[see also the text-critical sections of the general bibliographies on the individual books of the Twelve,
as well as XII Prophets: commentaries (pre-1800) — Jewish and Christian; XII Prophets: commentaries (post-1800)]
The bibliography is divided into the following seven sections, the first six of which present the text-witnesses while the seventh offers a selective list of titles dealing with the textual history of the Book of the Twelve as such:
Edition of the 4Q XII-Prophets fragments (4Q76-82)
Fuller, R. E., "The Twelve", in E. Ulrich – F. M. Cross – R. E. Fuller – J. E. Sanderson – P. W. Skehan – E. Tov (eds.), Qumran Cave 4, X: The Prophets. With the collaboration of C. M. Murphy and C. Niccum (DJD XV; Oxford: Clarendon, 1997) 221-318, with Plates XL-LXIV. [online images of 4Q76 here; for 4Q77-82 simply substitute the respective 4Q number in the foregoing URL]
Edition of the Twelve Prophets scroll from Murabbaʿât (Mur88 or MurXII)
Milik, J. T., "II. Textes Hébreux et Araméens: Rouleau des Douze Prophètes", in P. Benoit – J. T. Milik – R. de Vaux, Les Grottes de Murabbaʿât. Vol. 1: Texte (DJD II/1; Oxford: Clarendon, 1961) 181-205. [Murabbaʿât 88 [Mur88 or MurXII]). For photos see P. Benoit – J. T. Milik – R. de Vaux, Les Grottes de Murabbaʿât. Vol. 2: Planches (DJD II/2; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961), esp. Pl. LVI-LXXXIII. [online images here]
The Joel fragment in The Schøyen Collection
Elgvin, T., "Chap. XIX: MS 4612/1. Ḥev(?)Joel (Joel 4.1-5)", in T. Elgvin (ed.) – K. Davis – M. Langlois (assoc. eds.), Gleanings from the Caves: Dead Sea Scrolls and Artefacts from the Schøyen Collection (LSTS 71; London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016) 223-232. See here for a brief description.
Justnes, Å. – J. M. Rasmussen, "More Dubious Dead Sea Scrolls: Four Pre-2002 Fragments in the Schøyen Collection", DSD 28 (2021) 20-37.
Brooke, G. J., "The Biblical Text in the Qumran Commentaries: Scribal Errors or Exegetical Variants?", in C. A. Evans – W. F. Stinespring (eds.), Early Jewish and Christian Exegesis. Studies in Memory of William Hugh Brownlee (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1987) 85-100.
Brooke, G. J., "The Twelve Minor Prophets and the Dead Sea Scrolls", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Leiden 2004 (VTSup 109; Leiden: Brill, 2006) 19-43.
Fuller, R., "Textual Traditions in the Book of Hosea and the Minor Prophets", in J. Trebolle Barrera – L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Madrid 18-21 March, 1991. Volume One (STDJ 11/1; Leiden: Brill 1992) 247-256.
Fuller, R., "The Form and Formation of the Book of the Twelve: The Evidence from the Judean Desert", in J. W. Watts – P. R. House (eds.), Forming Prophetic Literature: Essays on Isaiah and the Twelve in Honor of John D. W. Watts (JSOTSup 235; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) 86-101.
Fuller, R., "The Sequence of Malachi 3:22-24 in the Greek and Hebrew Textual Traditions: Implications for the Redactional History of the Minor Prophets", in R. Albertz – J. D. Nogalski – J. Wöhrle (eds.), Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve. Methodological Foundations – Redactional Processes – Historical Insights (BZAW 433; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) 371-379.
Fuller, R. E., "Textual Issues for an Edition of the Minor Prophets", in A. Piquer Otero – P. A. Torijano Morales (eds.), The Text of the Hebrew Bible and Its Editions: Studies in Celebration of the Fifth Centennial of the Complutensian Polyglot (Supplements to the Textual History of the Bible, 1; Leiden: Brill, 2016) 413-427.
Fuller, R. E., "The Book of the Twelve at Qumran", in L.-S. Tiemeyer – J. Wöhrle (eds.), The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (VTSup 184 / Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, 9; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 271-285.
García Martínez, F., "The Text of the XII Prophets at Qumran", OTE 17 (2004) 103-119.
Guillaume, P., "A Reconsideration of Manuscripts Classified as Scrolls of the Twelve Minor Prophets (XII)", JHS volume 7, article 16 (2007): online here.
Guillaume, P., "The Unlikely Malachi-Jonah Sequence (4QXIIa)", JHS volume 7, article 15 (2007): online here.
Jones, B. A., "Chapter 4: 4QXIIa and the Position of Jonah among the Minor Prophets", in B. A. Jones, The Formation of the Book of the Twelve: A Study in Text and Canon (SBLDS 149; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1995) 129-169.
Lange, A., "4QXIIg (4Q82) as an Editorial Text", Textus 26 (2016) 87-119.
