, NF 7; Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2013); = Is There Theology in the Hebrew Bible? (Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible, 4; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015).

Schmidt, W. H., Gottes Wirken und Handeln des Menschen: Zum Verständnis des Alten Testaments und seiner Bedeutung für den christlichen Glauben (BThSt 147; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2014).

Sweeney, M. A. (ed.), Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 1: Methodological Studies (SBLRBS 92; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019).

Walsh, C. – M. W. Elliott (eds.), Biblical Theology: Past, Present, and Future (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2016).

Witte, M., Jesus Christus im Alten Testament. Eine biblisch-theologische Skizze (Salzburger Exegetische Theologische Vorträge, 4; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2013).

2.   Articles and chapters

Ansberry, C. B., "Wisdom and Biblical Theology", in D. G. Firth – L. Wilson (eds.), Exploring Old Testament Wisdom: Literature and Themes (London: Apollos [an imprint of Inter-Varsity Press], 2016) 174-193. USA edition under a different title: Interpreting Old Testament Wisdom Literature (Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2017).

Bartholomew, C., "Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation: Introduction", in C. Bartholomew – M. Healy – K. Möller – R. Parry (eds.), Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004) 1-19.

Barton, J., "Biblical Theology: An Old Testament Perspective", in C. Rowland – C. Tuckett (eds.), The Nature of New Testament Theology: Essays in Honour of Robert Morgan. Foreword by Rowan Williams (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006) 18-30.

Barton, J., "James Barr and the Future of Biblical Theology", Int 70 (2016) 264-274.

Bird, P. A., "Old Testament Theology and the God of the Fathers: Reflections on Biblical Theology from a North American Feminist Perspective", in P. D. Hanson – B. Janowski (eds.), Biblische Theologie: Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971), Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 (Altes Testament und Moderne, 14; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005) 69-107. [see response by D. Erbele-Küster]

Bird, P. A., "The God of the Fathers Encounters Feminism: Overture for a Feminist Old Testament Theology", in S. Scholz (ed.), Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. Vol. 3: Methods (Recent Research in Biblical Studies, 9; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2016) 136-158.

Blenkinsopp, J., "Old Testament Theology and the Jewish-Christian Connection", in his Treasures Old and New: Essays in the Theology of the Pentateuch (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004) 18-35. Revised version of his paper with the same title in JSOT 28 (1984) 3-15.

Brett, M. G., "The Future of Old Testament Theology", in A. Lemaire – M. Sæbø (eds.), Congress Volume Oslo 1998 (VTSup 80; Leiden: Brill, 2000) 465-488.

Brooke, G. J., "The Scrolls from Qumran and Old Testament Theology", in G. J. Brooke, Reading the Dead Sea Scrolls: Essays in Method. With the assistance of Nathalie LaCoste (EJL 39; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013) 211-227. This is an extensively revised version of his essay "The Qumran Scrolls and Old Testament Theology", in H. T. C. Sun – K. L. Eades – J. M. Robinson – G. I. Moller (eds.), Problems in Biblical Theology. Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1997) 59-75.

Brueggemann, W., "Old Testament Theology", in J. W. Rogerson – J. M. Lieu (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies (Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) 675-697.

Brueggemann, W., "Futures in Old Testament Theology: Dialogic Engagement", HBT 37 (2015) 32-49.

Brueggemann, W., "Testimony That Breaks the Silence of Totalism", Int 70 (2016) 275-287.

Collins, J. J., "Is a Postmodern Biblical Theology Possible?", in his The Bible After Babel. Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005) 131-161.

Collins, J. J., "The Friends of Job and the Task of Biblical Theology", Int 70 (2016) 288-300.

Cook, J., "Towards the Formulation of a Theology of the Septuagint", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Ljubljana 2007 (VTSup 133; Leiden: Brill, 2010) 621-640.

Cook, J., "A Theology of the Septuagint?", OTE 30 (2017) 265-282.

Cortese, E., "I tentativi di una teologia (cristiana) dell'Antico Testamento", LASBF 56 (2006) 9-28.

Dell, K. J., "Old Testament Theology in Ecological Focus", in S. Fischer – M. Grohmann (eds.), Weisheit und Schöpfung: Festschrift für James Alfred Loader zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiener alttestamentliche Studien, 7; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010) 59-77.

Duby, S. J., "Goldingay on God: Addressing the Distinction Between Biblical and Dogmatic Theology", HBT 42 (2020) 108-130.

Dunn, J. D. G., "The Problem of 'Biblical Theology'", in C. Bartholomew – M. Healy – K. Möller – R. Parry (eds.), Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004) 172-184.

