Biblical Bibliographies
Charles Conroy []

Israel's Origins in the Land: Archaeological Studies

[see also:  Israel's origins: general studies and Palestinian archaeology in general]

The bibliography is divided into two sections as follows:

I.    Studies published before 1985 (a small selection)

Aharoni, Y., "Nothing Early and Nothing Late: Re-Writing Israel's Conquest", BA 39 (1976) 55-76.

Albright, W. F., "The Israelite Conquest in the Light of Archaeology", BASOR 74 (Apr. 1939) 11-22.

Kempinski, A., "Israelite Conquest or Settlement? New Light from Tell Masos", BAR 2/3 (Sept. 1976) 25-30.

Lapp, P. W., "The Conquest of Palestine in the Light of Archaeology", Concordia Theological Monthly 38 (1967) 283-300.

Mazar, B., "The Early Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country", BASOR 241 (Winter 1981) 75-85. [for a revised version see below s.v. Mazar 1986 ]

Waldbaum, J. C., From Bronze to Iron. The Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 54: Göteborg: Åström, 1978).

Yadin, Y., "The Transition from a Semi-Nomadic to a Sedentary Society in the Twelfth Century B.C.E.", in F. M. Cross (ed.), Symposia Celebrating the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1900-1975) (Zion Research Foundations. Occasional Publications, 1-2; Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1979) 57-68.

Yadin, Y., "Is the Biblical Account of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan Historically Reliable?", BAR 8/2 (Mar.-Apr. 1982) 16-23.

II.    Studies published from 1985 onwards

Arie, E., "Canaanites in a Changing World: The Jezreel Valley during the Iron Age I", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 119-133.

Bar, S. – A. Zertal, The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Volume 6: The Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Nahal Tirzah (Wadi Farʿah) to Maʿale Ephraim Junction (CHANE 21/6; Leiden: Brill, 2021). [for Vols. 1-5 see s. v. Zertal below]

Ben-Ami, D., "The Iron Age I at Tel Hazor in Light of the Renewed Excavations", IEJ 51 (2001) 148-170.

Ben-Ami, D., "Hazor at the Beginning of the Iron Age", NEA 76 (2013) 101-104.

Ben-Tor, A., "Who Destroyed Canaanite Hazor?" BAR 39/4 (July-Aug. 2013) 26-36.

Bloch-Smith, E., "Israelite Ethnicity in Iron I: Archaeology Preserves What is Remembered and What is Forgotten in Israel's History", JBL 122 (2003) 401-425.

Bunimovitz, S., "Socio-Political Transformations in the Central Hill Country in the Late Bronze – Iron I Transition", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 179-202.

Callaway, J. A., "A New Perspective on the Hill Country Settlement of Canaan in Iron Age I", in J. N. Tubb (ed.), Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Papers in Honour of Olga Tufnell (London: Institute of Archaeology, 1985) 31-49.

Charbit Nataf, K., Céramique et occupation égyptienne en Canaan au 13e siècle av. J.C.: Études de cas de Hazor, Megiddo et Lachish (BAR International Series, 2490; Oxford: Archaeopress, 2013).

Chavalas, M. W., "The Context of Early Israel Viewed through the Archaeology of Northern Mesopotamia and Syria", in R. S. Hess – G. A. Klingbeil – P. J. Ray, Jr. (eds.), Critical Issues in Early Israelite History (Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement, 3; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008) 151-161.

Dessel, J. P., "Looking for the Israelites: The Archaeology of Iron Age I", in J. Ebeling – J. E. Wright – M. Elliott – P. V. M. Flesher (eds.), The Old Testament in Archaeology and History (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017) 275-298.

Dever, W. G., "Archaeological Data on the Israelite Settlement: A Review of Two Recent Works", BASOR 284 (Nov. 1991) 77-90.

Dever, W. G., "Israel, History of: Archaeology and the Israelite 'Conquest'", ABD III (1992) 545-558.

Dever, W. G., "The Late Bronze – Early Iron I Horizon in Syria-Palestine: Egyptians, Canaanites, 'Sea Peoples', and Proto-Israelites", in W. A. Ward – M. S. Joukowsky (eds.), The Crisis Years: The 12th Century B.C. from beyond the Danube to the Tigris (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1992) 99-110.