Pajunen, M. S. – H. van Weissenberg, "The Book of Malachi, Manuscript 4Q76 (4QXIIa), and the Formation of the 'Book of the Twelve'", JBL 134 (2015) 731-751.
Pajunen, M. S., "The Minor Prophets in the Judean Desert Manuscripts", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 57-71.
Sinclair, L. A., "Hebrew Text of the Qumran Micah Pesher and Textual Traditions of the Minor Prophets", RevQ 11,2 [42] (1983) 253-263.
Steck, O. H., "Zur Abfolge Maleachi – Jona in 4Q76 (4QXIIa)", ZAW 108 (1996) 249-253.
Tigchelaar, E., "Not 4Q101a (4QJobd), but 4Q82 (4QXIIg) Hosea 2:5-7", RevQ 32,2 [116] (2020) 293-294.
Ulrich, E., "The Twelve Minor Prophets", in E. Ulrich (ed.), The Biblical Qumran Scrolls: Transcriptions and Textual Variants (VTSup 134; Leiden: Brill, 2010) 590-626.
Vegas Montaner, L., Biblia del Mar Muerto: Profetas Menores. Edición crítica según manuscritos hebreos procedentes del Mar Muerto (Textos y estudios Cardenal Cisneros, 29; Madrid: Instituto Arias Montano, 1980).
Vegas Montaner, L., "Aportación al aparato crítico de la Biblia Hebraica: relación completa de variantes de los manuscritos dal Mar Muerto respecto al textus receptus de Profetas Menores", in N. Fernández Marcos – J. Trebolle Barrera – J. Fernández Vallina (eds.), Simposio bíblico español (Salamanca 1982) (Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1984) 149-181.
Weissenberg, H. von, "Changing Scripture? Scribal Corrections in MS 4QXIIc", in H. von Weissenberg – J. Pakkala – M. Marttila (eds.), Changes in Scripture: Rewriting and Interpreting Authoritative Traditions in the Second Temple Period (BZAW 419; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011) 247-271.
Weissenberg, H. von, "'Aligned' or "Non-Aligned'? The Textual Status of the Qumran Cave 4 Manuscripts of the Minor Prophets", in R. Albertz – J. D. Nogalski – J. Wöhrle (eds.), Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve. Methodological Foundations – Redactional Processes – Historical Insights (BZAW 433; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) 381-396.
Weissenberg, H. von, "The Twelve Minor Prophets at Qumran and the Canonical Process: Amos as a 'Case Study'", in N. Dávid – A. Lange – K. De Troyer – S. Tzoref (eds.), The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (FRLANT 239; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012) 357-375.
First publication
Barthélemy, D., Les Devanciers d'Aquila. Première publication integrale du texte des fragments du Dodécaprophéton trouvés dans le désert de Juda, précédée d'une étude sur les traductions et recensions grecques de la Bible réalisées au premier siècle de notre ère sous l'influence du Rabbinat palestinien (VTSup 10: Leiden: Brill, 1963). [see esp. "Troisième Partie: Un nouveau membre du groupe καίγε: Fragments grecs des Petits Prophètes" (161-270)]
English version: Barthélemy, D., The Precursors of Aquila: The First Complete Publication of the Text of the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll (8ḤevXIIgr), Preceded by a Study of the Greek Translations and Recensions of the Bible Conducted in the First Century CE under the Influence of the Palestinian Rabbinate (VTSup 196; Leiden: Brill, 2023).
Editio princeps
Tov, E. (with the collaboration of R. A. Kraft and a contribution by P. J. Parsons), The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Naḥal Ḥever (8ḤevXIIgr). (The Seiyâl Collection, I) (DJD VIII; Oxford: Clarendon, 1990). Reprinted with corrections (Oxford: Clarendon, 1995). [online images here]
Important reviews of DJD VIII
Kooij, A. van der, BibOr 49 (1992) 232-235.
Munnich, O., TLZ 117 (1992) 587-591.
Aitken, J. K., "The Style of the Naḥal Ḥever Scroll of the Minor Prophets", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 3-28.
Barthélemy, D., "Redécouverte d'un chaînon manquant de l'histoire de la Septante", RB 60 (1953) 18-29.
Brooke, G. J., "The Twelve Minor Prophets and the Dead Sea Scrolls", in A. Lemaire (ed.), Congress Volume Leiden 2004 (VTSup 109; Leiden: Brill, 2006) 19-43. [discusses 8ḤevXIIgr too]
Crom, D. De – E. Verbeke – R. Ceulemans, "A Hebrew-Greek Index to 8ḤevXIIgr", RevQ 24 [95] (2010) 331-349.
Delgado Gómez, A., "Los fragmentos descubiertos de Nahum y Zacarías de 8ḤevXIIgr", EstBib 79 (2021) 379-402.
Howard, G., "Lucianic Readings in a Greek Twelve Prophets Scroll from the Judaean Desert", JQR 62.1 (July 1971) 51-60.
