The site is written in HTML 5, linked to external Cascading Style Sheets (including some features from CSS Level 3). As such it should display correctly in all recent browsers, except for badly outdated ones which may not be able to render all the formatting accurately. Since early 2015 all the pages of the site follow the basic principles of responsive web design.
To the best of my knowledge only one cookie is set by this site: it is called BIGipServerZebedee. It is set when you move from the homepage to another page in the site. This cookie is classed as "strictly necessary" for the functioning of the site, and as such it is exempt from the normal requirement of user consent for the use of cookies.
It does not store personally identifiable information and, as a "session cookie", it is deleted when you close your browser session.
More in detail: BIGipServerZebedee is part of the back-end architecture of the hosting service that manages the site. It belongs to the class of "load-balancing cookies". This website is hosted on multiple servers; when you visit the site, you are assigned to one of these servers for the current session. The load-balancing cookie is required to track which server you are communicating with, in order to present a consistent user experience as you move from page to page. It routes data and page requests to the correct server and so ensures that the content of the page loads quickly and effectively.
While you are online, every page should print in printer-friendly format which will differ from the screen display in some respects in order to give a better printing result (omitting navigation bars, changing the font, and so on). This is achieved by the use of special CSS print style-sheets, which are activated automatically by the normal print command of your browser.
If you prefer to print offline from pages that you saved to your own computer, please note that the printer-friendly format will be available only if the page is saved as a complete web-page (see the following point 4, a).
a) If you wish to save the formatting (which is to a very large extent governed by a linked external CSS style-sheet) as well as the content of the page, you should use the command "Save as" of your browser (shortcut: Ctrl + S) with the option "Webpage, Complete" (thus for the current Windows versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera). This will ensure that the formatting file will be downloaded as well as the content of the page. In Internet Explorer one can also choose the save-as option "Web Archive, single file".
For users of Chrome and Firefox, the add-on (extension) "Save Page WE" is an even better way to save the full formatted webpage. This extension can also be added to Opera through the Chrome Web Store.
Microsoft Edge (as of March 2019) does not appear to have a "Save As" option as above; one has to open the main menu (...), go to "More tools" and select "Open with Internet Explorer", and then proceed as above.
b) If all you need is the unformatted content, then you can "Save as" with the options "Webpage, HTML only". Please note however that in a page saved in this second way Greek and Hebrew words may occasionally not display perfectly (especially as regards Greek accents and Hebrew vowel points). See the next note.
Greek and Hebrew and other special characters in these pages are written in Unicode. For the most part they should display reasonably well under Windows operating systems from XP onwards, since several basic fonts always present in these operating systems are now Unicode-compliant (Times New Roman, Arial, and a few others). However these standard fonts do not contain all the Unicode characters needed for pointed Hebrew and accented polytonic Greek, so there may be some difficulties for Greek accents and Hebrew vowel points (which anyway are used rarely enough on these pages).
It would be an excellent idea to download and install some good Unicode fonts which have all the requisite characters for the biblical languages. A few suggestions:
SBL BibLit: A Unicode font that combines Greek, Hebrew, and Latin characters, including transcription diacritics. Optional keyboard drivers are available too, both for Windows and Mac operating systems. The font was released in September 2013. The free download page is found here. This combined font includes the following two fonts, which were released earlier.
SBL Greek: A Unicode font for biblical Greek, released in March 2009; go to the free download page here.
SBL Hebrew: Generally regarded as the best Unicode font for biblical Hebrew presently available; go to the free download page here. Several optional keyboard drivers (with user manuals) are available too, both for Windows and Mac operating systems.
Further information on the SBL fonts can be found here and here.
Cardo: This is a large Unicode font specifically designed for the needs of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists. Full Greek range is available and many other characters too, including Hebrew (though SBL Hebrew is generally regarded as better for this). Free download with information (the download includes a useful manual). See also the homepage of the author of the font, classicist David J. Perry, with more news and information about Unicode fonts.
Tyndale Keyboard and Unicode Font Kits: From the download page: "These kits include intuitive and customisable keyboards for typing in Greek and Hebrew, allowing you to create text that can be used directly in publications and websites. The Greek font includes breathing, accents and ancient forms, while the Hebrew font includes vowel pointing and Masoretic punctuation. The packages also include the Cardo Unicode font by David Parry."
Though I have not referred to Mac browsers (Safari and others) or Mac font questions in the above points, no difficulties have been pointed out to me by Mac users. Comments in this area will be most welcome (see the email link below).
Your comments and suggestions can be sent here. They will be much appreciated.