This bibliography is limited to a selection of works dealing with all (or practically all) the books of the Twelve. Commentaries on single books, or smaller groups of books, within the Twelve will be listed in their respective book-bibliographies.
The bibliography is divided into two parts with eight main sections as follows:
A. Texts
B. Studies
Ferreiro, A. (ed.), The Twelve Prophets (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, XIV; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003). Italian: I dodici profeti. A cura di Alberto Ferreiro; traduzione e cura dell'edizione italiana di Marco Conti; introduzione generale di Angelo di Berardino (La Bibbia commentata dai Padri, Antico Testamento, 13; Roma: Città Nuova, 2005).
Ephrem the Syrian (ca. 306 – ca. 373)
The "Scholia on the Minor Prophets", attributed to Ephrem, comes in fact from a Catena of the Fathers on the Scriptures, by a monk Severus from Edessa (dated to 861). According to specialists, much, at least, of the material cannot be said to be authentically the work of Ephrem. In any case, the Scholia are available in print in two collections:
a) Scholia on Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zecharia and Malachi: in Sancti patris nostri Ephraem Syri opera omnia quae extant graece, syriace, et latine; in sex tomos distributa. Ad MSS. Codices Vaticanos, aliosque castigata, multis aucta, interpretatione, praefationibus, notis, variantibus lectionibus illustrata. Nunc primum sub Auspiciis Benedicti XIV, Pontificis Maximi, e Bibliotheca Vaticana prodeunt. Syriacum textum recensuit Petrus Benedictus Societatis Jesu, notis vocalibus animavit, latine vertit, & Variorum scholiis locupletavit. Tomus Secundus, Syriace et Latine (Romae: ex Typographia Vaticana apud Jo. Mariam Henricum Salvioni, 1740). The Scholia on the seven minor prophets listed above are on pp. 234-315 of this volume: Hos 234-248; Joel 249-254; Amos 255-268; Obad 269-271; Mic 272-284; Zech 285-311; Mal 312-315.
b) Scholia on Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai: in T. J. Lamy (ed.), Sancti Ephraem Syri Hymni et Sermones. Vol. II (Mechliniae [Malines]: H. Dessain, 1886) col. 229-310. In detail: Commentaria in Jonam (229-246), Nahum (247-260), Habacuc (261-282), Sophoniam (283-300), Aggaeum (301-310).
Jerome [Hieronymus] (ca. 347-419/420)
Commentarii in prophetas minores, PL 25 (ed. 1845) 815-1578A.
Critical edition / editio prima:
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars I: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in prophetas minores, Osee – Michaeam, cura et studio Marci Adriaen (CCSL 76; Turnholti: Brepols, 1969).
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars I: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in prophetas minores, Naum – Malachiam, cura et studio Marci Adriaen (CCSL 76A; Turnholti: Brepols, 1970).
Critical edition / editio altera [in course of publication]:
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars I: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in Prophetas minores. Commentarius in Abacuc / In Habacuc prophetam ad Chromatium, cura et studio Sincero Mantelli. Editio altera (CCSL 76-76A bis.1; Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars I: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in Prophetas minores. Commentarii in Aggaeum, in Abdiam, in Malachiam, cura et studio Roger Gryson. Editio altera (CCSL 76-76A bis.2; Turnhout: Brepols, 2022).
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars 1: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in Prophetas minores. Commentarii in Sophoniam, in Naum, in Iohel, cura et studio Roger Gryson. Editio altera (CCSL 76-76A bis.3; Turnhout: Brepols, 2023).
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. Pars 1: Opera exegetica, 6: Commentarii in Prophetas minores. Commentarius in Zachariam, cura et studio Roger Gryson. Editio altera (CCSL 76-76A bis.4; Turnhout: Brepols, 2024).
Complete English translation:
Jerome, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1. Edited by T. P. Scheck (Ancient Christian Texts; Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016).
Jerome, Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2. Edited by T. P. Scheck (Ancient Christian Texts; Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017).
Complete Spanish translation:
Jerónimo, Comentarios a los Profetas Menores. Edición bilingüe. Introducción, traducción y notas de Avelino Domínguez García. 2 vol. (Obras completas de San Jerónimo, IIIa / IIIb; Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2000 / 2003).
Italian translations (not yet complete):
a) in the series "Collana di testi patristici"
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commento al libro di Giona, traduzione, introduzione e note. A cura di Nicoletta Pavia (Collana di testi patristici, 96; Roma: Città Nuova, 1992).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commento a Osea: introduzione, traduzione e note. A cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Collana di testi patristici, 190; Roma: Città Nuova, 2006).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commento a Zaccaria; Commento a Malachia, introduzione, traduzione e note. A cura di Domenico Ciarlo (Collana di testi patristici, 210; Roma: Città Nuova, 2009).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commento ad Aggeo e a Gioele: introduzione, traduzione e note. A cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Collana di testi patristici, 214; Roma: Città Nuova, 2010).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ad Abacuc e Abdia: introduzione, traduzione e note. A cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Collana di testi patristici, 223; Roma: Città Nuova, 2012).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti a Naum e Sofonia: introduzione, traduzione e note. A cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Collana di testi patristici, 232; Roma: Città Nuova, 2014).
b) in the series "Opere di Girolamo"
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ai Profeti minori. Vol. 1: Commenti ai profeti Naum e Michea, a cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Opere di Girolamo, 8/1; Roma: Città Nuova, 2017).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ai Profeti minori. Vol. 2: Commenti ai profeti Sofonia, Aggeo, Abacuc e Giona, a cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Opere di Girolamo, 8/2; Roma: Città Nuova, 2017).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ai Profeti minori. Vol. 3: Commenti ai profeti Abdia e Zaccaria, a cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Opere di Girolamo, 8/3; Roma: Città Nuova, 2019).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ai Profeti minori. Vol. 4: Commenti ai profeti Malachia e Osea, a cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Opere di Girolamo, 8/4; Roma: Città Nuova, 2020).
Hieronymus: Girolamo, Commenti ai Profeti minori. Vol. 5: Commenti ai profeti Gioele e Amos, a cura di Marco Tullio Messina (Opere di Girolamo, 8/5; Roma: Città Nuova, 2021).
c) in the series "Corpus Christianorum in Translation"
Girolamo di Stridone, Commento al profeta Abacuc: introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Sincero Mantelli (Corpus Christianorum in Translation, 38; Turnholt: Brepols, 2022).
Theodore of Mopsuestia (ca. 350-428)
"Commentarius in duodecim prophetas", PG 66 (ed. 1864) 123-632 [col. 105-123/124 contains two prefaces by A. Mai].
Critical edition: Sprenger, H. N. (ed.), Theodori Mopsuesteni commentarius in XII prophetas: Einleitung und Ausgabe (Göttinger Orientforschungen, Reihe 5: Biblica et Patristica, 1; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1977).
English version: Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Twelve Prophets. Translated by Robert C. Hill (The Fathers of the Church, 108; Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004).
Cyril of Alexandria (ca. 376-444)
"Commentarii in duodecim prophetas minores", PG 71 (ed. 1864) [the whole volume] and PG 72 (ed. 1864) 9-364.
Critical edition: Pusey, P. E. (ed.), Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini in XII prophetas (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1868), vol. 1 pp. 1-740; vol. 2 pp. 1-626. Reprint edition: Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini in XII Prophetas. Post Pontanum et Aubertum edidit Philippus Eduardus Pusey. 2 vol. (Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation, 1965).
English version: St Cyril of Alexandria: Commentary on the Twelve Prophets. 3 vol. Translated with introduction by Robert C. Hill (The Fathers of the Church, 115/116/124; Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007/2008/2012).
Hesychius of Jerusalem (date of birth unknown; died shortly after 451)
"Fragmenta in XII prophetas minores", PG 93 (ed. 1865) 1339b-1370a.
Critical edition: Eriksson, M., The Scholia by Hesychius of Jerusalem on the Minor Prophets. Edited with an Introduction by Mats Eriksson (Uppsala: Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi , 2012).
Theodoret of Cyrus [Cyrrhus] (ca. 393 - ca. 460)
"Tou makariou Theodōrētou episcopou Kyrou, Hypomnēma eis tous dōdeka prophētas / Beati Theodoreti episcopi Cyrensis, Commentarius in duodecim prophetas", PG 81 (ed. 1864) 1545-1988.