Kahle, P. E., "Der gegenwärtige Stand der Erforschung der in Palästina neu gefunden hebräischen Handschriften, 27: Die im August 1953 entdeckte Lederrolle mit dem griechischen Text der Kleinen Propheten und das Problem der Septuaginta", TLZ 79 (1954/2) 81-94. English version: "A Leather Scroll of the Greek Minor Prophets and the Problem of the Septuagint", in P. Kahle, Opera minora: Festgabe zum 21. Januar 1956. Edited by M. Black and others (Leiden: Brill, 1956) 113-127.
Kahle, P. E., "Die Lederrolle mit dem griechischen Dodekapropheton", in P. E. Kahle, Die Kairoer Genisa. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Hebräischen Bibeltextes und seiner Übersetzungen. Deutsche Ausgabe bearbeitet und durch den Druck geführt von Rudolf Meyer, Jena (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1962) 239-241.
Katz, P., "Justin's Old Testament Quotations and the Greek Dodekapropheton Scroll", in K. Aland – F. L. Cross (eds.), Studia Patristica: Papers Presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955, Vol. I (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 63; Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1957) 343-353.
Lee, T. A., "The Newly Discovered Fragments of the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Naḥal Ḥever (8ḤevXIIgr) and the Problem of Translation Standardisation", JSCS 55 (2022) 89-102.
Lifshitz, B., "The Greek Documents from the Cave of Horror", IEJ 12 (1962) 201-207.
Pajunen, M. S., "The Minor Prophets in the Judean Desert Manuscripts", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 57-71.
Puech, É., "Les fragments non identifiés de 8KhXIIgr et le manuscrit grec des Douze Prophètes", RB 98 (1991) 161-169.
Puech, É., "Notes en marge de 8KhXIIgr", RevQ 15,4 [60] (1992) 583-593.
Riestra, B. – O. Ableman – T. Bitler – O. Sion, "'These Are the Things You Are to Do': A Newly Discovered Fragment of the Book of Zechariah from the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll (8ḤevXIIgr)", Textus 31 (2022) 159-189.
Riestra, B. – O. Ableman – T. Bitler – O. Sion, "'The Mountains Quake, the Hills Melt… and the Earth?' New Fragments from the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll (8ḤevXIIgr)", in O. Sion – J. Uziel – A. Ganor – E. Klein (eds), New Studies in the Archaeology of the Judean Desert: Collected Papers (Jerusalem: The Israel Antiquities Authority, 2023) 291-316.
Update in March 2021
Various news media announced that Israeli archaeologists recently found further small fragments of this scroll in the same cave. So far eleven lines of Greek text from Zech 8,16-17 as well as portions of Nah 1,5-6 have been reconstructed. See now Delgado Gómez (2021); Lee (2022); Riestra et al. (2022 and 2023) above.
Ego, B. – A. Lange – H. Lichtenberger – K. De Troyer (eds.), Minor Prophets (Biblia Qumranica, 3B; Leiden: Brill, 2005).
Manuscripts and editions
Cohen, M. (ed.), מקראות גדולות הכתר: תרי עשר. Mikraʾot Gedolot 'Haketer' – The Twelve Minor Prophets. A Revised and Augmented Scientific Edition of 'Mikraʾot Gedolot', Based on the Aleppo Codex and early Medieval MSS. Small edition (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2012). Free online edition here.
Elliger, K. (ed.), ספר תרי עשר: Liber XII Prophetarum (BHS 10; Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1970 and subsequent reprints with small corrections).
Gelston, A. (ed.), תרי עשר The Twelve Minor Prophets (BHQ 13; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2010).
Gese, Hartmut, "Die hebräischen Bibelhandschriften zum Dodekapropheton nach der Variantensammlung des Kennicott", ZAW 69 (1957) 55-69.
Glenny, W. E., "Hebrew Manuscripts and Versions", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 41-55.
Segal, M., "The Hebrew University Bible Project", HeBAI 2 (2013) 38-62. [gives some information about the forthcoming HUBP volume on the Twelve Prophets].
Critical editions
Rahlfs, A., Septuaginta: id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1935 and subsequent reprints).
Rahlfs, A. – R. Hanhart, Septuaginta: id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes. Editio altera, quam recognovit et emendavit Robert Hanhart (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2006).
Ziegler, J. (ed.), Duodecim prophetae (Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Gottingensis editum, Band XIII; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1943). [second edition 1967; third edition, revised by R. Hanhart, 1984; later reprinted unchanged as "4. Auflage"]
An extensively revised new edition has been announced for late 2019 as follows:
Ziegler, J. (ed.), Duodecim prophetae. 5. Auflage bearbeitet von Felix Albrecht (Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Gottingensis editum, Band XIII; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019).