Dever, W. G., "Cultural Continuity, Ethnicity in the Archaeological Record and the Question of Israelite Origins", in S. A. Aḥituv – B. A. Levine (eds.), Avraham Malamat Volume (Eretz-Israel 24; Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993) 22*-33*.

Dever, W. G., "Archaeology and the Emergence of Early Israel", in J. R. Bartlett (ed.), Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation (London & New York: Routledge, 1997) 20-50.

Dever, W. G., "Archaeology, Ideology, and the Quest for an 'Ancient' or 'Biblical Israel'", NEA 61 (1998) 39-52.

Dever, W. G., "Biblical and Syro-Palestinian Archaeology: A State-of-the-Art Assessment at the Turn of the Millennium", CR:BS 8 (2000) 91-116. The article is followed by a response from Philip Davies, "Corrigenda" (pp. 117-123), and a reply by Dever, "Marginalia" (pp. 124-133).

Dever, W. G., "Imagining Ancient Israel: Archaeology, Social History, and the Sociology of Knowledge", in P. Matthiae – A. Enea (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome, May 18th - 23rd, 1998 (Roma: Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di scienze storiche, archeologiche e antropologiche dell'antichità, 2000) I.323-331.

Dever, W. G., What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Reality of Ancient Israel (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001).

Dever, W. G., Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003); = Aux origines d'Israël. Quand la Bible dit vrai (Paris: Bayard, 2005).

Dever, W. G., "Ethnicity and the Archaeological Record: The Case of Early Israel", in D. R. Edwards – C. T. McCollough (eds.), The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the "Other" in Antiquity. Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers (AASOR 60/61; Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2007) 49-66.

Dever, W. G., Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah (Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2017), esp. chaps 2 (59-117) and 3 (119-257), with the first section of the Conclusion: "Case Study 1: The Israelite Conquest in the Books of Joshua and Judges" (629-633).

Dijkstra, M. – K. Vriezen, "Swords or Ploughshares? The Transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age in Northern Jordan", in M. C. A. Korpel – L. L. Grabbe (eds.), Open-Mindedness in the Bible and Beyond: A Volume of Studies in Honour of Bob Becking (LHB/OTS 616; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015) 69-95.

Eitam, D., "The Settlement of Nomadic Tribes in the Negeb Highlands during the 11th Century B.C.", in M. Heltzer – E. Lipiński (eds.), Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1500–1000 B.C.). Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the University of Haifa from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May 1985 (OLA 23; Leuven: Peeters, 1988) 313-340.

Faust, A., Israel's Ethnogenesis: Settlement, Interaction, Expansion and Resistance (Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology; London: Equinox, 2007).

Faust, A., "The Emergence of Iron Age Israel: On Origins and Habitus", in T. E. Levy – T. Schneider – W. H. C. Propp (eds.), Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective; Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences; Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2015) 467-482.

Finkelstein, I., The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1988). [revised and updated version of the Hebrew original 1986]

Finkelstein, I., "The Emergence of Israel in Canaan: Consensus, Mainstream and Dispute", SJOT 5.2 (1991) 47-59.

Finkelstein, I., "Ephraim (Person): Archaeology of Ephraim", ABD II (1992) 553-555.

Finkelstein, I., "ʿIzbet Ṣarṭah", ABD III (1992) 588-589.

Finkelstein, I., "Seilun, Khirbet", ABD V (1992) 1069-1072.

Finkelstein, I., "The Sociopolitical Organization of the Central Hill Country in the Second Millennium B.C.E.", in A. Biran – J. Aviram (eds.), Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology. Supplement. Pre-Congress Symposium: Population, Production and Power (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1993) 292-306.

Finkelstein, I. – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994).

Finkelstein, I., "The Emergence of Israel: A Phase in the Cyclic History of Canaan in the Third and Second Millennia BCE", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 150-178.

Finkelstein, I., "The Great Transformation: The 'Conquest' of the Highlands [sic] Frontiers and the Rise of the Territorial States", in T. E. Levy (ed.), The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land (London: Leicester University Press; New York: Facts on File, 1995) 349-365.

Finkelstein, I., "Ethnicity and Origin of the Iron I Settlers in the Highlands of Canaan: Can the Real Israel Stand Up?", BA 59 (1996) 198-212.

