[see also: Pre-state Israel and Emergence of the monarchy ]
Most of the titles listed here focus on general topics, not on exegetical discussions of specific texts.
The bibliography is divided into three sections as follows:
Adam, K.-P., Saul und David in der judäischen Geschichtsschreibung. Studien zu 1 Samuel 16-2 Samuel 5 (FAT 51; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007).
Álvarez Barredo, M., Los orígenes de la monarquía en Israel. Tradiciones literarias y enfoques teológicos de 1 Sam 8-12 (Publicaciones Instituto Teológico Franciscano. Serie Mayor, 52; Murcia: Instituto Teológico de Murcia / Editorial Espigas, 2009).
Álvarez Barredo, M., Saúl, rechazado como rey de Israel: tradiciones originarias y sincronías redaccionales (Publicaciones del Instituto Teológico de Murcia. Serie mayor, 59; Murcia: Espigas, 2014).
Amit, Y., Hidden Polemics in Biblical Narrative. Translated from the Hebrew by J. Chipman (Biblical Interpretation Series, 25; Leiden: Brill, 2000) 169-188 ( = Chap. Three: "Criticism of Saul's Kingdom – A Formula for Character Assassination").
Balfour, R. J., Divine Rejection: Explorations in the Biblical Portrayals of Esau and King Saul (Explorations in Theological Interpretation; Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2024).
Baziomo, R., La Famille de Saül dans le conflit Saül versus David (FAT II/78; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015).
Berges, U., Die Verwerfung Sauls. Eine thematische Untersuchung (FB 61; Würzburg: Echter, 1989).
Bettenzoli, G., "Samuel und das Problem des Königtums: Die Tradition von Gilgal", BZ NF 30 (1986) 222-236.
Bettenzoli, G., "Samuel und Saul in geschichtlicher und theologischer Auffassung", ZAW 98 (1986) 338-351.
Bezzel, H., Saul. Israels König in Tradition, Redaktion und früher Rezeption (FAT 97; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015).
Bezzel, H., "Saul Ben Kish – Relevant for Which Identity?", WO 49 (2019) 236-251.
Birch, B. C., The Rise of the Israelite Monarchy: The Growth and Development of 1 Sam 7–15 (SBLDS 27; Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1976).
Blenkinsopp, J., "The Quest for the Historical Saul", in J. W. Flanagan – A. W. Robinson (eds.), No Famine in the Land: Studies in Honor of John L. McKenzie (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1975) 75-99.
Cohen, M. E., "Is Jacob Hiding in the House of Saul?", in O. Lipschits – Y. Gadot – M. Adams (eds.), Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2017) 57-69.
Cook, S. E., "Is Saul among the Philistines? A Portrayal of Israel's First and Flawed King", in A. Finitsis (ed.), Dress and Clothing in the Hebrew Bible: "For All Her Household Are Clothed in Crimson" (LHB/OTS 679; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019) 109-124.
Couffignal, R., "Le récit du règne de Saül (1 Samuel 9-31). Étude de structures", ETR 73 (1998) 3-20.
Daalen, L. van, "Samuel and Saul", in J. W. Dyk – P. J. van Midden – K. Spronk – G. J. Venema – R. Zuurmond (eds.), Unless Some One Guide Me...: Festschrift for Karel A. Deurloo (Amsterdamse Cahiers, Supplement Series, 2; Maastricht: Shaker, 2001) 115-128.
Davies, P. R., "Saul, Hero and Villain", in D.V. Edelman – E. Ben Zvi (eds.), Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods: Social Memory and Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 131-140.
Dell, K. J., "Incongruity in the Story of Saul in 1 Samuel 9-15: A Methodological Survey", in G. Khan – D. Lipton (eds.), Studies on the Text and Versions of the Hebrew Bible in Honour of Robert Gordon (VTSup 149; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 49-64.
Diebner, B. J., "The Biblical Stories of Saul and David (1.2 Sam) : Between History and Hellenistic Novel", in M. Oeming – P. Sláma (eds.), A King Like All the Nations? Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the Bible and History (Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel, 28; Zürich: LIT, 2015) 75-81.
