Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Prophets and Israel's Cult

The bibliography is divided into four sections as follows:

I.    Overviews

Hilber, J. W., "Liturgy and Cult", in M. J. Boda – J. G. McConville (eds.), Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press; Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press, 2012) 513-524. [on the question of Old Testament cultic prophecy see 515-516; on prophetic opposition to the cult see 516-520]

Ramlot, L., "Prophétisme, VIII: Prophétisme et culte", in DBSup 8 (1972) 1121-1166 [whole article: col. 811-1222].

Sicre, J. L., Profetismo en Israel. El Profeta. Los Profetas. El Mensaje (Estella [Navarra]; Verbo Divino, 1992) 413-440 (Cap. 19 "Los profetas y el culto"). Italian version: Profetismo in Israele. Il profeta –i profeti–il messaggio (Roma: Borla, 1995).

II.    Cultic prophets

Ahlström, G. W., "Some Remarks on Prophets and Cult", in J. C. Rylaarsdam (ed.), Transitions in Biblical Scholarship (Essays in Divinity, 6; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968) 113-129.

Barton, J., "The Prophets and the Cult", in J. Day (ed.), Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar (JSOTSup 422; London: T & T Clark, 2005) 111-122.

Bellinger, W. H., Psalmody and Prophecy (JSOTSup 27; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984).

Bentzen, A., "The Ritual Background of Am i,2 – ii,16", in P. A. H. de Boer (ed.), Oudtestamentische Studiën VIII. Papers read on the international meeting of Old Testament Scholars, organized by the Dutch Society for Old Testament Study, at Leiden, from August 30th to September 2nd 1950 (OTS 8; Leiden: Brill, 1950) 85-99.

Booij, T., Godswoorden in de Psalmen, hun funktie en achtergronden, in het bijzonder het godswoord na klachten en gebeden en de goddelijke terechtwijzing. Diss. Vrije Univ. Amsterdam. 2 vol. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1978). [English summary on 255-263]

Booij, T., "The Background of the Oracle in Psalm 81", Bib 65 (1984) 465-475.

Chary, T., Les prophètes et le culte á partir de l'exil: autour du second temple, l'idéal cultuel des prophètes exiliens et postexiliens (Bibliothèque de Théologie, Série III: Théologie Biblique, 3; Paris: Desclée, 1955).

Coggins, R., "An Alternative Prophetic Tradition?", in R. Coggins – A. Phillips – M. Knibb (eds.), Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982) 77-94.

Eaton, J. H., Festal Drama in Deutero-Isaiah (London: SPCK, 1979).

Eaton, J. H., Vision in Worship: The Relation of Prophecy and Liturgy in the Old Testament (London: SPCK, 1981).

Farr, G., "The Language of Amos – Popular or Cultic?", VT 16 (1966) 312-324.

Gillingham, S., "New Wine and Old Wineskins: Three Approaches to Prophecy and Psalmody", in J. Day (ed.), Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar (LHB/OTS 531; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2010) 370-390.

Grabbe, L. L., Priests, Prophets, Diviners, Sages: A Socio-Historical Study of Religious Specialists in Ancient Israel (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press, 1995). Italian version: Sacerdoti, profeti, indovini, sapienti nell'antico Israele (Parola di Dio, 17; Cinisello Balsamo [Milano]: San Paolo, 1998).

Grabbe, L. L., "Cultic Prophecy déjà vu", in L.-S. Tiemeyer (ed.), Prophecy and Its Cultic Dimensions (JAJSup 31; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019) 39-49.

Groß, H., "Gab es ein prophetisches Amt in Israel?", BK 38 (1983) 134-139.

Gunneweg, A. H. J., Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition der vorexilischen Prophetenbücher als Problem der neueren Prophetenforschung (FRLANT 73; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1959), esp. 81-118 ("Die Stellung der vorexilischen Schriftpropheten im Kult und ihr Verhältnis zum Heiligtum").

Haldar, A., Associations of Cult Prophets among the Ancient Semites (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1945).

Hendel, R. S., "Prophets, Priests and the Efficacy of Ritual", in D. P. Wright – D. N. Freedman – A. Hurvitz (eds.), Pomegranates and Golden Bells. Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995) 185-198.