Finkelstein, I. – Z. Lederman – S. Bunimovitz, Highlands of Many Cultures. The Southern Samaria Survey. The Sites. 2 vols. (Tel Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Monograph series 14; Jerusalem: Graphit Press, 1997).

Finkelstein, I., "Pots and People Revisited: Ethnic Boundaries in the Iron Age I", in N. A. Silberman – D. Small (eds), The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Future (JSOTSup 237; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997) 216-237.

Finkelstein, I., "The Rise of Early Israel: Archaeology and Long-Term History", in S. Aḥituv – E. D. Oren (eds.), The Origin of Early Israel – Current Debate: Biblical, Historical, and Archaeological Perspectives. Irene Levi-Sala Seminar, 1997 (Beer-Sheva, 12; Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, 1998) 7-39.

Finkelstein, I. – N. A. Silberman, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts (New York: The Free Press, 2001). [full list of translations here]

Finkelstein, I. – N. A. Silberman, "The Bible Unearthed – A Rejoinder", BASOR 327 (Aug. 2002) 63-73.

Finkelstein, I., "Archaeology and Text in the Third Millennium: A View from the Center", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Basel 2001 (VTSup 92; Leiden: Brill, 2002) 323-342.

Finkelstein, I. – A. Mazar, The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel. Invited Lectures Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005. Edited by B. B. Schmidt (Archaeology and Biblical Studies, 17; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2007).

Finkelstein, I., "Patriarchs, Exodus, Conquest: Fact or Fiction?" in B. B. Schmidt (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel. Invited Lectures Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005 (Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2007) 41-55.

Finkelstein, I., "When and How Did the Israelites Emerge?" in B. B. Schmidt (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel. Invited Lectures Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005 (Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2007) 73-83.

Finkelstein, I., "Tall al-Umayri in the Iron Age I: Facts and Fiction, with an Appendix on the History of the Collared Rim Pithoi", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), The Fire Signals of Lachish: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011) 113-128.

Finkelstein, I., "Jerusalem and the Benjamin Plateau in the Early Phases of the Iron Age: A Different Scenario", ZDPV 134 (2018) 190-195.

Finkelstein, I., "First Israel, Core Israel, United (Northern) Israel", NEA 82 (2019) 8-15.

Finkelstein, I., "Iron Age Chronology and Biblical History Rejoinders: The Late Bronze/Iron Age Transition, Tel ʿEton and Lachish", PEQ 152 (2020) 82-93.

Finkelstein, I., "The Rise of Ancient Israel: The View from 2021", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 303-312.

Frankel, R., "Upper Galilee in the Late Bronze – Iron I Transition", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 18-34.

Fritz, V., "The Character of the Urbanization in Palestine at the Beginning of the Iron Age", in S. Mazzoni (ed.), Nuove fondazioni nel Vicino Oriente antico: Realtà e ideologia. Atti del Colloquio 4-6 Dicembre 1991 Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico. Sezione di Egittologia e Scienze Storiche del Vicino Oriente. Università Degli Studi di Pisa (Seminari di orientalistica, 4; Pisa: Giardini, 1994) 231-252.

Gadot, Y., "Continuity and Change in the Late Bronze to Iron Age Transition in Israel's Coastal Plain: A Long Term Perspective", in A. Fantalkin – A. Yasur-Landau (eds.), Bene Israel: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and the Levant During the Bronze and Iron Ages in Honour of Israel Finkelstein (CHANE 31; Leiden: Brill, 2008) 55-73.

Gadot, Y., "The Iron I in the Samaria Highlands: A Normal Settlement Wave or Urban Expansion?", in O. Lipschits – Y. Gadot – M. Adams (eds.), Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2017) 103-114.

Gadot, Y., "The Iron I Settlement Wave in the Samaria Highlands and Its Connection with the Urban Centers", NEA 82 (2019) 32-41.

Gadot, Y., "Iron I Settlements in the Highlands of Samaria and the Creation of Group Identities with an Emphasis on Mount Ebal", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 149-158.

Gal, Z., "Iron I in Lower Galilee and the Margins of the Jezreel Valley", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 35-46.

Gal, Z., "Die Besiedlung des unteren Galiläa und der Ränder der Jesreel-Ebene durch israelitische Stämme im Licht archäologischer Quellen", TQ 186 (2006) 80-95.