English version: Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. III: The Twelve Prophets. Translation and introduction by Robert Charles Hill (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2006).
Hypatius of Ephesus (date of birth unknown; died between 537 and 552)
His biblical commentary on the Twelve has survived in Catena fragments:
Diekamp, F., "Hypatius von Ephesus", in F. Diekamp, Analecta Patristica. Texte und Abhandlungen zur griechischen Patristik (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 117; Roma: Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1938) 109-153.
Greek exegetical catenae on the Twelve (from the second half of the 5th cent. onwards)
Various manuscripts are known and have been studied, but there is as yet no critical edition of any part of a catena on the Twelve (Minor) Prophets. The earliest catena on the Twelve is attributed in its Prologue to a certain Philotheus and is dated approximately between 450 and 550. See below in the Studies section, s.v. Faulhaber and Karo & Lietzmann.
Ishoʿdad of Merv (fl. ca. 850)
Eynde, C. van den (ed.), Commentaire d'Ishōʿdād de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament, IV/1: Isaïe et les Douze [Text] (CSCO 303 / CSCO–SS 128; Louvain: Secretariat du Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 1969).
Eynde, C. van den (ed.), Commentaire d'Ishōʿdād de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament, IV/2: Isaïe et les Douze [Translation] (CSCO 304 / CSCO–SS 129; Louvain: Secretariat du Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 1969).
Haimo of Auxerre / Haymon d'Auxerre / Haimo Autissiodorensis (fl. 840-860: dates of birth and death unknown)
"Enarratio in XII Prophetas minores", PL 117 (1852) 9-294 [incorrectly attributed to "Haymo Halberstatensis Episcopus", Haymo of Halberstadt ca. 788-853] [cols. 9-10 are introduction; the Hos comm. begins on col. 11A].
However, specialists hold that a more authentic form of Haimo's commentaries on Joel and Amos vis-à-vis the text given in PL, is found under the name of "Remigius of Auxerre" in the Maxima Bibliotheca veterum patrum et antiquorum scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Primo quidem a Margarino de la Bigne in Academia Parisiensi Doctore Sorbonico, in lucem edita. Deinde celeberrimorum in Universitate Coloniense doctorum studio, plurimis Authoribus & Opusculis aucta, ac historica methodo per singula saecula quibus Scriptores quique vixerunt, disposita. Hac tandem editione Lugdunesi, ad eandem Coloniensum exact, novis supra centum Authoribus, & Opusculis hactenus desideratis, locupletata, et in tomos XXVII. distributa. Tomus decimussextus, continens scriptores ab ann. Christ 860. ad ann. 900 (Lugduni [Lyon]: apud Anissonios, 1677) 962G-970B (Joel) and 970C-982C (Amos).
Critical edition: Commentarii in prophetas minores e schola Autissiodorensi, Pars prima: Haymonis Autissiodorensis Commentarii in Prophetas Osee Ioelem Amos Abdiam. Accedunt incerti auctoris Glossae in Ioelem et Amos necnon Epitome expositionis Hieronymi in Abdiam quae loco istorum in nonnullis codicibus leguntur, cura et studio Roger Gryson (Haymonis Autissiodorensis Opera exegetica, Tomus VIII; CCCM 135F; Turnhout: Brepols, 2021).
For the commentaries on the last eight minor prophets (Jonah-Malachi), formerly attributed to Haimo, see the following item (Heiric of Auxerre).
Heiric of Auxerre (841 – ca. 875)
Commentarii in prophetas minores e schola Autissiodorensi, Pars altera: Commentarii in Ionam, Micheam, Naum, Abacuc, Sophoniam, Aggeum, Zachariam, Malachiam auctore Heirico Autissiodorensi, cura et studio Roger Gryson (CCCM 135G; Turnhout: Brepols, 2020).
[These commentaries were formerly attributed to Haimo of Auxerre, Heiric's teacher and predecessor in the direction of the abbatial school at Saint-Germain d'Auxerre.]
Rupertus Tuitiensis Abbas [Rupert of Deutz] (ca. 1075-1129)
"Commentariorum in duodecim prophetas minores libri XXXI [sic!]", PL 168 (1854) 9-836 [a long commentary in 32 books; in the Migne title "XXXI" is a typo for "XXXII"].
Gilbertus Autisiodorensis [of Auxerre] ["Gilbertus Universalis"] (died 1134)
"Glose ordinaire sur Daniel et les petits prophètes": this work, which was later incorporated into the Glossa Ordinaria (supplemented by other material), is not present in Migne's PL. However one can view an online parchment codex of Gilbert's Gloss on Daniel and the Twelve Prophets (ms. Saint-Omer, BM, 220) here [the prologue to Hosea begins on p. 78 (of the 332 pages in the online viewer)]. For another MS of Gilbert's Gloss on the Twelve Prophets see here.
Glossa ordinaria: [further details here]
Biblia Latina cum glossa ordinaria, 3: Isaias – Jeremias – Lamentationes – Baruch – Ezechiel – Daniel – Prophetae minores – I-II Maccabaeorum (Turnhout: Brepols, 1992) [a facsimile reprint of the editio princeps by Adolph Rusch of Strassburg 1480/81]. For an online version see here.
Andrew of St. Victor (ca. 1110-1175)
Liere, F. van – M. Zier (eds.), Andreas a s. Victore. Opera VIII: Expositio super duodecim prophetas (CCCM 53G; Turnhout: Brepols, 2007) [written before 1150].
Albert the Great, O.P. (ca. 1200-1280)
B. Alberti Magni Opera omnia, cura ac labore Augusti Borgnet. Vol. 19: Enarrationes in XII prophetas minores (Paris: apud Ludovicum Vivès, 1892). Can be downloaded here.
This commentary has not yet appeared in the new Opera omnia, in course of publication (Münster: Aschendorff, 1951ff).
Dionysius Carthusianus / Cartusiensis [Denys / Denis the Carthusian] (ca.1402-1471)
For further information on his works see here.
• Some 16th cent. editions:
D. Dionysii Carthusiani Enarrationes piae ac eruditae in XII. prophetas minores: Oseam, Iohelem, Amos, Abdiam, Ionam, Michaeam, Nahum, Abacuc, Sophoniam, Aggaeam, Zachariam, Malachiam (Coloniae: expensis Iohannis Soteris & Melchioris Nouesiani, 1533).
D. Dionysii Carthusiani Enarrationes piae ac eruditae in XII. prophetas minores, longe politius ac diligentius (& id quide[m] iuxta verum originale) quam prius aeditae : Oseam, Iohelem, Amos, Abdiam, Ionam, Michaeam, Nahum, Abacuc, Sophoniam, Aggaeum, Zachariam, Malachiam (Coloniae 1539) [no printer or bookseller mentioned in the book anywhere; it may have been Gennep or Quentel]
D. Dionysii Carthvsiani Enarrationes Piae Ac Ervditae In Dvodecim Prophetas (quos vocant) minores: Oseam, Iohelem, Amos, Abdiam, Ionam, Michaeam, Nahvm, Abacvc, Sophoniam, Aggaevm, Zachariam, Malachiam: longe politius ac diligentius, & id quidem juxta verum originale, quam prius editae (Coloniae: apud Geruuinum Calenium, & haeredes Iohannis Quentel, 1568).
• Modern edition:
Reprint from the Cologne editions above: Doctoris ecstatici D. Dionysii Cartusiani Opera omnia in unum corpus digesta; ad fidem editionum coloniensium cura et labore monachorum Ordinis Cartusiensis. Vol. 10: In Danielem, et XII Prophetas Minores (Monstrolii [Montreuil-sur-Mer]: Cartusia S. M. de Pratis, 1900), esp. 195-713.
Palacios Salazar, Paulo de (birth-date unknown; died 1582)
Pauli de Palatio Granatensis ... In XII Prophetas quos minores vocant, commentarius, cum indice rerum memorabilium (Lugduni: in Officina Q. Philip. Tinghi / apud Simphorianum Bèraud et Stephanum Michaelem, 1584). First published 1581 in his native Portugal, at Vila Verde; followed by an edition at Köln 1583; then the Lyon edition as above.