Translations and textual commentaries
Bons, E. – J. Joosten – S. Kessler – T. Muraoka, Les Douze Prophètes, 1: Osée. Traduction du texte grec de la Septante, introductions et notes par Eberhard Bons, Jan Joosten et Stephan Kessler. Avec la collaboration de Philippe Le Moigne. Introduction générale aux Douze Prophètes, par Takamitsu Muraoka (La Bible d'Alexandrie, 23.1; Paris: Cerf, 2002). [Muraoka's contribution: "Introduction aux douze petits prophètes", I-XXIII]
Harl, M. – C. Dogniez – L. Brottier – M. Caseviz – P. Sandevoir, Les Douze Prophètes, 4–9: Joël, Abdiou, Jonas, Naoum, Ambakoum, Sophonie. Traduction du texte grec de la Septante, introductions et notes. Avec la collaboration de R. Dupont-Roc, T. Roqueplo et F. Roux (La Bible d'Alexandrie, 23.4–9; Paris: Cerf, 1999).
Casevitz, M. – C. Dogniez – M. Harl, Les Douze Prophètes, 10–11: Aggée, Zacharie. Traduction du texte grec de la Septante, introduction et notes (La Bible d'Alexandrie, 23.10–11; Paris: Cerf, 2007).
Vianès, L., Les Douze Prophètes, 12: Malachie: traduction du texte grec de la Septante, introduction et notes (La Bible d'Alexandrie, 23.12; Paris: Cerf, 2011).
Howard, G. E. (introd. and trans.), "The Twelve Prophets", in A. Pietersma – B. G. Wright (eds.), A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included under That Title (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007) 777-822.
Kraus, W. – M. Karrer (eds.), Septuaginta Deutsch. Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung. 2., verbesserte Auflage (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2010) [first ed. 2009]. [Schart, A., "Dodekapropheton (Das Zwölfprophetenbuch): Einleitung", 1165-1166.]
Schart, A., "Dodekapropheton: Das Zwölfprophetenbuch", in M. Karrer – W. Kraus (eds.), Septuaginta Deutsch. Erläuterungen und Kommentare zum griechischen Alten Testament. Band II: Psalmen bis Daniel (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2011) 2275-2286. Commentaries by various authors on the individual books of the Twelve follow (2287-2483).
Delgado Jara, I. – L. Miralles Maciá – M. López Salvá, "Libro de los Doce Profetas", in N. Fernández Marcos – M. V. Spottorno Díaz-Caro (coordinadores), La Biblia griega. Septuaginta, IV: Libros proféticos. Traducido por Natalio Fernández Marcos, María Victoria Spottorno Díaz-Caro, José Manuel Cañas Reíllo, Inmaculada Delgado Jara, Mercedes López Salvá, y Lorena Miralles Maciá (Biblioteca de Estudios Bíblicos, 128; Salamanca: Sígueme, 2015) 15-124. Details: Delgado Jara, I., "Introducción" (17-26); "Oseas, Amós, Miqueas, Joel" (27-68); Miralles Maciá, L., "Abdías, Jonás, Nahúm, Habacuc" (69-92); López Salvá, M., "Sofonías, Ageo, Zacarías, Malaquías" (93-124).
Autori vari, "Osea – Malachia", in L. Rosso Ubigli (a cura di), La Bibbia dei Settanta, IV: Profeti. Opera diretta da Paolo Sacchi, in collaborazione con Luca Mazzinghi (Antico e Nuovo Testamento, 17; Brescia: Morcelliana, 2019) 27-340. Details: S. I. M. Pratelli, "Osea" (27-72). M. Farina, "Amos" (73-108). C. Pilocane, "Michea" (109-134); "Abdia" (157-168); "Sofonia" (233-250); "Zaccaria" (271-316). G. Regalzi, "Giona" (169-190). F. Bianchi, "Gioele" (135-156); "Naum" (191-208); "Abacuc" (209-232); "Aggeo" (251-270); "Malachia" (317-340).
Albrecht, F., "Die lukianische Rezension und ihre Bezeugung im Zwölfprophetenbuch", in S. Kreuzer / M. Sigismund (eds.), Der Antiochenische Text der Septuaginta in seiner Bezeugung und seiner Bedeutung (DSI 4; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013) 87-108.
Albrecht, F., "Die alexandrinische Überlieferung und die Rezension des Hesych von Alexandrien in den Prophetenbüchern der Septuaginta", in S. Kreuzer – M. Meiser – M. Sigismund (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Orte und Intentionen. 5. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 24.-27. Juli 2014. In Verbindung mit Martin Karrer und Wolfgang Kraus (WUNT 361; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016) 337-362.
Albrecht, F., "The Septuagint Minor Prophets: Greek Tradition and Textual Variation", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 99-112.
Aussedat, M., "Le regroupement des livres prophétiques dans la Septante d'après le témoignage des chaînes exégétiques", in M. K. H. Peters (ed.), XII Congress of the International Organisation for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Leiden 2004 (SBLSCS 54; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006) 169-185.
Barker, J. W., "The Equivalence of kaige and Quinta in the Dodekapropheton", in J. W. Barker – A. Le Donne – J. N. Lohr (eds.), Found in Translation: Essays on Jewish Biblical Translation in Honor of Leonard J. Greenspoon (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2018) 127-152.