Dietrich, W., David, Saul und die Propheten. Das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik nach den prophetischen Überlieferungen vom frühesten Königtum in Israel. 2., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage (BWANT 122; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1992). [first ed. 1987]
Dietrich, W. – T. Naumann, "The David-Saul Narrative", in G. N. Knoppers – J. G. McConville (eds.), Reconsidering Israel and Judah. Recent Studies on the Deuteronomistic History (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study, 8; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000) 276-318. [translated from "Die David-Saul-Geschichte" in Dietrich & Naumann, Die Samuelbücher (EdF 287; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1995) 47-86]
Dietrich, W. – S. Münger, "Die Herrschaft Sauls und der Norden Israels", in C. G. Den Hertog – U. Hübner – S. Münger (eds), Saxa loquentur: Studien zur Archäologie Palästinas/Israels. Festschrift für Volkmar Fritz zum 65. Geburtstag (AOAT 302; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2003) 39-59.
Dietrich, W. (ed.), David und Saul im Widerstreit. Diachronie und Synchronie im Wettstreit. Beiträge zur Auslegung des ersten Samuelbuches (OBO 206; Fribourg: Academic Press; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004).
Dietrich, W., "König Saul – eine ambivalente Gestalt", in W. Dietrich, Die Samuelbücher im deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk. Studien zu den Geschichtsüberlieferungen des Alten Testaments, Band II (BWANT 201; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2012) 131-139.
Dietrich, W., "Saul unter den Propheten", in V. K. Nagy – L. S. Egeresi (eds.), Propheten der Epochen / Prophets during the Epochs: Festschrift für István Karasszon zum 60. Geburstag / Studies in Honour of István Karasszon for his 60th Birthday (AOAT 426; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2015) 13-29. Reprinted [same title] in W. Dietrich, Historiographie und Erzählkunst in den Samuelbüchern: Studien zu den Geschichtsüberlieferungen des Alten Testaments, III (BWANT 221; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2019) 285-299.
Dietrich, W., "Staatsbildung und frühes Königtum in Israel. Geschichte und biblische Geschichtsschreibung", in S. Grätz – A. Graupner – J. Lanckau (eds.), Ein Freund des Wortes: Festschrift Udo Rüterswörden (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019) 55-68.
Dietrich, W., "Israelite State Formation and Early Monarchy in History and Biblical Historiography", in B. E. Kelle – B. A. Strawn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2020) 94-108.
Donner, H., "Basic Elements of Old Testament Historiography Illustrated by the Saul Tradition", in F. E. Deist – J. A. Loader (eds.), Papers Read at the 24th Meeting of 'Die Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suider-Afrika' [Stellenbosch 1981] (OTWSA 24; Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1982) 40-54.
Donner, H., Die Verwerfung des Königs Saul (Sitzungsberichte der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Band XIX, Nr. 5; Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1983) (5) - (36). Reprinted in H. Donner, Aufsätze zum Alten Testament aus vier Jahrzehnten (BZAW 224; Berlin: De Gruyter, 1994) 133-164.
Dragga, S., "In the Shadow of the Judges: The Failure of Saul", JSOT 38 (1987) 39-46.
Edelman, D. V., "The Deuteronomist's Story of King Saul: Narrative Art or Editorial Product?", in C. Brekelmans – J. Lust (eds.), Pentateuchal and Deuteronomistic Studies. Papers read at the XIIIth IOSOT Congress Leuven 1989 (BETL 94; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1990) 207-220.
Edelman, D. V., King Saul in the Historiography of Judah (JSOTSup 121; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991).
Edelman, D. V., "Saul", ABD V (1992) 989-999.
Edelman, D. V., "Saul ben Kish in History and Tradition", in V. Fritz – P. R. Davies (eds.), The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States (JSOTSup 228; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) 142-159. Reprinted in L. L. Grabbe (ed.), The Hebrew Bible and History: Critical Readings (T&T Clark Critical Readings in Biblical Studies; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019) 222-235.
Ehrlich, C. S. – M. C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (FAT 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006).
Evans, W. E., "A Historical Reconstruction of the Emergence of Israelite Kingship and the Reign of Saul", in W. W. Hallo – J. C. Moyer – L. C. Perdue (eds.), Scripture in Context, II: More Essays on the Comparative Method (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983) 61-77.
Exum, J. C. – J. W. Whedbee, "Isaac, Samson, and Saul: Reflections on the Comic and Tragic Visions", Semeia 32 (1984) 5-40. Reprinted in Y. T. Radday – A. Brenner (eds.), On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible (JSOTSup 92 / Bible and Literature Series, 23; Sheffield: Almond Press, 1990) 117-159. Reprinted again in P. R. House (ed.), Beyond Form Criticism. Essays in Old Testament Literary Criticism (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study, 2; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992) 272-308.