Hesse, F., "Wurzelt die prophetische Gerichtsrede im israelitischen Kult?", ZAW 65 (1953) 45-53. Reprinted [same title] in P. H. A. Neumann (ed.), Das Prophetenverständnis in der deutschsprachigen Forschung seit Heinrich Ewald (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979) 394-404.

Hilber, J. W., Cultic Prophecy in the Psalms (BZAW 352; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2005).

Hilber, J. W., "Royal Cultic Prophecy in Assyria, Judah, and Egypt", in R. P. Gordon – H. Barstad (eds.), "Thus Speaks Ishtar of Arbela": Prophecy in Israel, Assyria, and Egypt in the Neo-Assyrian Period (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013) 161-186.

Jeremias, J., Kultprophetie und Gerichtsverkündigung in der späten Königszeit Israels (WMANT 35; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1970).

Johnson, A. R., The Cultic Prophet in Ancient Israel. Second edition (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1962). [first edition 1944]

Johnson, A. R., The Cultic Prophet and Israel's Psalmody (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1979).

Klein, A., "Poetry, Prophecy and History: Divine Speech in Psalms 81 and 95", in L.-S. Tiemeyer (ed.), Prophecy and Its Cultic Dimensions (JAJSup 31; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019) 89-100.

Koenen, K., Gottesworte in den Psalmen. Eine formgeschichtliche Untersuchung (BThSt 30; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1996).

Mowinckel, S., Psalmenstudien III: Kultprophetie und prophetische Psalmen (Skrifter / Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania, Historisk-Filosofisk Klasse / Videnskapsselskapet. Historisk-Filosofisk Klasse, 1922/1; Kristiania: Dybwad, 1923). There are two English versions of Chapter One of this work: (1) Mowinckel, S., "Cult and Prophecy", in D. L. Petersen (ed.), Prophecy in Israel: Search for an Identity (Issues in Religion and Theology, 10; Philadelphia: Fortress; London: SPCK, 1987) 74-98. (2) Mowinckel, S. "The Prophets and the Temple Cult", in S. Mowinckel, The Spirit and the Word: Prophecy and Tradition in Ancient Israel. Edited by K. C. Hanson (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002), 100-121 (with notes on 152-154).

Murray, R., "Prophecy and the Cult", in R. Coggins – A. Phillips – M. Knibb (eds.), Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982) 200-216.

Ogden, G. S., "Joel 4 and Prophetic Responses to National Laments", JSOT 26 (1983) 97-106.

Reventlow, H. Graf, "Prophetenamt und Mittleramt", ZTK 58 (1961) 269-284.

Reventlow, H. Graf, Das Amt des Propheten bei Amos (FRLANT 80; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1962).

Rowley, H. H., "Ritual and the Hebrew Prophets", JSS 1 (1956) 338-360. Reprinted [same title], in S. H. Hooke (ed.), Myth, Ritual, and Kingship: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Kingship in the Ancient Near East and in Israel (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958) 236-260. Reprinted again (with slight updating) in H. H. Rowley, From Moses to Qumran: Studies in the Old Testament (London: Lutterworth, 1963) 111-138.

Schaper, J., "Prophecy in Israel and Assyria: Are We Comparing Apples and Pears? The Materiality of Writing and the Avoidance of Parallelomania", in R. P. Gordon – H. Barstad (eds.), "Thus Speaks Ishtar of Arbela": Prophecy in Israel, Assyria, and Egypt in the Neo-Assyrian Period (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013) 225-238.

Tiemeyer, L.-S. (ed.), Prophecy and Its Cultic Dimensions (JAJSup 31; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019).

Tournay, R. J., Voir et entendre Dieu avec les Psaumes, ou La liturgie prophétique du Second Temple à Jérusalem (CahRB 24; Paris: Gabalda, 1988) [on the Oracles in the Psalms see esp. 123-181]. English version: Seeing and Hearing God with the Psalms. The Prophetic Liturgy of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Tr. J. Edward Crowley (JSOTSup 118; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991).

Vuilleumier-Bessard, René, La tradition culturelle d'Israël dans la prophétie d'Amos et d'Osée (Cahiers théologiques, 45; Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1960).

Würthwein, E., "Amos-Studien", ZAW 62 (1950) 10-52. Reprinted in E. Würthwein, Wort und Existenz: Studien zum Alten Testament (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970) 68-110.