Botte, B. – P.-M. Bogaert, "Septante et versions greques", DBSup 12 (1996 [fasc. 68:1993]) 536-676 (+ plates 677-692) [see 543 for data on the Greek order of the books in the Twelve].
Choat, M., "The Unidentified Text in the Freer Minor Prophets Codex", in L. W. Hurtado (ed.), The Freer Biblical Manuscripts. Fresh Studies of an American Treasure Trove (SBL Text-Critical Studies, 6; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006) 87-121. [see below s.v. Sanders and Troyer]
Dafni, E. G., "Jerusalem als Metropole in der Septuaginta des Zwölfprophetenbuchs", in A. Schart – J. Krispenz (eds.), Die Stadt im Zwölfprophetenbuch (BZAW 428; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) 421-449.
Dines, J. M., "Stylistic Invention and Rhetorical Purpose in the Book of the Twelve", in E. Bons – T. J. Kraus – M. Köckert (eds.), Et sapienter et eloquenter. Studies on Rhetorical and Stylistic Features of the Septuagint (FRLANT 241; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011) 23-48.
Dines, J., "Verbal and Thematic Links between the Books of the Twelve in Greek and their Relevance to the Differing Manuscript Sequences", in R. Albertz – J. D. Nogalski – J. Wöhrle (eds.), Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve: Methodological Foundations – Redactional Processes – Historical Insights (BZAW 433; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) 355-370.
Dines, J., "Was LXX Pentateuch a Style-Setter for LXX Minor Prophets?", in M. K. H. Peters (ed.), XIV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Helsinki, 2010 (SBLSCS 59; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013) 397-411.
Dines, J. M., "The Minor Prophets", in J. K. Aitken (ed.), The T&T Clark Companion to the Septuagint (Bloomsbury Companions; London and New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015) 438-455.
Dogniez, C., "Fautes de traduction, ou bonnes traduction? Quelques exemples pris dans la LXX des Douze Petits Prophètes", in Bernard A. Taylor (ed.), X Congress of the International Organisation for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Oslo, 1998 (SBLSCS 51; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001) 241-261.
Dogniez, C., "Le traducteur d'Isaïe connaissait-il le texte grec du Dodekapropheton?", Adamantius 13 (2007) 29-37.
Dogniez, C., "'Lost in Translation': la désignation des chefs dans le Dodekapropheton", JSJ 39 (2008) 192-210.
Dogniez, C., "L'indépendance du traducteur grec d'Isaïe par rapport au Dodekapropheton", in M. N. van der Meer – P. van Keulen – W. T. van Peursen – B. ter Haar Romeny (eds.), Isaiah in Context: Studies in Honour of Arie van der Kooij on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (VTSup 138; Leiden: Brill, 2010) 229-246.
Dogniez, C., "Dodekapropheton – Überblick", in S. Kreuzer (ed.), Einleitung in die Septuaginta (Handbuch zur Septuaginta – Handbook of the Septuagint [LXX.H], 1; Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2016) 461-473. [separate chapters on each of the twelve books follow, by different authors]
Dogniez, C., "Volonté et motif: les intentions du traducteur des Douze Petits Prophètes", in S. Kreuzer – M. Meiser – M. Sigismund (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Orte und Intentionen. 5. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 24.-27. Juli 2014. In Verbindung mit Martin Karrer und Wolfgang Kraus (WUNT 361; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016) 629-644.
Dogniez, C. – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019). [six essays are listed separately here]
Dogniez, C., "The Twelve Minor Prophets", in A. G. Salvesen – T. M. Law (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Septuagint (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 307-320.
Eidsvåg, G. M., "The Rendering of Toponyms in the LXX-Minor Prophets: An Indication of Alexandrian Provenance", in M. K. H. Peters (ed.), XIV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Helsinki, 2010 (SBLSCS 59; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013) 445-455.
Fernández Marcos, N., "El texto griego de la Complutense en Doce Profetas", Sefarad 39 (1979) 3-25.
Glenny, W. E., "Translation Technique in the Minor Prophets", in W. Kraus – M. N. van der Meer – M. Meiser (eds.), XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Munich, 2013 (SBLSCS 64; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2016) 379-392.
Glenny, W. E., "The Book of the Twelve in the Septuagint", in W. E. Glenny – D. Lockett (eds.), Canon Formation: Tracing the Role of Sub-Collections in the Biblical Canon (London & New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023) 207-225.
Grütter, N., "«On ne peut pas tout avoir». Un rapport fictif du traducteur des Douze", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 43-58.
Harper, J. L., "Shall I Surely Translate This? The Hebrew Infinitive Absolute in the Greek Twelve Prophets", JSCS 49 (2016) 81-96.
Harrison, C. R., Jr., "The Unity of the Minor Prophets in the LXX: A Reexamination of the Question", BIOSCS 21 (1988) 55-72.