Palacio(s), Miguel de (ca. 1515 – ca. 1585)
Magistri Michaelis de Palatio Explanationes in duodecim Prophetas minores secundum literalem, anagogicum, allegoricum et tropologicum sensum. Quibus immixta sunt multa ex Philosophia, & scholastica Theologia ad profectum non solum eorum qui in divinas literas incumbunt, sed etiam ut Theologi scholastici, & divini verbi proclamatores uberem ex horum lectione proventum reportent. Multaque contra haereticos, maxime huius temporis, sunt intexta, ad fidei Catholicae defensionem (Salmanticae: apud Ioannem & Andream Renaut fratres, 1593).
Ribera, Francisco de, S.J. (1537-1591)
Many editions of his commentary on the Twelve were published from 1587 onwards.
R.P. Francisci Riberae, Presbyteri Societatis Iesu et sacra theologiae doctoris, In librum duodecim prophetarum commentarij : sensvm eorundem prophetarum historicum, & moralem, persaepe etiam allegoricum complectentes. Cum quatuor copiosis indicibus: primus est quaestionum Scripturae, quae in hoc opere copiosius disputantur: alter regularum Scripturae: tertius locorum eiusdem: quartus rerum, atque verborum. Ad Ioannem Riberam Patriarcham Antiochenum, Valentinorumque Archiepiscopum (Salmanticæ: excudebat G. Foquel, 1587).
The commentary was then published in Rome (ex typogr. J. Tornerii, 1590), in Köln in 1593 and 1600, in Paris 1600, in Brescia 1605, and finally in a corrected edition at Douai:
R.P. Francisci Riberae presbyteri Societatis Iesu, et sacrae theologiae doctoris, In librum duodecim prophetarum commentarii. : Sensum eorundem prophetarum historicum et moralem, persaepe etiam allegoricum complectentes. Hac omnium postrema editione ab infinitis mendis typographicis expurgati, & vbique dictionibus Hebraicis & Chaldaicis in Latinam prolationem permutatis, elucidati opera et studio Richardi Gibboni (Duaci: ex off. typ. B. Belleri, 1612).
Abbreviated version of the main commentary: Francisci Riberae presbyteri Societatis Iesu, Doctorisque Theologi, in duodecim Prophetas commentarij historici selecti ... cum quatuor indicibus... (Salmanticae: excudebat Ioannes Ferdinandus, 1598).
Figueiro, Pedro de (birth-date unknown; died 1592)
Operum P.D. Petri a Figueiro Lusitani canonici Regularis S. Augustini Congregationis Sanctæ Crucis Conimbricensis, eximii sacrarum literarum expositoris Tomi duo. Quorum vnus habet Commentarios in XXV. priores Psalmos. Paraphrases in Prophetias Ieremiæ, Commentarios in eiusdem Lamentationes. Alter vero , Commentarios in XII. prophetas minores. Vterque etiam habet suos ad calcem indices absolutissimos. Operum tomus secundus P. Domni Petri a Figueiro ... continens Commentarios in duodecim Prophetas minores (Lugduni: sumptibus Horatii Cardon, 1615).
Arias Montano, Benito (1527-1598)
Benedicti Ariae Montani hispalensis Commentaria in duodecim Prophetas (Antwerpiae: ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1571).
Revised edition: Benedicti Ariae Montani hispalensis Commentaria in duodecim Prophetas. Nunc tandem ab ipso auctore recognita (Antwerpiae: ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1583).
Franciscus a Messana [Messina, Italy] (dates of birth and death unknown)
F. Francisci a Messana Hieronymiani ... Lectura in Zachariam, cum paraphrasi in omnes duodecim prophetas, quos minores nuncupant, cum indicibus rerum & Evangeliorum (Antverpiae: ex officina typographica Martini Nutij, ad insigne duarum Ciconiarum, 1597). [the Zech comm. occupies about 500 pp; the paraphrases of the other Eleven about 200 pp]
Castro, Cristóbal de, S.J. (1551-1615)
Christophori Castri e Societate Iesu ... Commentariorum in duodecim prophetas libri duodecim (Lugduni: sumptibus Horatii Cardon, 1615).
Sánchez [Sanctius], Gaspar, S.J. (1553 or 1554 – 1628)
Gasparis Sanctii, In duodecim prophetas minores et Baruch prophetas commentarij cum paraphrasi. Nunc primum prodeunt, indicibus cum Locorum Scripturae, Regularum et Proverbiorum, tum rerum notabilium illustrati (Lugduni: sumptibus Iacobi Cardon et Petri Cavellat, 1621).
Lapide, Cornelius a [Cornelis Cornelissen van den Steen], S.J. (1567-1637)
First edition: Commentaria in Dvodecim Prophetas Minores, auctore R. P. Cornelio Cornelii a Lapide, è Societate Iesv, olim in Louaniensi, nunc in Romano Collegio Sacrarum Litterarum Professore (Antverpiae: apud Martinum Nutivm, 1625). [with many later editions] [the commentary was then included in the Collected Commentaries of C. a Lapide (see here for further information)]
Le Maistre de Sacy, Isaac-Louis (1613-1684) – and collaborators
[for further information on the "Bible de Sacy / Bible de Port-Royal" see here]
• 1679 first edition: Les Douze petits prophètes, traduits en françois. Avec une explication du sens littéral et spirituel tirée des Saints Pères, et des auteurs ecclésiastiques (Paris: chez Guillaume Desprez, imprimeur et libraire ordinaire du Roi, 1679). [the work was also published in Paris "chez Helie Josset" in the same year 1679]
• 1680 second edition: Les douze petit prophetes traduits en françois. Avec l'explication du sens litteral & du sens spirituel. Tirée des SS. Peres & des Auteurs ecclesiastiques. Seconde edition (Paris: chez Lambert Roulland, imprimeur libraire ordinaire de la Reyne, ruë saint Jacques, aux Armes de la Reyne, 1680). [many later printings also]
Carrières, Louis de, member of the French Oratory (1662-1717)
[for further information on de Carrières see here]
• 1714 first edition: Commentaire litteral sur les douze petits prophetes, inseré dans la traduction françoise, avec le texte latin à la marge. Par le R.P. de Carrieres, Prêtre de l'Oratoire de Jesus (Paris: chez Nicolas Pepie, 1714).
• 1740 corrected edition at Nancy [the whole edition by l'Abbé de Vence, with his added material, but no insertions in the actual comm. on the Twelve]: Commentaire littéral sur le douze petits prophetes, inseré dans la traduction Françoise, avec le texte latin à côté. Par le R. P. de Carrières, Prêtre de l'Oratoire de Jesus. Nouvelle éd., revue, corrigée et augmentée. Tome XIV (Nancy: chez Leseure, 1740) 1-298. [followed in the same volume by commentaries on the books of Maccabees]
Patrono, Antonio, S.J. (1657-1752)
In duodecim prophetas minores, commentarii Antonii Patroni è Societate Jesu. 2 vol. (Neapoli: ex typographia Felicis Caroli-Mosca, 1743).
Calmet, Antoine Augustin, O.S.B. (1672-1757)
[for further information on Calmet see here]
• 1715 first edition: Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Par le R. P. D. Augustin Calmet, Religieux Bénédictin de la Congrégation de S. Vanne & de S. Hydulphe: Les XII. Petits Prophetes (Paris: chez Pierre Emery, 1715).
• 1719 corrected edition: Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Par le R. P. D. Augustin Calmet, Religieux Bénédictin de la Congrégation de S. Vanne & de S. Hydulphe: Les XII. Petits Prophetes (Paris: chez Emery – Saugrain, Pere – Pierre Martin, 1719).
Lambert d'Avignon, François [Franz] (c. 1486-1530)
In primum duodecim prophetarum, nempe Oseam, Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis Commentarij. Eiusdem libellus de Arbitrio hominis vere captivo, sub quartum caput (Argentorati: apud Iohan. Hervagium, 1525).
In Iohelem prophetam, qui e duodecim secundus est, , Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis Commentarij [Argentorati: apud Iohan. Hervagium, 1525]
In Amos, Abdiam, et Ionam prophetas, commentarij Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis. Allegoriae eiusdem in Ionam (Argentorai: apud Iohan. Hervagium, 1525).
Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis Commentarij, in Micheam, Naum, Abacuc (Argentorati: apud Iohannem Hervagium, 1525)
Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis Commentarij in quatuor ultimos Prophetas, nempe, Sophoniam, Aggeum, Zachariam & Malachiam (Argentorati: apud Iohannem Hervagium, 1526).
Oecolampadius, Johannes (1482-1531)
In postremos tres prophetas, nempe Haggaeum, Zachariam, & Malachiam, Commentarius Ioan. Oecolampadii: cum Indice (Basileae: apud Andream Cratandrum, 1527).
Annotationes piissimae doctissimaeque in Ioseam, Ioelem, Amos, Abdiam etc. (Basilea: no publisher noted, 1535) [the "etc." is actually in the title; besides Hos, Joel, Am, and Obad, he comments on Jonah and on the first two chapters of Micah too.]
[Only Nah, Hab, and Zeph remained uncommented, as well as the remaining five chapters of Mic.]
Collected edition (posthumous): Commentarii omnes in libros Prophetarum, tomus posterior: In minores quos vocant prophetas, Ioannis Oecolampadii, viri piissimi & eruditissimi lucubrationes quaecunque ab ipso editae, & post decessum ex ipsius praelectionibus colecte & publice factae extant. (Genevae: apud Io. Crispinum, 1558). [as noted above, the missing ones are Nah, Hab, and Zeph, as well as Mic 3-7]
Zwingli, Huldrych [Ulrich] (1484-1531)
Huldreich Zwinglis sämtliche Werke. Unter Mitwirkung des Zwingli-Vereins in Zürich und mit Unterstützung des schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung herausgegeben von Emil Egli et al. Band XIV: Exegetische Schriften, Band 2: Altes Testament. Die Propheten: Jesaja, Jeremia, Ezechiel, Daniel sowie die 12 Kleinen Propheten. Herausgeben von Oskar Farner und Edwin Künzli (Ulrich Zwingli Werke, Band 14 = Corpus Reformatorum, 101; Zürich: Berichthaus, 1956-1959 / Leipzig: Heinsius, 1959). Reprinted Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 1982. [the original publication was in 10 Lieferungen between 1956 and 1959]
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
D. Martin Luthers Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Weimarer Ausgabe). WA 13: Vorlesungen über die Kleinen Propheten 1524/26. Edited by Gustav Kossmane (Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1889). Reprint: Graz: Akademishe Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1966. Available online here.
English version in three volumes:
Luther's Works, Volume 18: Lectures on the Minor Prophets, I: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi. General Introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut Lehmann. Edited by Hilton C. Oswald and translated by Richard J. Dinda (St Louis, MO: Concordia, 1975).
Luther's Works, Volume 19: Lectures on the Minor Prophets, II: Jonah, Habakkuk. General Introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut Lehmann. Edited by Hilton C. Oswald and translated by Charles D. Froehlich and Martin H. Bertram (St Louis, MO: Concordia, 1974).
Luther's Works, Volume 20: Lectures on the Minor Prophets, III: Zechariah. General Introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut Lehmann. Edited by Hilton C. Oswald, translated by Richard J. Dinda (St Louis, MO: Concordia, 1973).
Calvin, Jean (1509-1564)
Baum, Guilielmus – Eduardus Cunitz – Eduardus Reuss (eds.), Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia. Tom. XLII: Sermons sur les huit derniers chapitres du Livre de Daniel, seconde partie: Sermon xxxiv—xlvii; Praelectiones in XII prophetas minores. Pars prior: Hosea, Ioel (Corpus Reformatorum, 70 / Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia, 42 / Ioannis Calvini opera exegetica et homiletica, 20; Brunsvigae [Braunschweig]: C.A. Schwetschke, 1890). The commentary on the Twelve Prophets is on col. 177-600.
Baum, Guilielmus – Eduardus Cunitz – Eduardus Reuss (eds.), Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia. Tom. XLIII: Praelectionum in XII prophetas minores pars altera: Amos – Habacuc (Corpus Reformatorum, 71 / Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia, 43 / Ioannis Calvini opera exegetica et homiletica, 21; Brunsvigae [Braunschweig]: C.A. Schwetschke, 1890).
Baum, Guilielmus – Eduardus Cunitz – Eduardus Reuss (eds.), Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia. Tom. XLIV: Praelectionum in XII prophetas minores pars ultima: Sophonias – Malachias (Corpus Reformatorum, 72 / Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia, 44 / Ioannis Calvini opera exegetica et homiletica, 22; Brunsvigae [Braunschweig]: C.A. Schwetschke, 1890).
For the online edition of the Calvin volumes in the Corpus Reformatorum see here.
English version: Calvin, J., A Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets. 5 vol. Translated by John Owen (Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1846-1849). Details: vol. 1 (1846) Hos; 2 (1846) Joel, Am, Obad; 3 (1847) Jon, Mic, Nah; 4 (1848) Hab, Zeph, Hag; 5 (1849) Zech, Mal, with Tables and Indices. The whole was reprinted in the UK (Geneva Series Commentary; Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1986), and in the USA (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1974 and again 2009). The commentaries are available electronically in several places; see for instance here.
Strigel [Strigelius], Victorinus (1524-1569)
XII. Minores Prophetae: Ad Ebraicam Veritatem Recogniti, & argumentis atque scholijs illustrati a Victorino Strigelio (Lipsiae: Steinman, 1569).
Gwalther, Rudolf (1519-1586)
In Prophetas dvodecim, Qvos Vocant Minores, Rodolphi Gualtheri Tigurini Homiliae. Accessit Operi Chronologia temporum et rerum inter Iudaeos et in Ecclesia gestarum, à diuisione regni vs[que] ad tempora Arcadij et Honorij Impp. Indices item tres, Rerum, Scripturarum et Locorum communium, quae hoc libro explicantur (Tiguri [Zürich]: excudebat Christophus Froschouerus, 1563).
Revised edition: In Prophetas dvodecim, Qvos Vocant Minores, Rodolphi Gualtheri Tigurini Homiliae. Accessit Operi Chronologia temporum et rerum inter Iudaeos et in Ecclesia gestarum, à diuisione regni vs[que] ad tempora Arcadij et Honorij Impp. Indices item tres, Rerum, Scripturarum et Locorum communium, quae hoc libro explicantur. Editio postrema prioribus longe emendatior (Tiguri: excudebat Christophorus Froschouerus, 1582).
Wigand, Johann (1523-1587)
In XII. Prophetas Minores explicationes succinctae, Ordinem rerum, Textus sententiam, & Doctrinas praecipuas strictissime indicantes (Basileae: per Paulum Quecum [Queck], 1566). Also published in Francofurti ad Moenum: apud Johannem Wolfium, 1569.
Daneau [Danaeus], Lambert (c.1530-1595)
Commentariorvm Lamberti Danaei in prophetas minores tomus primus. Continent autem: 1. Ionam 2. Amosum. 3. Oseam 4. Micheam 5. Nahumum. 6. Ioelem. Huic tomo adiecta sunt Prolegomena, ex quibus tum ordo prophetarum minorum, tum aetas intelligitur, reliquave, quae sunt ad facilem omnium prophetarum intelligentiam necessaria.
Commentariorvm Lamberti Danaei in prophetas minores tomus secundus. Continent autem. 1. Sophoniam. 2. Abdiam. 3. Habacukum. 4. Aggaeum. 5. Zachariam. 6. Malachiam (Genevae: apud Eustathium Vignon, 1586).
English version: A fruitfull commentarie vpon the twelue small prophets briefe, plaine, and easie, going ouer the same verse by verse, and shewing every where the method, points of doctrine, and figures of rhetoricke, to the no small profit of all godly and well disposed readers, with very necessarie fore-notes for the vnderstanding of both of these, and also all other the prophets. The text of these prophets together with that of the quotations omitted by the author, faithfully supplied by the translatour, and purged of faults in the Latine coppie almost innumerable, with a table of all the chiefe matters herein handled, and marginall notes very plentifull and profitable; so that it may in manner be counted a new booke in regard of these additions. Written in Latin by Lambertus Danæus, and newly turned into English by John Stockwood, minister and preacher at Tunbridge (Cambridge: printed by Iohn Legate, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge; London: J. Orwin, 1594).