Exum, J. C., Tragedy and Biblical Narrative: Arrows of the Almighty (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
Faust, A., "Settlement Patterns and State Formation in Southern Samaria and the Archaeology of (a) Saul", in C. S. Ehrlich – M. C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (FAT 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) 14-38.
Finkelstein, I. – N. A. Silberman, David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of Western Civilization (New York: Free Press, 2006), esp. 61-89 (chap. 2 "The Madness of Saul: Egypt, the Philistines, and the Fall of Earliest Israel"). German: David und Salomo. Archäologen entschlüsseln einen Mythos (München: Beck, 2006). Spanish: David y Salomón. En busca de los reyes sagrados de la Biblia y de las raíces de la tradición occidental (Madrid: Siglo XXI de España Editores, 2007). French: Les rois sacrés de la Bible. À la recherche de David et Salomon (Montrouge: Bayard, 2006).
Finkelstein, I.,, "The Last Labayu: King Saul and the Expansion of the First North Israelite Territorial Entity", in Y. Amit – E. Ben Zvi – I. Finkelstein – O. Lipschits (eds.), Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context. A Tribute to Nadav Naʾaman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006) 171-187.
Finkelstein, I., "Saul, Benjamin and the Emergence of »Biblical Israel«: An Alternative View", ZAW 123 (2011) 348-367. Reprinted with revisions in I. Finkelstein, Essays on Biblical Historiography: From Jeroboam II to John Hyrcanus I (FAT 148; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022) 267-286.
Finkelstein, I., The Forgotten Kingdom: The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel (Ancient Near East Monographs, 5; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2013), esp. 37-61 (= Chapter 2: "The First North Israelite Territorial Entity: The Gibeon/Gibeah Polity and the House of Saul"). The volume can be downloaded here. Original French edition: Le Royaume biblique oublié (Travaux du Collège de France; Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, 2013). Italian: Il regno dimenticato: Israele e le origini nascoste della Bibbia (Frecce 187; Roma: Carocci, 2014).
Finkelstein, I., "A Corpus of North Israelite Texts in the Days of Jeroboam II?", HeBAI 6 (2017) 262-289. Reprinted with revisions in I. Finkelstein, Essays on Biblical Historiography: From Jeroboam II to John Hyrcanus I (FAT 148; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022) 325-350.
Finkelstein, I., "Saul and Highlands of Benjamin Update: The Role of Jerusalem", in J. J. Krause – O. Sergi – K. Weingart (eds.), Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives (SBLAIL 40; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2020) 33-56. Reprinted with revisions in I. Finkelstein, Essays on Biblical Historiography: From Jeroboam II to John Hyrcanus I (FAT 148; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022) 287-302.
Fischer, A. A., "Die Saul-Überlieferung im deuteronomistischen Samuelbuch (am Beispiel von I Samuel 9-10)", in M. Witte – K. Schmid – D. Prechel – J. C. Gertz (eds.), Die deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke. Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur "Deuteronomismus"-Diskussion in Tora und Vorderen Propheten (BZAW 365; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2006) 163-182.
Flanagan, J. W., "Chiefs in Israel", JSOT 20 (1981) 47-73.
Foresti, F., The Rejection of Saul in the Perspective of the Deuteronomistic School: A Study of 1 Sm 15 and Related Texts (Studia theologica-Teresianum, 5; Roma: Edizioni del Teresianum, 1984).
Fretheim, T. E., "Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy and the Rejection of Saul's Kingship", CBQ 47 (1985) 595-602. Reprinted in T. E. Fretheim, What Kind of God? Collected Essays of Terence E. Fretheim. Edited by M. J. Chan and B. A. Strawn (Siphrut 14; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015) 267-273.
Germany, S., "Memorializing Saul's Wars in Samuel and Chronicles", in S. Ammann – H. Bezold – S. Germany – J. Rhyder (eds.), Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean (CHANE 135; Leiden: Brill, 2023) 56-70.
Giercke-Ungermann, A., Die Niederlage im Sieg. Eine synchrone und diachrone Untersuchung der Erzählung von 1 Sam 15 (Erfurter theologische Studien, 97; Würzburg: Echter, 2010).
Gillet, M., "La folie de Saül", Lumière et Vie 39 [no. 198] (oct. 1990) 5-21.