Herrmann, J. – F. Baumgärtel, "Die Septuaginta zum Zwölfprophetenbuch das Werk zweier Übersetzer", in J. Herrmann – F. Baumgärtel, Beiträge zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Septuaginta (BWAT 30 / N.F. 5; Berlin: Kohlhammer, 1923) 32-38.
Howard, G. E., "The Quinta of the Minor Prophets: a First Century Septuagint", Bib 55 (1974) 15-22.
Howard, G. E., "The Twelve Prophets: To the Reader", in A. Pietersma – B. G. Wright (eds.), A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included under that Title (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007) 777-781.
Jeppesen, K., "'The Lord God Has Spoken, and Who Will Not Prophesy?' From Osee to Jonas in the Septuagint", in C. McCarthy – J. Healey (eds.), Biblical and Near Eastern Essays. Studies in Honour of Kevin J. Cathcart (JSOTSup 375; London: T & T Clark International, 2004) 105-117.
Jones, B. A., "The Book of the Twelve in the Septuagint", in L.-S. Tiemeyer – J. Wöhrle (eds.), The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (VTSup 184 / Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, 9; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 286-304.
Joosten, J., "A Septuagintal Translation Technique in the Minor Prophets: The Elimination of Verbal Repetitions", in F. García Martínez – M. Vervenne (eds.), Interpreting Translation: Studies on the LXX and Ezekiel in Honour of Johan Lust (BETL 192; Leuven: Leuven University Press; Peeters, 2005) 217-23. Reprinted in J. Joosten, Collected Studies on the Septuagint. From Language to Interpretation and Beyond (FAT 83; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012) 15-22.
Kaminka, A., Studien zur Septuaginta: an der Hand der Zwölf Kleinen Prophetenbücher (Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums, 33; Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann, 1928). [a reprint of two articles of his, with the same title as the booklet, in the Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 72 (1928) 49-60 and 247-273.] [cf. Treitel below]
Kim, Jong-Hoon, "Zu den Textformen der neutestamentlichen Zitate aus dem Zwölfprophetenbuch", in S. Kreuzer – M. Sigismund (eds.), Der Antiochenische Text der Septuaginta in seiner Bezeugung und seiner Bedeutung (DSI 4; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013) 163-178.
Kraft, R. A., "Reassessing the Impact of Barthélemy's Devanciers, Forty Years Later", BIOSCS 37 (2004) 1-28.
Kreuzer, S., "Ursprüngliche Septuaginta (Old Greek) and hebraisierende Bearbeitung. Die Entwicklung der Septuaginta in ihrer Bedeutung für die Zitate and Anspielungen im Neuen Testament, untersucht anhand der Zitate aus dem Dodekapropheton", in J. Elschenbroich – J. de Vries (eds.), Worte der Weissagung. Studien zur Septuaginta und Johannesoffenbarung (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 47; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014) 17-55. Abbreviated English version: "The Place and Text-Critical Value of the New Testament Quotations from Dodekapropheton in the Textual History of the Septuagint", in S. Kreuzer, The Bible in Greek: Translation, Transmission, and Theology of the Septuagint (SBLSCS 63; Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2015) 233-252.
Kreuzer, S., "Zum textgeschichtlichen Ort der Dodekapropheton-Zitate im Neuen Testament", in S. Kreuzer – M. Meiser – M. Sigismund (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Orte und Intentionen. 5. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 24.-27. Juli 2014. In Verbindung mit Martin Karrer und Wolfgang Kraus (WUNT 361; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016) 132-151.
Loiseau, A.-F., "Deux arguments en faveur de l'antériorité de la traduction grecque d'Isaïe par rapport à celle des XII", Adamantius 17 (2011) 257-261.
Muraoka, T., "In Defence of the Unity of the Septuagint Minor Prophets", AJBI 15 (1989) 25-36.
Muraoka, T., A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint: Twelve Prophets (Louvain: Peeters, 1993).
Muraoka, T., "How Did Our Translator of the Greek Minor Prophets Cope with Multiple Synonyms?", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 88-95.
Pola, T., "Sach 9,9-17 LXX – Indiz für die Entstehung des griechischen Dodekaprophetons im makkabäischen Jerusalem?", in W. Kraus – O. Munnich (eds.), La Septante en Allemagne et en France: textes de la Septante à la traduction double ou à traduction très littérale = Septuaginta Deutsch und Bible d'Alexandrie: Texte der Septuaginta in Doppelüberlieferung oder in wörtlicher Übersetzung (OBO 238; Fribourg: Academic Press; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009) 238-251.
Procksch, O., Studien zur Geschichte der Septuaginta: die Propheten (BWAT, Heft 7; Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1910).
Procksch, O., Die Septuaginta Hieronymi im Dodekapropheton (Greifswald: Buchdruckerei von J. Abel, 1914). [Festschrift Rektoratswechsel, Greifswald]
Rofé, A., "Divergent Secondary Readings in the LXX of the Twelve and Their Significance for the History of the Israelite Religion and Literature", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 113-118.