Osiander, Lucas (1534-1604)
Ezechiel, Daniel, Osee, Ioel, Amos, Abdias, Ionas, Michaeas, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonias, Aggaeus, Zacharias, & Malachias: Iuxta Veterem Seu Vulgatam Translationem, Ad Hebraeam Veritatem emendati, & brevi ac perspicua Explicatione illustrati: insertis etiam praecipuis Locis Communibus in lectione sacra observandis (Tubingae: excudebat Georgius Gruppenbachius, 1579).
Pappus, Johann (1549-1610)
In Omnes Prophetas, tam Maiores quatuor, 1. Iesaiam, 2. Ieremiam cum Threnis & Baruch, 3. Iezechielem, 4. Danielem, quam Minores duodecim, 1. Hoseam, 2. Ioelem, 3. Amos, 4. Abdiam, 5. Ionam, 6. Michaeam, 7. Nahum, 8. Habacuc, 9. Zephaniam, 10. Haggaeum, 11. Zachariam, 12. Malachiam; Scholae breves et methodicae: Propositae in Academia Argentoratensi (Francofurti ad Moenum: ex officina typographica Iohann. Spiessii, 1593). [on the Twelve Prophets fol. 246-294]
Drusius [van den Driesche], Joannes (1550-1616)
Commentarius in Prophetas minores XII: quorum VIII antea editi, nunc auctiores; reliqui IV jam primum prodeunt. Eiusdem in Graecam editionem LXX conjectanea. Sixtinus Amama edidit (Amstelredami: sumptibus Henrici Laurentii, 1627). The four commentaries not published during the lifetime of Drusius were those on Mic, Hag, Zech, and Mal. Large extracts from this commentary were included in the two editions of the Critici sacri [see here].
The eight commentaries published during Drusius's lifetime are:
I. Drusii Lectiones in prophetam Nahum, Habacuc, Sophoniam, Joelem, Jonam, Abdiam. Eiusdem in Graecam editionem Conjectanea, et interpretum veterum quae extant fragmenta (Lugduni Batavorum: ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelungium, 1595)
I. Drusii In prophetam Hoseam lectiones. Eiusdem in Graecam editionem Lxx Coniectanea, & veterum interpretum quae exstant fragmenta (Lugduni Batavorum: ex Officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium, Academiae Lugduno-Batauae Typographum, 1599).
I. Drusii in prophetam Amos lectiones. Eiusdem In Graecam editionem Conjectanea, et veterum interpretum quae extant fragmenta (Lugduni Batavorum: ex officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium, 1600)
Piscator, Johannes (1546-1625)
In duodecim Prophetas quos nominant Minores: puta in Oseam, Joëlem, Amosum, Obadjam, Jonam, Michaeam, Nahumum, Abacucum, Sophoniam, Hagg[a]eum, Zacharia[m], Malachiam commentarii. In quibus ordine & distinctè proponuntur. I. Analysis logica singulorum capitum, II. Scholia in singula capita, III. Observationes locorum doctrinae e singulis capitibus depromtae (Herbornae Nassoviorum [Herborn]: [Christopher Corvinus = Christoph Rab], 1615).
This commentary was later included in his posthumous Commentary on the whole OT: see here for details.
Winckelmann, Johannes (1551-1626)
Commentarius in Sex Prophetas Minores, I. Oseam, II. Joelem, III. Amosum, IV. Abdiam, V. Jonam, & VI. Michaeam: Brevi et perspicua paraphrasi, & locorum communium annotatione, conscriptus per Iohannem Winckelmannum. Editio secunda (Francofurti: typis Hartmanni Palthenii, sumptibus haeredum D. Zachariae Palthenii, 1620). [first edition: Francofurti: Eberus & Beckerus, 1603]
Commentarius in Sex Prophetas Minores, I. Nahum, II. Habacuc, III. Sophoniam, IV. Haggaeum, V. Zachariam, & VI. Malachiam: Brevi et perspicua paraphrasi, & locorum communium annotatione, conscriptus per Iohannem Winckelmannum. Editio secunda (Francofurti: typis Hartmanni Palthenii, sumptibus haeredum D. Zachariae Palthenii, 1620). [first edition: Francofurti: Eberus & Beckerus, 1603]
Tarnow [Tarnovius], Johann (1586-1629)
Between 1611 and 1629 he published at Rostock separate commentaries on every book of the Twelve; already during his lifetime some of the commentaries were reprinted and some were revised in a second edition. An example: the second edition of the Amos commentary (1629):
Iohannis Tarnovii In Prophetam Amos Commentarius: In quo textus Analysi perspicua illustratur, ex fonte Hebraeo explicatur, locis S.S. parallelis confirmatur, a pravis expositionibus vindicatur, Usus vero in Locis Communibus ex ipsa scriptura natis & probatis indicatur; Adiectus est in fine index verborum et rerum memorabilium. Editio secunda ab auctore recognita et aucta (Rostochii: excudebat Joachimus Pedanus, acad. typog., impensis Joh. Hallervordei, 1629).
After his death at least two collected editions of the commentaries appeared:
The 1688 edition: Johannis Tarnovii SS. Theol. Doctoris & Professoris Publici in Academia Rostochiensi, In Prophetas Minores Commentarius: in quo Textus Analysi perspicua illustratur, ex fonte Hebraeo explicatur, locis S.S. parallelis confirmatur, a pravis expositionibus vindicatur, Usus vero in Locis Communibus ex ipsa scriptura natis & probatis indicatur. Accedunt Indices copiosissimi, cum Praefatione Jo. Benedicti Carpzovii, SS. Theol. Doctoris & Professoris Publici in Academia Lipsiensi (Francofurti & Lipsiae & Stettin: Plenerus, 1688).
The 1706 edition: Johannis Tarnovii SS. Theol. Doctoris & Professoris Publici in Academia Rostochiensi, In Prophetas Minores Commentarius, in quo Textus Analysi perspicua illustratur ex fonte Hebraeo explicatur, locis S.S. parallelis confirmatur, a pravis expositionibus vindicatur, Usus vero in Locis Communibus ex ipsa scriptura natis & probatis indicatur. Cum Praefatione Benedicti Carpzovii. Accedunt Indices Copiosissimi (Lipsiæ: apud Jo. Adamum Plenerum, bibliop. Stettin. et Jo. Fried. Gleditschium, bibl. Lips., 1706) [almost 1700 pages].
Mayer, John (1583-1664)
A commentary upon all the prophets both great and small: wherein the divers translations and expositions both literal and mystical of all the most famous commentators both ancient and modern are propounded, examined and censured, for the singular benefit of all that be studious of the Holy Scriptures. By John Mayer Doctor of Divinity (Commentary upon the whole of the Old Testament, Vol. 4; London: printed by Abraham Miller and Ellen Cotes, 1652).
[See here for his commentary on the whole Old Testament]
Coccejus [Cocceius], Johannes (1603-1669)
Τὀ Δωδεκαπρόφητον sive Prophetae duodecim minores versione latina et commentario illustrati, a Johanne Coccejo (Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: apud Johannem & Danielem Elsevier, 1652). The commentary was reprinted in the three editions of his "Opera omnia"; see here for further details.