Gaß, E., "Das Gebirge Manasse zwischen Bronze- und Eisenzeit", TQ 186 (2006) 96-117.

Gilboa, A., "The Southern Levant (Cisjordan) during the Iron Age I Period", in M. L. Steiner – A. E. Killebrew (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant, c. 8000–332 BCE (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 624-648.

Grabbe, L. L. (ed.), Israel in Transition: From Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.). Volume 1: The Archaeology (LHB/OTS 491 – European Seminar on Historical Methodology, 7; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2008). [for vol. 2 see here]

Greenberg, R., The Archaeology of the Bronze Age Levant: From Urban Origins to the Demise of City-States, 3700-1000 BCE (Cambridge World Archaeology; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).

Hawkins, R. K., "The Survey of Manasseh and the Origin of the Central Hill Country Settlers", in R. S. Hess – G. A. Klingbeil – P. J. Ray, Jr. (eds.), Critical Issues in Early Israelite History (BBRSup 3; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008) 165-179.

Herr, L. G., "Tell el-ʿUmayri and the Madaba Plains Region During the Late Bronze-Iron Age I Transition", in S. Gitin – A. Mazar – E. Stern (eds.), Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1998) 251-264.

Herr, L. G., "Tall al-Umayri and the Reubenite Hypothesis", in B. A. Levine – P. J. King – J. Naveh – E. Stern (eds.), Frank Moore Cross Volume (Eretz-Israel 26; Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999) 64*-77*.

Herr, L. G., "The Settlement and Fortification of Tell al-ʿUmayri in Jordan during the LB/Iron I Transition," in L. E. Stager – J. A. Greene – M. D. Coogan (eds.), The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant,1; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000) 167-179.

Herr, L. G., "The Southern Levant (Transjordan) during the Iron Age I Period", in M. L. Steiner – A. E. Killebrew (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant, c. 8000–332 BCE (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 649-659.

Herzog, Z., "The Beer-Sheba Valley: From Nomadism to Monarchy", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 122-149.

Herzog, Z., "Beersheba Valley Archaeology and its Implications for the Biblical Record", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Leiden 2004 (VTSup 109; Leiden: Brill, 2006) 81-102.

Hesse, B. – P. Wapnish, "Can Pig Remains be Used for Ethnic Diagnosis in the Ancient Near East?", in N. A. Silberman – D. Small (eds.), The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Future (JSOTSup 237; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997) 238-270.

Hoffmeier, J. – A. Millard (eds.), The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions. The Proceedings of a Symposium, August 12-14, 2001 at Trinity International University (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004).

Ilan, D., "The 'Conquest' of the Highlands in the Iron Age I", in A. Yasur-Landau – E. H. Cline – Y. M. Rowan (eds.), The Social Archaeology of the Levant: From Prehistory to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019) 283-309.

Jasmin, M., L'étude de la transition du Bronze récent II au Fer I en Palestine méridionale (BAR International Series, 1495; Oxford : Archaeopress, 2006).

Jericke, D., Die Landnahme im Negev. Protoisraelitische Gruppen im Süden Palästinas. Eine archäologische und exegetische Studie (ADPV 20; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997).

Ji, Chang-Ho C., "A Note on the Iron Age Four-Room House in Palestine", Or NS 66 (1997) 387-413.

Joffe, A. H., "Ethnicity in the Iron I Southern Levant: Marginal Notes", Akkadica no. 112 (mars-avril 1999) 27-33.

Kamlah, J., "Das Ostjordanland im Zeitalter der Entstehung Israels", TQ 186 (2006) 118-133.

Kaniewski, D. E. – E. Paulissen – M. Van Campo – H. Weiss – T. Otto – J. Bretschneider – K. Van-Lerberghe, "Late Second–Early First Millennium BC Abrupt Climate Changes in Coastal Syria and their Possible Significance for the History of the Eastern Mediterranean", Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 207-215.

Kellenberger, E., "Die Besiedlung des zentralpalästinischen Berglands zur Eisen-I-Zeit", TZ 53 (1997) 177-194.

Kempinski, A., "L'installation des clans et des tribus dans le bassin de Beersheba", in E.-M. Laperrousaz (ed.), La protohistoire d'Israël: de l'exode à la monarchie (Paris: Cerf, 1990) 299-334.