Würthwein, E., "Der Ursprung der prophetischen Gerichtsrede", ZTK 49 (1952) 1-16.

III.    Prophetic cult-critique

Barstad, H. M., The Religious Polemics of Amos. Studies in the Preaching of Am 2,7b-8; 4,1-13; 5,1-27; 6,4-7; 8,14 (VTSup 34; Leiden: Brill, 1984), esp. 111-118.

Barton, J., "The Prophets and the Cult", in J. Day (ed.), Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar (JSOTSup 422; London: T & T Clark, 2005) 111-122.

Bibb, B. D., "The Prophetic Critique of Ritual in Old Testament Theology", in L. L. Grabbe – A. O. Bellis (ed.), The Priests in the Prophets. The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets (JSOTSup 408; London: T & T Clark, 2004) 31-43.

Boecker, H. J., "Überlegungen zur Kultpolemik der vorexilischen Propheten", in J. Jeremias – L. Perlitt (eds.), Die Botschaft und die Boten. Festschrift für Hans Walter Wolff zum 70. Geburtstag (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981) 169-180.

Boloje, B. O., "Perspectives on Priests' Cultic and Pedagogical Malpractices in Malachi 1:6-2-9 and Their Consequent Acts of Negligence", Journal for Semitics 22 (2013) 376-408.

Braulik, G., Psalm 40 und der Gottesknecht (FB 18; Würzburg: Echter, 1972), esp. 131-182.

Brown, J. P., "The Sacrificial Cult and Its Critique in Greek and Hebrew, I + II", JSS 24 (1979) 159-173; JSS 25 (1980) 1-21.

Buss, M. J., "The Meaning of 'Cult' and the Interpretation of the Old Testament", JBR 32 (1964) 317-325.

Carroll, R. P., "So What Do We Know about the Temple? The Temple in the Prophets", in T. C. Eskenazi – K. H. Richards (eds.), Second Temple Studies, 2: Temple Community in the Persian Period (JSOTSup 175; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994) 34-51.

Carroll R., M. D., The Lord Roars: Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today (Theological Explorations for the Church Catholic; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2022), esp. 53-86 (Chapter Three).

Chinitz, J., "Were the Prophets Opposed to Sacrifice?", JBQ 36 (2008) 73-80.

De Andrado, P. N., "Ḥesed and Sacrifice: The Prophetic Critique in Hosea", CBQ 78 (2016) 47-67.

Decorzant, A., "Priesterliches Leben unter prophetischem Blick. Das Priestertum aus der kritischen Sicht des Zwölfprophetenbuches", in D. Markl – C. Paganini – S. Paganini (eds.), Gottes Wort im Menschenwort: Festschrift für Georg Fischer SJ zum 60. Geburtstag (ÖBS 43; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014) 183-198.

Dobbie, R., "Deuteronomy and the Prophetic Attitude to Sacrifice", SJT 12 (1959) 68-82.

Eidevall, G., "The Role of Sacrificial Language in Prophetic Rhetoric", in C. A. Eberhart (ed.), Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible (SBLRBS 68; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2011) 49-61.

Eidevall, G., Sacrificial Rhetoric in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible (Lewiston, NY – Queenston – Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 2012).

Eidevall, G., "Rejected Sacrifice in the Prophetic Literature: A Rhetorical Perspective", SEÅ 78 (2013) 31-45.

Eidevall, G., "Prophetic Cult-Criticism in Support of Sacrificial Worship? The Case of Jeremiah", in H. L. Wiley – C. Eberhart (eds.), Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement in Early Judaism and Christianity: Constituents and Critique (SBLRBS 85; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017) 151-167.

Eidevall, G., "Reciprocity, Rejection, and Rhetoric: New Perspectives on the Prophets and the Cult", in G. Macaskill – C. M. Maier – J. Schaper (eds.), Congress Volume Aberdeen 2019 (VTSup 192; Leiden: Brill, 2022) 50-70.

Ernst, A. B., Weisheitliche Kultkritik. Zu Theologie und Ethik des Sprüchebuchs und der Prophetie des 8. Jahrhunderts (BThSt 23; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1994).