In the first edition of the "Opera omnia" (Amsterdam 1673): Operum Johannis Coccei, dum viveret in Academia Lugduno-Batava S.S. Theologiae Professoris. Tomus Tertius: Commentarius in Prophetiam & Threnos Jeremiae. Commentarius in Prophetiam Ezechielis. Observationes in Danielem. Commentarius in Prophetas duodecim Minores (Amstelodami: ex officina Johannis à Someren, 1673). [in this edition each commentary has its own pagination; the Minor Prophets commentary begins with unnumbered pages of front matter, then pp. 1-302 of the commentary proper]
In the second edition of the "Opera omnia" (Frankfurt am Main 1689): Johannis Coccei[i] Doctoris ac Professoris Theologi in Academia Lugdunensi Batava, longè celeberrimi, Opera Omnia Theologica, Exegetica, Didactica, Polemica, Philosophica : LXX. circiter Tractatibus, post praefationem enumeratis, absoluta. Quibus Veteris Ac Novi Instrumenti Codices Commentariis haud vulgaribus illustrantur ... Tomus III: Commentarius in Prophetiam & Threnos Jeremiae; Ezechielis; In Prophetas duodecim Minores. Et Observationes in Danielem (Francofurti ad Moenum: Wustius, 1689). [Minor Prophets: 387-699 (the volume ends here; the "Observationes in Danielem", in spite of the title of the volume, come before the Minor Prophets commentary)]
In the third edition of the "Opera omnia" (Amsterdam 1701): Johannis Cocceji, S.S.Th. Doct. ac Prof. in Acad. Lugd. Batava, Opera omnia theologica, exegetica, didactica, polemica, philologica. Divisa in decem volumina. Editio tertia, auctior & emendatior. Tomus quartus: Joh. Cocceji Commentarius in Prophetas minores, quatuor Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum. Nec non Examen ΠΑΡΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΩΝ Fausti Socini, Georgii Enjedini, Valentini Smalcii, Jonae Schlichtingii in principium Evangelii Johannis. (Amstelodami: ex typographia P. & J. Blaev, prostant apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, Boom, & Goethals, 1701). [the Minor Prophets commentary is on pp. 1-290]
Trapp, John (1601-1669)
A Commentary or Exposition upon the XII. Minor Prophets: wherein the text is explained, some controversies are discussed, sundry cases of conscience are cleared, and many remarkable matters hinted that had by former interpreters been pretermitted. Hereunto is added a treatise called, The Righteous Mans Recompence, or, A true Christian characterized and encouraged, out of Malachi chap. 3. vers. 16, 17, 18: in which diverse other Texts of Scripture, which occasionally occurre, are fully opened and the whole so intermixed with pertinent Histories as will yeeld both pleasure and profit, to the judicious Reader (London: printed by R. N. for Philemon Stephens, at the Gilded Lion in St Pauls Church-yard, 1654). [The commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets are found on pp. 1-691; the rest of the book (over 150 pages) consists of the treatise noted in the title] [download link available here]
Reprinted as Volume Four (dated 1654) of his collected commentary works: Trapp, John, Annotations upon the Old and New Testament, in Five Distinct Volumes (London: printed by Robert White, for Nevill Simmons Bookseller in Kederminster, 1654-62).
Reprinted again, this time with useful editorial revisions, as Volume Four (ed. by W. Webster) in: Trapp, John, A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. Reprinted from the author's last edition. With a memoir by A. B. Grosart. Edited by the Rev. W. Webster and the Rev. Hugh Martin. 5 vol. (London: Richard D. Dickinson, 1867-1868).
Hutcheson, George (1615-1674)
A Brief Exposition on the XII Small Prophets. 3 vol. (London: Ralph Smith, at the Bible in Cornhill, 1654). [Vol. 1: Hos, Joel, Amos; vol. 2: Obad – Zeph; vol. 3: Hag – Mal]
Second edition: A Brief Exposition on the XII Small Prophets. Second edition in one volume (London: Ralph Smith, at the Bible in Cornhill, 1657).
Dutch translation in two volumes, the second of which has two parts corresponding to Vols. 2-3 of the original English edition:
Vol. 1: Sakelyke en prackticale Verklaringe van de Twaalf Kleine Propheten door den geleerden en godtzaligen Heere Mr. George Hutcheson... Eerste deel, behelsende de Prophetien van Hozeas, Joel, en Amos, getrouwelyk uit het Engelsch Vertaalt. Met een Breede Voorreden over de Practicale Studie des Bybels, door Theodorus van der Groe... (Leiden: Abraham Kallewier, 1747).
Vol. 2A: Sakelyke en prackticale Verklaringe van de Twaalf Kleine Propheten door den geleerden en godtzaligen Heere Mr. George Hutcheson... Tweede deel, behelsende de Prophetien van Obadja, Jona, Micha, Nahum, Habakuk, en Zephanja, getrouwelyk uit het Engelsch Vertaalt. Met een Breede Voorreden over de Zeven Tydt-percken van Godts Verbondt, als de Sleutel der Prophetien, enz. , door Theodorus van der Groe... (Leiden: Abraham Kallewier, 1748).
Vol. 2B: Sakelyke en prackticale Verklaringe van de Twaalf Kleine Propheten door den geleerden en godtzaligen Heere Mr. George Hutcheson... Derde deel, behelsende de Prophetien van Haggai, Zacharia, en Maleachi. Getrouwelyk uit het Engelsch Vertaalt. Voor af zyn gevoegt eenige Omstandigheden van des Autheurs Leven, door Alexander Comrie... (Leiden: Abraham Kallewier, 1748). [Parts 2 and 3 have continuous pagination within the second volume, but each has its own title-page.]
Veil, Charles-Marie de (1630-1685)
Explicatio Literalis duodecim Prophetarum Minorum ex ipsis Scripturarum Fontibus, Hebraeorum Ritibus & Idiomatis, Veterum & Recentiorum Monumentis eruta Opera et Studi Caroli Mariae Veil ... Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyteri (Londini: typis Tho. James ... impensis Abelis Swalle, ad insigne Unicornis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1680).
Petersen, Johann Wilhelm (1649-1727)
Die Erklärung der Zwölf Kleinen Propheten, die da sind: Hoseas, Joel, Amos, Obadias, Jonas, Michas, Nahum, Habacuc, Zephania, Haggai, Zacharias, Malachias, nach dem Geist der Weissagung dargestellt (Franckfurt am Mayn: Johann Maximilian von Sand, 1723).
Gebhardi, Brandanus Heinrich (1657-1729)
During his lifetime he published ten separate volumes of commentaries on the Minor Prophets between 1723 and 1728 (in various cities: Greifswald, Rostock, Leipzig, Lüneburg); after his death they were collected in one volume:
D. Brandani Henrici Gebhardi ... gründliche Einleitung in die Weissagung der zwölff kleinen Propheten. Zuvor eintzeln ans Licht gegeben, nunmehro aber bey dieser zweyten Auflage zusammen gedruckt. Nebst einer Vorrede von dem Lebens-Lauff und gesammten Schrifften des sel. Herrn Autoris, und einem vollständigen Register ausgefertiget von Julio Justo Gebhardi... (Braunschweig: verlegts Rudolph Schröders sel. Wittwe, 1737). [1588 pp, plus unnumbered index pages] Online access here.
Marckius [a Marck], Johannes (1656-1731)
Over a five-year period he published four volumes of commentaries on the Twelve:
Johannis Marckii in Hoseam commentarius seu analysis exegetica, qua Hebraeus textus cum versionibus veteribus confertur, vocum & phrasium vis indagatur, rerum nexus monstratur, & in sensum genuinum cum examine variarum interpretationum inquiritur. Diatribe annexa est singularis de accipienda uxore et liberis fornicationum (Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Gerardus Borstius, 1696).
Johannis Marckii In Joelem, Hamosum, Hobhadjam, & Jonam commentarius: seu analysis exegetica, qua Hebraeus textus cum versionibus veteribus confertur, vocum & phrasium vis indagatur, rerum nexus monstratur, & in sensum genuinum cum examine variarum interpretationum inquiritur (Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Gerardus Borstius, 1698).
Johannis Marckii in Micham, Nahumum, Habhakkukum, & Tsephanjam commentarius: seu analysis exegetica, qua Hebraeus textus cum versionibus veteribus confertur, vocum & phrasium vis indagatur, rerum nexus monstratur, & in sensum genuinum cum examine variarum interpretationum inquiritur (Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Gerardus Borstius, 1700).
Johannis Marckii in Haggaeum, Zecharjam, & Malachiam, commentarius: seu analysis exegetica, qua Hebraeus textus cum versionibus veteribus confertur, vocum & phrasium vis indagatur, rerum nexus monstratur, & in sensum genuinum cum examine variarum interpretationum inquiritur (Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Gerardus Borstius, 1701).