Rösel, M., "Das Gesetz bei den Propheten. Zur Übersetzung der Gesetzesterminologie im griechischen Dodekapropheton", in E. G. Dafni (ed.), Law and Justice in Jerusalem, Babylon and Hellas: Studies on the Theology of the Septuagint, Volume III (WUNT 475; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021) 151-164.
Sanders, H. A., "A Papyrus Manuscript of the Minor Prophets", HTR 14 (1921) 181-187.
Sanders, H. A., Facsimile of the Washington Manuscript of the Minor Prophets in the Freer Collection and the Berlin Fragment of Genesis (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1927).
Sanders, H. A. – C. Schmidt, The Minor Prophets in the Freer Collection and the Berlin Fragment of Genesis (University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series, 21; New York: Macmillan, 1927).
Steyn, G. J. – M. Meiser, "2.2 Texte der Septuaginta: Dodekapropheton", in M. Meiser – F. Wilk (eds.), Die Wirkungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Septuaginta – The History of the Septuagint's Impact and Reception (Handbuch zur Septuaginta – Handbook of the Septuagint [LXX.H], 6; Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2022) 324-346.
Thackeray, H. St. J., "The Greek Translators of the Prophetical Books", JTS 4 (1902-1903) 578-585.
Theocharous, M., Lexical Dependence and Intertextual Allusion in the Septuagint of the Twelve Prophets: Studies in Hosea, Amos and Micah (LHB/OTS 570; London – New York: T & T Clark, 2012).
Tov, E., "The Textual Value of the Septuagint Version of the Minor Prophets", in C. Dogniez – P. Le Moigne (eds.), Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX. Protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire (VTSup 180; Leiden: Brill, 2019) 129-147. Revised reprint [same title] in E. Tov, Studies in Textual Criticism. Collected Essays, Volume V (VTSup 197; Leiden: Brill, 2024) 176-193.
Treitel, L., "Wert und Bedeutung der Septuaginta zu den 12 kleinen Propheten", Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 73 (1929) 232-234. [cf. Kaminka above]
Troyer, K. De, "The Freer Twelve Minor Prophets Codex – A Case Study: The Old Greek Text of Jonah, its Revisions, and its Corrections", in L. W. Hurtado (ed.), The Freer Biblical Manuscripts. Fresh Studies of an American Treasure Trove (SBL Text-Critical Studies, 6; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006) 75-85. [see s.v. Choat and Sanders above]
Ziegler, J., "Die Einheit der Septuaginta zum Zwölfprophetenbuch", in Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen an der Staatlichen Akademie zu Braunsberg im Wintersemester 1934/35, mit einer Abhandlung von Dr. J. Ziegler: "Die Einheit der Septuaginta zum Zwolfprophetenbuch" (Kirchhain N.-L.: Max Schmersow, 1934) 1-16. Available for download here. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 29-42.
Ziegler, J., "Beiträge zum griechischen Dodekapropheton, I: Textkritische Notizen zu den jüngeren griechischen Übersetzungen des Dodekapropheton; II: Innergriechisch und innerlateinisch verderbte Lesarten im Dodekapropheton; III: Der Bibeltext des Cyrill von Alexandrien zu den zwölf kleinen Propheten in den Druck-Ausgaben", Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 1943 / 10; Septuaginta-Arbeiten, 2; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1943) 345-412. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 71-105, 106-126, 126-138.
Ziegler, Joseph, "Der griechische Dodekapropheton-Text der Complutenser Polyglotte", Bib 25 (1944) 297-310. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 229-242.
Ziegler, J., "Studien zur Verwertung der Septuaginta im Zwölfprophetenbuch, I: Kritische Bemerkungen zur Verwendung der Septuaginta im Zwölfprophetenbuch der Biblia Hebraica von Kittel", ZAW 60 (1944) 107-120. Reprinted under the title "Zwölfprophetenbuch, I: Kritische Bemerkungen zur Verwendung der Septuaginta im Zwölfprophetenbuch der Biblia Hebraica von Kittel", in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 243-256.
Ziegler, J., "Studien zur Verwertung der Septuaginta im Zwölfprophetenbuch, II: Die Zuverlässigkeit griechischer Handschriften-Kollationen im Buche Amos", ZAW 60 (1944) 120-131. Reprinted under the title "Zwölfprophetenbuch, II: Die Zuverlässigkeit griechischer Handschriften-Kollationen im Buche Amos", in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 256-266.
Ziegler, Joseph, "Der Text der Aldina im Dodekapropheton", Bib 26 (1945) 37-51. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 306-320.
Ziegler, J., "Zur Dodekapropheton-LXX", ETL 38 (1962) 904-906. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge... (1971) [see below] 587-589.
Ziegler, J., Sylloge: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Septuaginta (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, 10; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1971).