Ernst, S. – M. Häusl (eds.), Kulte, Priester, Rituale: Beiträge zu Kult und Kultkritik im Alten Testament und Alten Orient. Festschrift für Theodor Seidl zum 65. Geburtstag (ATSAT 89; St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag, 2010).

Fecht, G., "Ägyptische Zweifel am Sinn des Opfers: Admonitions 5,7-9", ZÄS 100 (1973-74) 6-16.

Fohrer, G., "Kritik am Tempel, Kultus und Kultusausübung in nachexilischer Zeit", in A. Kuschke – E. Kutsch (eds.), Archäologie und Altes Testament. Festschrift für Kurt Galling zum 8. Januar 1970 (Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1970) 101-116. Revised reprint in G. Fohrer, Studien zu alttestamentlichen Texten und Themen (1966-1972) (BZAW 155; Berlin: De Gruyter, 1981) 81-95.

Fohrer, G., "Priester und Prophet: Amt und Charisma?", KD 17 (1971) 15-27. Revised reprint in G. Fohrer, Studien zu alttestamentlichen Texten und Themen (1966-1972) (BZAW 155; Berlin: De Gruyter, 1981) 149-160.

Glaim, A., "'I Will Not Accept Them': Sacrifice and Reciprocity in the Prophetic Literature", in H. L. Wiley – C. Eberhart (eds.), Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement in Early Judaism and Christianity: Constituents and Critique (SBLRBS 85; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017) 125-149.

Grabbe, L. L., "A Priest is Without Honour in His Own Prophet: Priests and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets", in L. L. Grabbe – A. O. Bellis (ed.), The Priests in the Prophets: The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets (JSOTSup 408; London: T & T Clark, 2004) 79-97.

Grabbe, L. L. – A. O. Bellis (ed.), The Priests in the Prophets. The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets (JSOTSup 408; London: T & T Clark, 2004).

Grimes, R. L., "Infelicitous Performances and Ritual Criticism", Semeia 41 (1988) 103-122.

Groenewald, A., "'But Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters, and Righteousness Like an Ever-Flowing Stream' (Am 5:24). Social Justice Versus Cult Criticism in Amos (5:21–24) and Isaiah (1:10–20): A Trauma Perspective", HTS 75/3 (2019) 1-10. [Open access here ]

Groenewald, A., "The Criticism of the Cult in the Books of Isaiah (1:10-20) and Amos (5:21-24) through the Lens of Trauma and Disaster Studies", in G. Benzi – E. Di Pede – D. Scaiola (eds.), Profeti maggiori e minori a confronto. Major and Minor Prophets Compared (Nuova Biblioteca di Scienze Religiose, 61; Roma: Editrice LAS – Pubblicazioni dell'Università Pontificia Salesiana, 2019) 115-126.

Gunneweg, A. H. J., Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition der vorexilischen Prophetenbücher als Problem der neueren Prophetenforschung (FRLANT 73; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1959), esp. 107-116.

Hendel, R. S., "Prophets, Priests and the Efficacy of Ritual", in D. P. Wright – D. N. Freedman – A. Hurvitz (eds.), Pomegranates and Golden Bells. Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995) 185-198.

Hendel, R., "Away from Ritual: The Prophetic Critique", in S. M. Olyan (ed.), Social Theory and the Study of Israelite Religion: Essays in Retrospect and Prospect (SBLRBS 71; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 59-79.

Hentschke, R., Die Stellung der vorexilischen Schriftpropheten zum Kultus (BZAW 75; Berlin: Töpelmann, 1957).

Hermisson, H.-J., Sprache und Ritus im alttestamentlichen Kult. Zur "Spiritualisierung" der Kultbegriffe im Alten Testament (WMANT 19: Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1965), esp. 132-143.

Hernando, E., "Actitud del profeta Jeremías ante el culto y la centralización del culto realizada por el rey Josías", Scriptorium Victoriense 18 (1971) 35-72.

Hertzberg, H. W., "Die prophetische Kritik am Kult", TLZ 75 (1950) 219-226. Reprinted in H. W. Hertzberg, Beiträge zur Traditionsgeschichte und Theologie des Alten Testaments (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1962) 81-90.

Hrobon, B., Ethical Dimension of Cult in the Book of Isaiah (BZAW 418; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010).