Second (posthumous) edition in one volume: Joannis Marckii, theologi Lugdunensis Batavi, Commentarius in Duodecim Prophetas Minores, seu Analysis exegetica, qua Hebraeus textus cum versionibus veteribus confertur, vocum & phrasium vis indagatur, rerum nexus monstratur, & in sensum genuinum cum examine variarum interpretationum inquiritur. Praemittur praefatio D. Christophori Matthaei Pfaffii, theologi primarii et cancellarii Tubingensis, qua praestantia hujus commentarii, scripta itidem et vita autoris recensentur & enarrantur. Editio nova, prioribus accuratior, cum indicibus necessariis. (Tubingae: sumptibus Jo. Georgii Cottae & Jo. Rudolphi im Hoff, 1734). [over 1300 pp.]
Burk [Burck], Philipp David (1714-1770)
Philippi Davidis Burkii Gnomon in duodecem prophetas minores: in quo, ex nativa verborum vi, simplicitas, profunditas, concinnitas, salubritas sensuum coelestium indicatur. Cum praefatione B. Jo. Alberti Bengelii, S.T.D (Heilbronnae [Heilbron]: sumptibus Francisci Josephi Eckebrechti, 1753).
Moldenhawer, Johann Heinrich Daniel (1709-1790)
Uebersetzung und Erklärung der Weissagungen des Propheten Daniels und der zwölf kleinen Propheten: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadia, Jona, Micha, Nahum, Habacuc, Zephania, Haggai, Sacharia, und Malachia (Quedlinburg und Blankenburg: verlegst Christoph August Reußner, 1787). Online access here.
Dathe, Johann August (1731-1791)
Prophetae minores ex recensione textus hebraei et versionum antiquarum latine versi, notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati a Joanne Augusto Dathio. Editio tertia emendatior (Halae [Halle (Saale)]: sumtibus Orphanotrophei, 1790). [First edition (same place) 1773; second revised edition (same place) 1779].
Newcome, William (1729-1800)
An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the twelve minor prophets (London: printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and G. G. J. and J. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row, and P. Elmsly, in the Strand; Dublin: printed by Robert Marchbank, 1785).
After his death an expanded version was published (editor not named): An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the twelve minor prophets. Now enlarged and improved with additional Notes and a comparison of the chief various renderings of Dr. Horsley, on Hosea, and Dr. Blayney, on Zechariah (Pontefract: printed by B. Boothroyd, for F. Burditt, Paternoster Row, London, 1809). For the enlarged and corrected 1836 edition see here.
Bauer, Georg Lorenz (1755–1806)
Die kleinen Propheten übersetzt und mit Commentarien erläutert: Erster Theil, Hoseas bis Micha (Leipzig: Schwickert, 1786); Die kleinen Propheten übersetzt und mit Commentarien erläutert: Zweyter Theil, Nahum bis Malachia (Leipzig: Schwickert, 1790).
Vaupel, Johann Christian (1753-1819)
Die zwölf kleinen Propheten, erkläret von M. Johann Christian Vaupel, Waisenhauspredigern zu Dresden (Dresden und Leipzig: in der Hilscherischen Buchhandlung [Christian Gottlob Hilscher], 1793).
Bergh, R. H. van der, "The Textual Tradition of the Explicit Quotations of the Twelve Minor Prophets in Codex Bezae's Acts: A Preliminary Investigation", in J. de Vries – M. Karrer (eds.), Textual History and the Reception of Scripture in early Christianity = Textgeschichte und Schriftrezeption im Frühen Christentum (SBLSCS 60; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013) 115-129.
Breytenbach, C., "The Minor Prophets in Mark's Gospel", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 27-37.
Evans, C. A., "The Book of the Twelve in Jesus and the New Testament", in L.-S. Tiemeyer – J. Wöhrle (eds.), The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (VTSup 184 / Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, 9; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 385-414.
Gheorghita, R., "The Minor Prophets in Hebrews", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 115-133.
Ham, C. A., "The Minor Prophets in Matthew's Gospel", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 39-56.
Jaumainen, M., "The Minor Prophets in Revelation", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 155-171.
Jobes, K. H., "The Minor Prophets in James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 135-153.
Jobes, K., "The Greek Minor Prophets in James", in C. A. Evans – H. D. Zacharias (eds.), "What Does the Scripture Say?": Studies in the Function of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity. Vol. 2: The Letters and Liturgical Tradition (LNTS 470 / Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity, 18; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2012) 147-158.
Klein, H., "Das Buch der Zwölf Kleinen Propheten in der Apostelgeschichte", in F. Hartenstein – J. Krispenz – A. Schart (eds.), Schriftprophetie. Festschrift für Jörg Jeremias zum 65. Geburtstag (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2004) 401-414.
Kreuzer, S., "Stages of the Greek Text of Dodekapropheton Witnessed by the Quotations in the New Testament", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 265-284.
Menken, M. J. J. – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009). [all the papers are listed here]
Menken, M. J. J., "The Minor Prophets in John's Gospel", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 79-96.
Menken, M. J. J., "Allusions to the Minor Prophets in the Fourth Gospel", Neotestamentica 44 (2010) 67-84.
Moyise, S., "The Minor Prophets in Paul", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 97-114.
Moyise, S., "The Minor Prophets in Paul", in D. J. A. Clines – J. C. Exum (eds.), The Reception of the Hebrew Bible in the Septuagint and the New Testament: Essays in Memory of Aileen Guilding (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 55; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013) 97-114.
Sandt, H. van de, "The Minor Prophets in Luke-Acts", in M. J. J. Menken – S. Moyise (eds.), The Minor Prophets in the New Testament (LNTS 377; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2009) 57-77.
Schart, A., "Ist Jesus auch der Heiden Heiland? Zitate aus dem Zwölfprophetenbuch im NT", BK 68 (2013) 37-42.
Schart, A., "Das Zeichen des Jona. Zitate des Zwölfprophetenbuchs beim historischen Jesus", in in T. Wagner – J. M. Robker – F. Ueberschaer (eds.), Text – Textgeschichte – Textwirkung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Siegfried Kreuzer (AOAT 419; Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 2014) 535-550.
Shepherd, M. B., The Twelve Prophets in the New Testament (Studies in Biblical Literature, 140; New York: Peter Lang, 2011).
Shepherd, M. B., "The Minor Prophets in Early Christianity", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 243-251.
Steyn, G. J., "Quotations from the Minor Prophets in Hebrews", in J. Cook (ed.), Septuagint and Reception: Essays Prepared for the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (VTSup 127; Leiden: Brill, 2009) 119-140.
Steyn, G. J., "Observations on the Text Form of the Minor Prophets Quotations in Romans 9-11", JSNT 38.1 (Sept. 2015) 49-67.
Steyn, G. J., "Dodekapropheton Quotations in Matthew's Gospel", in W. Kraus – M. N. van der Meer – M. Meiser (eds.), XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Munich 2013 (SBLSCS 64; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2016) 741-761.
Troyer, K. De, "Quotations from the Texts of the Books of Samuel, Kings and the Minor Prophets in the New Testament", in D. J. A. Clines – J. C. Exum (eds.), The Reception of the Hebrew Bible in the Septuagint and the New Testament: Essays in Memory of Aileen Guilding (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 55; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013) 49-55.
Utzschneider, H., "Flourishing Bones – The Minor Prophets in the New Testament", in W. Kraus – R. G. Wooden (eds.), Septuagint Research. Issues and Challenges in the Study of the Greek Jewish Scriptures (SBLSCS 53; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006) 273-292.
Utzschneider, H., "Die Zwölf Propheten im Neuen Testament", in H. Utzschneider, Gottes Vorstellung. Untersuchungen zur literarischen Ästhetik und Theologie des Alten Testaments (BWANT 175; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007) 170-191.
White, A. W., The Prophets Agree: The Function of the Book of the Twelve Prophets in Acts (Biblical Interpretation Series, 184; Leiden: Brill, 2020).
Abel, F.-M., "Parallélisme exégétique entre S. Jérôme et S. Cyrille d'Alexandrie", Vivre et Penser 1re série (1941) 94-119, 212-230.
Albrecht, F., "Das Zwölfprophetenbuch und seine Rezeption im frühen Christentum am Beispiel Justins des Märtyrers", in J. de Vries – M. Karrer (eds.), Textual History and the Reception of Scripture in Early Christianity: Textgeschichte und Schriftrezeption im frühen Christentum (SBLSCS 60; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013) 349-357.