Killebrew, A. E., Biblical Peoples and Ethnicity: An Archaeological Study of Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, and Early Israel 1300-1100 B.C.E. (SBLABS 9; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005).

Killebrew, A. E., "Introduction to the Levant during the Transitional Late Bronze Age / Iron Age I and Iron Age I Periods", in M. L. Steiner – A. E. Killebrew (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant, c. 8000–332 BCE (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 595-606.

Kleiman, A., "Beyond Hazor: Urban Durability, Political Instability and Collective Memory in the Northern Jordan Valley at the Turn of the Second Millennium BCE", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 101-118.

Klingbeil, G. A., "'Between North and South': The Archaeology of Religion in Late Bronze Age Palestine and the Period of the Settlement", in R. S. Hess – G. A. Klingbeil – P. J. Ray, Jr. (eds.), Critical Issues in Early Israelite History (Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement, 3; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008) 111-150.

Koch, I., "Collapse and Regeneration in Late Second Millennium Southwest Canaan", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 209-233.

Koch, I. – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023).

Kochavi, M., "The Israelite Settlement in Canaan in the Light of Archaeological Surveys", in J. Amitai (ed.), Biblical Archaeology Today, Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, April 1984 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1985) 54-60.

Langgut, D. – I. Finkelstein – T. Litt, "Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Southern Levant", TA 40 (2013) 149-175.

Lehmann, G., "The Northern Coastal Plain during the Early Iron Age (Iron I-Early Iron IIA)", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 53-85.

Maeir, A. M. – I. Shai – C. McKinny (eds.), The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern Canaan (Archaeology of the Biblical Worlds, 2; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019).

Maeir, A. M., "On Defining Israel: Or, Let's Do the Kulturkreislehre Again!", HeBAI 10 (2021) 106-148.

Mazar, A., "The Israelite Settlement in Canaan in the Light of Archaeological Excavation", in J. Amitai (ed.), Biblical Archaeology Today, Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, April 1984 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1985) 61-71.

Mazar, A., "Jerusalem and its Vicinity in Iron Age I", in I. Finkelstein – N. Naʾaman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994) 70-91.

Mazar, A., "The Israelite Settlement", in B. B. Schmidt (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel. Invited Lectures Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005 (Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2007) 85-98.

Mazar, A., "The Patriarchs, Exodus, and Conquest Narratives in Light of Archaeology", in B. B. Schmidt (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel. Invited Lectures Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005 (Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2007) 57-65.

Mazar, A., "From 1200 to 850 B.C.E.: Remarks on Some Selected Archaeological Issues", in L. L. Grabbe (ed.), Israel in Transition: From Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.). Volume 1: The Archaeology (LHB/OTS 491 – European Seminar on Historical Methodology, 7; London & New York: T & T Clark, 2008) 86-120.

Mazar, B., "The Early Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country", in B. Mazar, The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1986) 35-48. [revised version of his 1981 paper, see Section I above]

Meitlis, Y., "A Re-Analysis of the Archaeological Evidence for the Beginning of the Iron Age I", in A. Fantalkin – A. Yasur-Landau (eds.), Bene Israel: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and the Levant During the Bronze and Iron Ages in Honour of Israel Finkelstein (CHANE 31; Leiden: Brill, 2008) 105-111. 

Millek, J. M., "Just How Much Was Destroyed? The End of the Late Bronze Age in the Southern Levant", UF 49 (2018) 239-273.

Millek, J. M., "Crisis, Destruction, and the End of the Late Bronze Age in Jordan: A Preliminary Survey", ZDPV 135 (2019) 119-142.

Millek, J. M., Exchange, Destruction, and a Transitioning Society. Interregional Exchange in the Southern Levant from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron I (RessourcenKulturen, 9; Tübingen: Tübingen University Press, 2019). [free PDF download available here]

Millek, J. M., "Impact of Destruction on Trade at the End of the Late Bronze Age in the Southern Levant", in F. Hagemeyer (ed.), Jerusalem and the Coastal Plain in the Iron Age and Persian Periods: New Studies on Jerusalem's Relations with the Southern Coastal Plain of Israel/Palestine (Ca. 1200-300 BCE): Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times IV (ORA 46; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022) 39-60.

Millek, J. M., Destruction and Its Impact on Ancient Societies at the End of the Bronze Age (Columbus, GA: Lockwood Press, 2023).

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