Erbele-Küster, D., "Der Gott der Väter und Mütter: eine Reaktion aus der Perspektive einer deutschsprachigen Theologin. Response auf Phyllis A. Bird", in P. D. Hanson – B. Janowski (eds.), Biblische Theologie: Beiträge des Symposiums "Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne" anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971), Heidelberg, 18.-21. Oktober 2001 (Altes Testament und Moderne, 14; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005) 109-121.

Fischer, G., "Orientaciones y desafíos en la teología bíblica del Antiquo Testamento", Revista Biblica 79 (2017) 277-297.

Fischer, G., "Disputed Issues of Biblical Theology", in M. A. Sweeney (ed.), Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 1: Methodological Studies (SBLRBS 92; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019) 11-30.

Fischer, I., "Zwischen Kahlschlag, Durchfostung und neuer Pflanzung. Zu einigen Aspekten Feministischer Exegese und ihrer Relevanz für eine Theologie des Alten Testaments", in B. Janowski (ed.), Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments / der Hebräischen Bibel: Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven (SBS Jubiläumsband, 200; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2005) 41-72.

García López, F., "Teologías del Antiguo Testamento y teologías bíblicas", in F. García López, Al encuentro de Dios en la Escritura: estudios de teología bíblica (Estudios bíblicos, 66; Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 2018) 21-38.

Gericke, J. W., "Old Testament Theology and Philosophy of Religion: A Brief History of Interdisciplinary Relations", OTE 23 (2010) 627-651.

Gertz, J. C., "Grundfragen einer Theologie des Alten Testaments", in J. C. Gertz (ed.), Grundinformation Altes Testament. Eine Einführung in Literatur, Religion und Geschichte des Alten Testaments. In Zusammenarbeit mit A. Berlejung, K. Schmid und M. Witte (UTB 2745 M; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006) 509-526.

Goldingay, J., "Old Testament Theology and the Canon", TynBul 59 (2008) 1-26. [see below for reply by C. R. Seitz in the same issue]

Goldingay, J., "The Theology of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament", in S. B. Chapman – M. A. Sweeney (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (Cambridge Companions to Religion; Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016) 466-482.

Hartenstein, F., "JHWHs Wesen im Wandel: Vorüberlegungen zu einer Theologie des Alten Testaments", TLZ 137 (2012) 3-20.

Hartenstein, F., "Weshalb braucht die christliche Theologie eine Theologie des Alten Testaments?", in E. Gräb-Schmidt – R. Preul (eds.), Das Alte Testament in der Theologie (Marburger theologische Studien, 119 / Marburger Jahrbuch Theologie, 25; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2013) 19-47.

Hartenstein, F., "Theologie des Alten Testaments und gesamtbiblische Perspektiven", in W. Dietrich (ed.), Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel. Umfeld – Inhalte – Grundthemen. 2., erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2021) 479-502.

Helmer, C., "Biblical Theology: Bridge Over Many Waters", CBR 3.2 (Apr. 2005) 169-196.

Helmer, C., "Biblical Theology: Reality and Interpretation across Disciplines", in C. Helmer (ed.), Biblical Interpretation: History, Context, and Reality (SBL Symposium Series, 26; Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2005) 1-13.

House, P. R., "God's Design and Postmodernism: Recent Approaches to Old Testament Theology", in J. Isaak (ed.), The Old Testament in the Life of God's People: Essays in Honor of Elmer A. Martens (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2009) 29-54.

Janowski, B., "Theologie des Alten Testaments. Plädoyer für eine integrative Perspektive", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Basel 2001 (VTSup 92; Leiden: Brill, 2002) 241-276.

Janowski, B., "Theologie des Alten Testaments. Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven", in B. Janowski (ed.), Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments / der Hebräischen Bibel: Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven (SBS Jubiläumsband, 200; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2005) 87-124. [a revised and expanded version of his 2002 paper in VTSup 92: see above]

Janowski, B., "Biblische Theologie heute: Formale und materiale Aspekte", in C. Helmer (ed.), Biblical Interpretation: History, Context, and Reality (SBL Symposium Series, 26; Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2005) 17-32.

Janowski, B., "Biblical Theology", in J. W. Rogerson – J. M. Lieu (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) 716-731 [= Chap. 40].

Janowski, B., "Old Testament Theology: Preliminary Conclusions and Future Prospects", in M. Sæbø (ed.), Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. III: From Modernism to Post-Modernism (The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries). Part II: The Twentieth Century – from Modernism to Post-Modernism (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015) 642-673.

Jeremias, J., "Neuere Entwürfe zu einer 'Theologie des Alten Testaments'", VF 48 (2003) 29-58. Reprinted [same title] in B. Janowski (ed.), Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments / der Hebräischen Bibel: Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven (SBS Jubiläumsband, 200; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2005) 125-158. Reprinted again [same title] in J. Jeremias, Studien zur Theologie des Alten Testaments. Hrsg. von F. Hartenstein und J. Krispenz (FAT 99; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015) 15-46.