Grabbe, L. L. , "Kings Saul, David, and Arthur: On Writing a History of the 'Dark Age'", in C. Shafer-Elliott – K. Joachimsen – E. Ben Zvi – P. A. Viviano (eds.), The Hunt for Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman (Sheffield: Equinox, 2022) 294-312.
Green, B., How Are the Mighty Fallen? A Dialogical Study of King Saul in 1 Samuel (JSOTSup 365; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003).
Green, B., "Saul in Reception History", in B. E. Kelle – B. A. Strawn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2020) 483-495.
Grottanelli, C., "Possessione carismatica e razionalizzazione statale nella Bibbia ebraica. Sul valore denotativo della 'follia' di Saul", Studi Storico-Religiosi 1 (1977) 263-288. English version: "Charismatic Possession and Monarchic Rationalization: The Folly of Saul", in C. Grottanelli, Kings and Prophets: Monarchic Power, Inspired Leadership, and Sacred Text in Biblical Narrative (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999) 87-109.
Gunn, D. M., The Fate of King Saul: An Interpretation of a Biblical Story (JSOTSup 14; Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1980).
Gunn, D. M., "A Man Given Over to Trouble: The Story of King Saul", in B. O. Long (ed.), Images of Man and God: Old Testament Short Stories in Literary Focus (Bible and Literature, 1: Sheffield: Almond Press, 1981) 89-112 (with notes on 121).
Hecke, K.-H., Juda und Israel: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Israels in vor- and frühstaatlicher Zeit (FB 52; Würzburg: Echter, 1985), esp. 203-238 (chap. 5: on Samuel and Saul) and 239-298 (chap. 6: on the rise of David).
Hentschel, G., Saul: Schuld, Reue und Tragik eines "Gesalbten" (Biblische Gestalten, 7; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2003).
Hentschel, G., "Saul und das deuteronomistische Geschichtswerk. Die Kritik an Saul und die Abkehr von der Monarchie", in H.-J. Stipp (ed.), Das deuteronomistische Geschichtswerk (ÖBS 39; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011) 207-224.
Humphreys, W. L., "The Tragedy of King Saul: A Study of the Structure of 1 Samuel 9-31", JSOT 6 (1978) 18-27.
Humphreys, W. L., "The Rise and Fall of King Saul: A Study of an Ancient Narrative Stratum in 1 Samuel", JSOT 18 (1980) 74-90.
Humphreys, W. L., "From Tragic Hero to Villain: A Study of the Figure of Saul and the Development of 1 Samuel", JSOT 22 (1982) 95-117.
Humphreys, W. L., The Tragic Vision and the Hebrew Tradition (Overtures to Biblical Theology; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985), esp. 23-66 (chaps 2 & 3 on Saul).
Hylander, I., Der literarische Samuel-Saul-Komplex (I. Sam. I-15) traditionsgeschichtlich untersucht (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1932).
Kaiser, O., "Der historische und der biblische König Saul (Teil I)", ZAW 122 (2010) 520-545.
Kaiser, O., "Der historische und der biblische König Saul (Teil II)", ZAW 123 (2011) 1-14.
Kamrada, D. G., Heroines, Heroes and Deity: Three Narratives of the Biblical Heroic Tradition (LHB/OTS 621; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 105-173 (Chap. 3: "Urim and Thummim – Saul and David").
Kelle, B. E., "The Early Monarchy and the Stories of Saul, David, and Solomon", in S. Niditch (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion; Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2016) 177-196.
Knauf, E. A., "Saul, David, and the Philistines: From Geography to History", BN 109 (2001) 15-18.
Koch, I., "On Philistines and Early Israelite Kings: Memories and Perceptions", in J. J. Krause – O. Sergi – K. Weingart (eds.), Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives (SBLAIL 40; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2020) 7-31.
Krause, J. J. – O. Sergi – K. Weingart (eds.), Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives (SBLAIL 40; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2020).
Krause, J. J. – O. Sergi – K. Weingart, "Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Problems and Perspectives", in J. J. Krause – O. Sergi – K. Weingart (eds.), Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives (SBLAIL 40; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2020) 1-6.
Krauss, H. – M. Küchler, Saul – der tragische König. Das erste Buch Samuel in literarischer Perspektive (Erzählungen der Bibel, 4; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2010).
Kreuzer, S., "'War Saul auch unter den Philistern?': Die Anfänge des Königtums in Israel", ZAW 113 (2001) 56-73. Reprinted in S. Kreuzer, Geschichte, Sprache und Text: Studien zum Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt (BZAW 479; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015) 3-21.