Duval, Y.-M., Le Livre de Jonas dans la littérature chrétienne grecque et latine: sources et influence du Commentaire sur Jonas de saint Jérôme. 2 vol. (Collection des Études Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité, 53-54; Paris: Études Augustiniennes, 1973).
Duval, Y.-M., "Jérôme et les prophètes: histoire, prophétie, actualité et actualisation dans les commentaire de Nahum, Michée, Abdias et Joël", in J. A. Emerton (ed.), Congress Volume Salamanca 1983 (VTSup 36; Leiden: Brill, 1985) 108-131.
Faulhaber, M., Die Propheten-Catenen nach römischen Handschriften (Biblische Studien, Vierter Band, zweites und drittes Heft; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1899), esp. 18-39 ("Die Catene zu den kleinen Propheten").
Karo, G. – J. Lietzmann, "Catenarum graecarum catalogus composuerunt Georgius Karo et Iohannes Lietzmann: Pars I, Pars II, Pars III", in Nachrichten von der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-historische Klasse, aus dem Jahre 1902 (Göttingen: Commissionsverlag der Dieterich'schen Verlagsbuchhandlung Lüder Horstmann, 1902) 1-66, 299-350, 559-620. On the Twelve Prophets see esp. Pars II, 331-334 ("Catenae in XII Prophetas").
Kerrigan, A., St. Cyril of Alexandria Interpreter of the Old Testament (AnBib 2; Roma: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1952).
Klinger, B., "Between Scylla and Charybdis: Jerome as Interpreter of the Minor Prophets – Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis: Hieronymus als Ausleger der kleinen Propheten", Vulgata in Dialogue 4 (2020) 5-22 [online periodical here; only the English text is available for viewing and download]
La Bonnardière, A.-M., Biblia Augustiniana, A. T.: Les Douze petits prophètes (Collection des études augustiniennes, Série Antiquité; Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1964).
O'Keefe, J., Interpreting the Angel: Cyril of Alexandria and Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentators on the Book of Malachi (Ph.D. diss., Catholic University of America, 1993).
Ondrey, H., "Cyril of Alexandria's Hermeneutics of Identity in the Commentary on the Twelve Prophets", in R. Ecklund – J. E. Phelan Jr. (eds.), Doing Theology for the Church: Essays in Honor of Klyne Snodgrass (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2014) 233-246.
Ondrey, H., "Gradual Spiritualization? History and the Mosaic Law in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Twelve", in A. Brent – M. Ludlow – M. Vinzent (eds.), Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXII – Including Papers Presented at the Fourth British Patristics Conference, at the University of Exeter, 5-7 September 2012 (Studia Patristica, 72; Leuven: Peeters, 2014) 247-256.
Ondrey, H. T., The Twelve between Two Testaments: The Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture in the Commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria (Ph. D. diss., University of St. Andrews, 2014).
Ondrey, H. T., The Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture in the Commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria (Oxford Early Christian Studies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). [based on her Ph.D. at the University of Saint Andrews 2014 above]
Rahmer, M., Die hebräischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus mit den jüdischen Quellen verglichen und kritisch beleuchtet, Teil 2: Die Commentarii zu den zwölf kleinen Propheten kritisch beleuchtet, Heft 1: Hosea, Joël, Amos (Berlin: M. Poppelauer's Buchhandlung, 1902).
Rahmer, M., Die hebräischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus mit den jüdischen Quellen verglichen und kritisch beleuchtet, Teil 2: Die Commentarii zu den zwölf kleinen Propheten kritisch beleuchtet, Heft 2: Obadja, Jona, Micha (Berlin: M. Poppelauer's Buchhandlung, 1902).
Roukema, R., Micah in Ancient Christianity: Reception and Interpretation (Studies of the Bible and its Reception, 15; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019). For an overview of patristic commentaries on all of the Twelve Prophets, see his third chapter: "Church Fathers: Introduction" (10-21).
Roukema, R., "Philological Observations, Syntax, and Delimitation in the Septuagint Version of Micah according to Patristic Commentaries", in M. Meiser – M. Geiger – S. Kreuzer – M. Sigismund (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Geschichte, Wirkung, Relevanz. 6. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 21.-24. Juli 2016 (WUNT 405; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018) 777-797.
Shepherd, M. B., "The Minor Prophets in Early Christianity", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 243-251.
Simonetti, M., "Note sul commento di Cirillo d'Alessandria ai Profeti Minori", Vetera Christianorum 14 (1977) 303-330.
Zaganas, D., La formation d'une exégèse alexandrine post-origénienne: les Commentaires sur les Douze Prophètes et sur Isaïe de Cyrille d'Alexandrie (Traditio exegetica graeca, 17; Leuven: Peeters, 2019).
Zaganas, D., "La critique textuelle dans les commentaires de Cyrille d'Alexandrie sur Isaïe et les Douze Prophètes", ETL 100 (2024) 289-304.
Hernández Rodríguez, A. M., "Haimón de Auxerre y el profeta Oseas. Exégesis monástica y profecía en el período carolingio", Temas medievales 19 (2011) 93-114.
Hernández Rodríguez, A. M., "Predestinación, salvación y penitencia en la Exegesis Bíblica Carolingia. El caso de Haimón de Auxerre y su Comentario a Oseas (c. 850)", Studi Medievali, III serie, vol. 55 (2014) 593-625.
Klotz, R., "In XII prophetas minores des Rupert von Deutz: Anmerkungen zu Forschungsstand und Überlieferung", Archa verbi: Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology 6 (2009) 53-66.
Shimahara, S. (ed.), Études d'exégèse carolingienne: autour d'Haymon d'Auxerre: Atelier de recherches, Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre, 25-26 avril 2005 (Haut Moyen Âge, 4; Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).
Balserak, J., Establishing the Remnant Church in France: Calvin's Lectures on the Minor Prophets, 1556-1559 (Brill's Series in Church History, 50; Leiden: Brill, 2011).
Kolb, R., "Die Kleinen Propheten als Zeitgenossen der Reformatoren: zur Auslegung des Zwölfprophetenbuchs in der lutherischen Spätreformation", Lutherische Theologie und Kirche 38 (2014) 21-43.
Niggemann, A. J., Martin Luther's Hebrew in Mid-Career: The Minor Prophets Translation (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism, and the Reformation, 108; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019).
Osculati, R., "Francisco de Ribera (1537-1591) e la profezia biblica", AnStEs 26/2 (2009) 25-45.
Pak, G. Sujin, "Contributions of Commentaries on the Minor Prophets to the Formation of Distinctive Lutheran and Reformed Confessional Identities", Church History and Religious Culture 92/2–3 (2012) 237-260.
1. The Post-Reformation Digital Library
This site gives convenient access to online versions of very many of the works noted above.
From the homepage: "The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included."
2. German-language printed material from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries
The following resources can often supply titles that are missing in PRDL.
VD16: Das Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts
VD17: Das Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts
VD18: Das Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts
All three are easily accessible through the very useful "Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog" here.
3. Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum – Digitale Bibliotek
Another very useful site with abundant material for the history of biblical studies.
4. Carpzov's Introductio
Offers abundant bibliographies on the Minor Prophets, especially for the period 1500-1750.
Carpzov, Johann Gottlob, Introductio ad libros propheticos Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti, praecognita critica et historica, ac autoritatis vindicias exponens. Editio quarta (Lipsiae: sumpt. haeredum Lankisianorum, 1757). [first edition 1721] [the work is available in Google Books and there is a link to it in the PRDL (above) also]
5. Rosenmüller's Scholia
For further details on this work see here. Useful bibliographies on the Twelve as a whole can be found in his volume on Hosea and Joel:
Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmülleri, Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Partis septimae, prophetas minores continentis, volumen primum. Prophetae minores annotatione perpetua illustravit Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmüller. Volumen primum: Hoseas et Joel. Editio secunda auctior et emendatior (Lipsiae: sumtibus Ioh. Ambros. Barthii, 1827) 8-22 [first edition 1812] [the work is available online in Google Books and in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München]