Jeremias, J., "Hauptprobleme einer Theologie des Alten Testaments", in C. Balogh (ed.), Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy. Encountering the Theology of Walter Brueggemann // Tanúságtétel, vita, pártfogás. Találkozások Walter Brueggemann teológiájával (Kolozsvár: Exit, 2014) 15-34. A Hungarian version of the essay follows on pp. 35-52. The German text is reprinted [same title] in J. Jeremias, Studien zur Theologie des Alten Testaments. Hrsg. von F. Hartenstein und J. Krispenz (FAT 99; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015) 47-64.

Kim, W., "Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Dialectical Model of Theology of the Hebrew Scripture/Old Testament", in M. A. Sweeney (ed.), Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 1: Methodological Studies (SBLRBS 92; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019) 101-125.

Knierim, R. P., "Antony Campbell's God First Loved Us and the Task of Biblical Theology", in M. A. O'Brien – H. N. Wallace (eds.), Seeing Signals, Reading Signs: The Art of Exegesis. Studies in Honour of Antony F. Campbell SJ, for His Seventieth Birthday (JSOTSup 415; London: T & T Clark International, 2004) 185-197.

Koorevaar, H. – J. Steinberg, "Methodiek voor een theologie van het Oude Testament", in H. Koorevaar – M.-J. Paul (eds.). Theologie van het Oude Testament: de blijvende boodschap van de Hebreeuwse Bijbel (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2013) 51-86.

Krüger, T., "Recent Developments in the History of Ancient Israel and their Consequences for a Theology of the Hebrew Bible", BN 144 (2010) 5-13.

Lohfink, N., "Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft als Theologie? 44 Thesen", in F.-L. Hossfeld (ed.), Wieviel Systematik erlaubt die Schrift? Auf der Suche nach einer gesamtbiblischen Theologie (QD 185; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2001) 13-47.

McEntire, M., "The God at the End of the Story: Are Biblical Theology and Narrative Character Development Compatible?", HBT 33 (2011) 171-189.

Moberly, R. W. L., "Toward a Future for Old Testament Theology", in S. Hildebrandt – K. Peters – E. N. Ortlund (eds.), From Words to Meaning: Studies on Old Testament Language and Theology for David J. Reimer (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 100; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2021) 1-16.

Nobile, M., "Ricerche di Teologia dell'Antico Testamento negli ultimi vent'anni", RivB 60 (2012) 531-559.

O'Brien, J. M., "Biblical Theology in Context(s): Jewish, Christian, and Critical Approaches to the Theology of the Hebrew Bible", in M. A. Sweeney (ed.), Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 1: Methodological Studies (SBLRBS 92; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019) 57-70.

O'Connor, K. M., "Stammering Toward the Unsayable: Old Testament Theology, Trauma Theory, and Genesis", Int 70 (2016) 301-313.

Oeming, M., "Ermitteln und Vermittlen. Grundentscheidungen bei der Konzeption einer Theologie des Alten Testaments", in his Verstehen und Glauben: Exegetische Bausteine zu einer Theologie des Alten Testaments (BBB 132; Berlin: Philo, 2003) 9-48.

Oeming, M., "Viele Wege zu dem Einen: Die «transzendente Mitte» einer Theologie des Alten Testaments im Spannungsfeld von Vielfalt und Einheit", in S. Beyerle – A. Graupner – U. Rüterswörden (eds.), Viele Wege zu dem Einen: historische Bibelkritik – die Vitalität der Glaubensüberlieferung in der Moderne (BThSt 121; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2012) 83-108.

Oeming, M., "'Ich habe dich je und je geliebt' (Jer 31,3). Theologie des Alten Testaments als Explikation der Liebe JHWHs", in M. Oeming (ed.), Ahavah: Die Liebe Gottes im Alten Testament (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 55; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2018) 13-38.

Pereira, G. C. (Piff), "An Evaluation of the Canonical Approach: Is It Adequate for the Task of Old Testament Theology in Christian Hermeneutical Endeavour?", Scriptura [Stellenbosch, South Africa] 114 (2015) 303-314.

Porter, S. E., "Was James Barr Wrong? Assessing His Critics on Biblical Theology", in S. E. Porter (ed.), James Barr Assessed: Evaluating His Legacy over the Last Sixty Years (Biblical Interpretation Series, 192; Leiden: Brill, 2021) 257-277.

Reno, R. R., "Biblical Theology and Theological Exegesis", in C. Bartholomew – M. Healy – K. Möller – R. Parry (eds.), Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 5; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004) 385-408.

Reventlow, H. Graf, "Modern Approaches to Old Testament Theology", in L. G. Perdue (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible (Blackwell Companions to Religion; Oxford: Blackwell, 2001) 221-240.

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