Kreuzer, S., "Saul – Not Always – At War. A New Perspective on the Rise of Kingship in Israel", in C. S. Ehrlich – M. C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (FAT 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) 39-58.
Langlamet, F., "Les récits de l'institution de la royauté israélite (1 Sam VII-XII)", RB 77 (1970) 161-200.
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Lee, J. N. T., "The Role of the People in Saul's Rise and Fall", BSac 174 (2017) 159-179.
Lehnart, B., Prophet und König im Nordreich Israel. Studien zur sogenannten vorklassischen Prophetie im Nordreich Israel anhand der Samuel-, Elija- und Elischa-Überlieferungen (VTSup 96; Leiden: Brill, 2003).
Lemardelé, C., "A la recherche du récit de l'Arche. À la recherche de Saül. De Shilo à Gibea", SJOT 26 (2012) 55-76.
Leuchter, M., "Samuel, Saul, and the Deuteronomistic Categories of History", in J. Rilett Wood – J. E. Harvey – M. Leuchter (eds.), From Babel to Babylon: Essays on Biblical History and Literature in Honour of Brian Peckham (LHB/OTS 455; New York – London: T & T Clark International, 2006) 101-110.
Lipschits, O., "Benjamin in Retrospective: Stages in the Creation of the Territory of the Benjamin Tribe", in J. J. Krause – O. Sergi – K. Weingart (eds.), Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives (SBLAIL 40; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2020) 161-199. Reprinted in O. Lipschits, Judah in the Biblical Period: Historical, Archaeological, and Biblical Studies. Selected Essays (BZAW 497; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024) 399-420.
Long, V. P., The Reign and Rejection of King Saul: A Case for Literary and Theological Coherence (SBLDS 118; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989).
Long, V. P., "How Did Saul Become King? Literary Reading and Historical Reconstruction", in A. R. Millard – J. K. Hoffmeier – D. W. Baker (eds.), Faith, Tradition, and History. Old Testament Historiography in its Near Eastern Context (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994) 271-284.
Lozovyy, J., Saul, Doeg, Nabal, and the "Son of Jesse": Readings in 1 Samuel 16-25 (LHB/OTS 497; London: T & T Clark International, 2009).
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Müller, R., "Saul, the Charismatic King: Concepts of Political Leadership in 1Sam 11", in K. Pyschny – S. Schulz (eds.), Debating Authority: Concepts of Leadership in the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets (BZAW 507; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018) 262-287.
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Naʾaman, N., "The Scope of the Pre-Deuteronomistic Saul-David Story-Cycle", in I. Koch – O. Lipschits – O. Sergi (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (Mosaics. Studies on Ancient Israel, 3; University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, 2023) 291-301.
Nicholson, S., Three Faces of Saul. An Intertextual Approach to Biblical Tragedy (JSOTSup 339; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002).
Niemann, H. M., "Taanach und Megiddo: Überlegungen zur strukturell-historischen Situation zwischen Saul und Salomo", VT 52 (2002) 93-102.
Nihan, C., "De la loi comme pré-texte. Tours et détours dans le débat exilique sur la royauté en 1Samuel 8-12", in D. Marguerat – A. Curtis (eds.), Intertextualités. La Bible en échos (Le Monde de la Bible, 40; Genève: Labor et Fides, 2000) 43-72.
Nihan, C., "Saul Among the Prophets (1 Sam 10:10-12 and 19:18-24). The Reworking of Saul's Figure in the Context of the Debate on 'Charismatic Prophecy' in the Persian Era", in C. S. Ehrlich – M. C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (FAT 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) 88-118.
Nihan, C., "Rewriting Kingship in Samuel: 1 Samuel 8 and 12 and the Law of the King (Deuteronomy 17)", HeBAI 2 (2013) 315-350.
Nolan, C. J., A Critical Appraisal of the Origin and Nature of the Institution of the Monarchy in Israel in the Light of Eric Voegelin's Theory of Symbolic Forms (Texts and Studies in Religion, 99; Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2003).
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Sinclair, L. A., "An Archaeological Study of Gibeah (Tell el-Ful)", BA 27 (1964) 52-64.
Kreuzer, S., "Saul", in WiBiLex [article dated Nov. 2014]. See the Useful Links page for information about the WiBiLex.