Hyatt, J. P., The Prophetic Criticism of Israelite Worship. [Samuel H. Goldenson Lecture 1963] (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1963). Reprinted in H. M. Orlinsky (ed.), Interpreting the Prophetic Tradition: The Goldenson Lectures 1955-1966. Introduction by H. M. Orlinsky (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1969) 201-224.

Ibita, M. M. S., "'What to Me is the Multitude of Your Sacrifices?': Exploring the Critique of Sacrificial Cult and the Metaphor for YHWH in the Prophetic Lawsuit (Micah 6:1-8 and Isaiah 1:1-20)", in H. L. Wiley – C. Eberhart (eds.), Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement in Early Judaism and Christianity: Constituents and Critique (SBLRBS 85; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017) 169-194.

Janowski, B., "'Womit soll ich JHWH entgegentreten?' (Mi 6,6). Gabetheologische Aspekte der alttestamentlichen Kultkritik", in B. Janowski, Der nahe und der ferne Gott. Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, 5 (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft, 2014) 173-203.

Junco Garza, C., La crítica profetica ante el Templo. Teología veterotestamentaria (Bibliotheca mexicana, 5; Mexico: Universidad Pontificia de Mexico, 1994).

Kaiser, O., "Kult und Kultkritik im Alten Testament", in M. Dietrich – I. Kottsieper (eds.), "Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied auf": Studien zum Alten Testament und zum Alten Orient. Festschrift für Oswald Loretz zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres mit Beiträgen von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen (AOAT 250; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998) 401-426.

Kapelrud, A. S., "Cult and Prophetic Words", Studia Theologica 4 (1950) 5-12.

Klein, R., "'Die Sünde meines Volkes essen sie...' (Hos 4,8A): Priesterkritik im Dodekapropheton", Sacra Scripta 16 (2018) 198-228.

Kornfeld, W., "Die Gesellschafts- und Kultkritik alttestamentlicher Propheten", in R. Schulte (ed.), Leiturgia – Koinonia – Diakonia. Festschrift für Kardinal Franz König zum 75. Geburtstag. Im Auftrag der Professoren der Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Universität Wien herausgegeben von R. Schulte (Wien: Herder, 1980) 181-200.

Kratz, R. G., "Die Kultpolemik der Propheten im Rahmen der israelitischen Kultgeschichte", in B. Köhler (ed.), Religion und Wahrheit. Religionsgeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift für Gernot Wießner zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998) 101-116.

Krech, V., "Prophetische Kultkritik am Beispiel von Amos 5,21-27", DBAT 23 (1986) 121-155.

Krüger, T., "Erwägungen zur prophetischen Kultkritik", in R. Lux – E.-J. Waschke (eds.), Die unwiderstehliche Wahrheit. Studien zur alttestamentlichen Prophetie. Festschrift für Arndt Meinhold (ABG 23; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2006) 37-55.

Kühn, R., "L'attitude des Prophètes vis-à-vis du culte", Teresianum 37 (1986) 263-286.

Lafferty, T. V., The Prophetic Critique of the Priority of the Cult: A Study of Amos 5:21-24 and Isaiah 1:10-17 (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012).

Lange, A., "Gebotsobservanz statt Opferkult. Zur Kultpolemik in Jer 7,1-8,3", in B. Ego – A. Lange – P. Pilhofer (eds), Gemeinde ohne Tempel, Community without Temple. Zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Tempels und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum (WUNT 118; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1999) 19-35.

Leuchter, M., "Cult of Personality: The Eclipse of Pre-Exilic Judahite Cultic Structures in the Book of Jeremiah", in L. L. Grabbe – M. Nissinen (eds.), Constructs of Prophecy in the Former and Latter Prophets and Other Texts (ANEM 4; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011) 95-115. [the book can be downloaded here ]

Levine, B. A., "An Essay on Prophetic Attitudes toward Temple and Cult in Biblical Israel", in M. Brettler – M. Fishbane (eds.), Minḥah le-Naḥum. Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of His 70th Birthday (JSOTSup 154; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993) 202-225.

Milgrom, J., "Concerning Jeremiah's Repudiation of Sacrifice", ZAW 89 (1977) 273-275.

Nissinen, M., "Das kritische Potential in der altorientalischen Prophetie", in M. Köckert – M. Nissinen (eds.), Propheten in Mari, Assyrien und Israel (FRLANT 201; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003) 1-32.

Patton, C., "Layers of Meaning: Priesthood in Jeremiah MT", in L. L. Grabbe – A. O. Bellis (ed.), The Priests in the Prophets. The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets (JSOTSup 408; London: T & T Clark, 2004) 149-176.

Pedersen, J., "Canaanite and Israelite Cultus", Acta Orientalia 18 (1940) 1-14.

Plöger, O., "Priester und Prophet", ZAW 63 (1951) 157-192.

Porteous, N. W., "Actualization and the Prophetic Criticism of the Cult", in E. Würthwein – O. Kaiser (eds.), Tradition und Situation. Studien zur alttestamentliche Prophetie (Artur Weiser zum 70. Geburstag am 18.11.1963 dargebracht von Kollegen , Freunden und Schülern) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963) 93-105.

Press, R., "Die Gerichtspredigt der vorexilischen Propheten und der Versuch einer Steigerung der kultischen Leistung", ZAW 70 (1958) 181-184.

Rendtorff, R., "Priesterliche Kulttheologie und prophetische Kultpolemik", TLZ 81 (1956) 339-342.

Ricciardi, Alberto, "Las declaraciones 'anticultuales' de los profetas preexílicos", Cuadernos Teológicos 15 / Núm. 59 (Julio-Septiembre 1966) 183-198.

Robert, P. de, "Pour ou contre le second Temple", in M. Augustin – K.-D. Schunck (eds.), "Dort ziehen Schiffe dahin...". Collected Communications to the XIVth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Paris 1992 (BEATAJ 28; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996) 179-182.

Schaper, J., "The Priests in the Book of Malachi and Their Opponents", in L. L. Grabbe – A. O. Bellis (ed.), The Priests in the Prophets. The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets (JSOTSup 408; London: T & T Clark, 2004) 177-188.

Schreiner, J., "Prophetische Kritik an Israels Institutionen", in J. Schreiner (ed.), Die Kirche im Wandel der Gesellschaft (Würzburg: Echter, 1970) 15-29.

Schüngel-Straumann, H., Gottesbild und Kultkritik vorexilischer Propheten (SBS 60; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1972).

Schwartz, E., "The Voicing of Cult Critique between Proverbs and Prophecy", HeBAI 13 (2024) 417-431.

Sekine, M., "Das Problem der Kultpolemik bei den Propheten", EvT 28 (1968) 605-609.

Simian-Yofre, H., "La critica profetica nei confronti dei sacerdozio", in V. Liberti (ed.), I laici nel popolo di Dio. Esegesi biblica (Studio Biblico Teologico Aquilano, 10; Roma: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1990) 89-112.

Stein, V. A., Anti-Cultic Theology in Christian Biblical Interpretation: A Study of Isaiah 66:1-4 and Its Reception (New York: Peter Lang, 2007).

Stendebach, F. J., "Kult und Kultkritik im Alten Testament", in N. J. Frenkle (ed.), Zum Thema Kult und Liturgie: notwendige oder überholte Ausdrucksform des Glaubens (Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1972) 41-63.

Tiemeyer, L.-S., Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-Exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood (FAT II/19; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006).

Tiemeyer, L.-S., "The Priests and the Temple Cult in the Book of Jeremiah", in H. Barstad – R. G. Kratz (eds.), Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah (BZAW 388; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009) 233-264.

Uehlinger, C., "Astralkultpriester und Fremdgekleidete, Kanaanvolk und Silberwäger. Zur Verknüpfung von Kult- und Sozialkritik in Zef 1", in W. Dietrich – M. Schwantes (eds.), Der Tag wird kommen. Ein interkontextuelles Gespräch über das Buch des Propheten Zefanja (SBS 170; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1996) 49-83.

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IV.    Online resources

Kessler, R., "Kultkritik (AT)", in WiBiLex [erstellt Mai 2008]. See the Useful Links page for information about the WiBiLex.

Schart, A., "Prophetie (AT)", in WiBiLex [erstellt Mai 2014]. [see esp. 7.3.2 "Verhältnis zu Priestern"; 8.3 "Kultpropheten"; 9.2 "Kultkritik"]