Gelston, A. – T. Sprey (eds.), Dodekapropheton – Daniel – Bel – Draco. Edited on behalf of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament by the Peshitta Institute, Leiden (The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta Version, Part III, fascicle 4; Leiden: Brill, 1980). [Gelston was responsible for the Dodekapropheton.]
Walter, D. M. – G. Greenberg (trans.), The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation. The Twelve Prophets. Text prepared by G. A. Kiraz and J. Bali (Surath Kthob – The Antioch Bible; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2012).
Gelston, A., The Peshiṭta of the Twelve Prophets (Oxford: Clarendon, 1987).
Gelston, A., "Some Readings in the Peshiṭta of the Dodekapropheton", in P. B. Dirksen – M. J. Mulder (eds.), The Peshiṭta: Its Early Text and History. Papers Read at the Peshiṭta Symposium Held at Leiden 30-31 August 1985 (Monographs of the Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, 4; Leiden: Brill, 1988) 81-98, with summary on 261-262.
Gelston, A., "Appendix: 9d2 – Dodekapropheton (III,4)", in P. B. Dirksen – M. J. Mulder (eds.), The Peshiṭta: Its Early Text and History. Papers Read at the Peshiṭta Symposium Held at Leiden 30-31 August 1985 (Monographs of the Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, 4; Leiden: Brill, 1988) 267-269. [readings of Ms 9d2, not considered in the 1980 edition of the Dodekapropheton, see above]
Gelston, A., "Appendix: 11d2 – Dodekapropheton (III,4)", in P. B. Dirksen – M. J. Mulder (eds.), The Peshiṭta: Its Early Text and History. Papers Read at the Peshiṭta Symposium Held at Leiden 30-31 August 1985 (Monographs of the Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, 4; Leiden: Brill, 1988) 290-292. [readings of Ms 11d2, not considered in the 1980 edition of the Dodekapropheton, see above]
Gordon, R. P., "Targum and Peshiṭta in the Twelve Prophets", in R. P. Gordon, Studies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets. From Nahum to Malachi (VTSup 51; Leiden: Brill, 1994) 117-129.
Pazzini, M., "The Peshiṭta of the Twelve Prophets and the Texts of the Dead Sea", in G. Geiger – M. Pazzini (eds.), Έν πάσῃ γραμματικῇ καὶ σοφίᾳ, En pāsē grammatikē kai sophiā: Saggi di linguistica ebraica in onore di Alviero Niccacci, ofm (Analecta 78; Milano: Edizioni Terra Santa; Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 2011) 283-294.
Cathcart, K. J. – R. P. Gordon, The Targum of the Minor Prophets (The Aramaic Bible, 14; Wilmington, DE: Glazier, 1989).
Sperber, A. (ed.), The Bible in Aramaic, Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. Vol. III: The Latter Prophets according to Targum Jonathan (Leiden: Brill, 1962). [The Twelve Prophets are on the following pages: Hos 385-409; Joel 410-416; Am 417-432; Obad 433-435; Jon 436-439; Mic 440-452; Nah 453-458; Hab 459-466; Zeph 467-472; Hag 473-476; Zech 477-499; Mal 500-505.]
Houtman, A. (ed.), A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets. Vol. Eighteen: The Twelve (I): א – ז (Leiden: Brill, 2003).
Houtman, A. (ed.), A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets. Vol. Nineteen: The Twelve (II): ח – ס (Leiden: Brill, 2003).
Houtman, A. (ed.), A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets. Vol. Twenty: The Twelve (III): ע – ת (Leiden: Brill, 2003).
Díez Merino, L., "Interpretación de la toponimia como método hermenéutico en el Targum de Jonás, Miqueas, Nahum, Habaquq, Ageo y Sofonías", EstBib 59 (2001) 79-100.
Gordon, R. P., "The Targum to the Minor Prophets and the Dead Sea Texts: Textual and Exegetical Notes", RevQ 8,3 [31] (1974) 425-429.
Gordon, R. P., Studies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets. From Nahum to Malachi (VTSup 51; Leiden: Brill, 1994).
Gordon, R. P., "Targum and Peshiṭta in the Twelve Prophets", in R. P. Gordon, Studies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets. From Nahum to Malachi (VTSup 51; Leiden: Brill, 1994) 117-129.
Houtman, A., "He Will Reveal His Messiah. Messianism in Targum Jonathan to the Twelve", in H.-J. Fabry (ed.), The Books of the Twelve Prophets: Minor Prophets – Major Theologies (BETL 295; Leuven: Peeters, 2018) 243-258.
Komlosh, Y., "The Etymological Basis of Certain Translations in the Targum Jonathan to the Twelve Prophets" [Heb.], in G. B. Sarfatti – P. Artzi – J. C. Greenfield – M. Kaddari (eds.), Studies in Hebrew and Semitic Languages Dedicated to the Memory of Professor E. Y. Kutscher (Bar-Ilan Departmental Researches; Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1980) 159-165, with an English summary on p. LXVI.
Lier, G. – A. F. Van Zyl, "An Appraisal of Source Material for the Study of Targum Minor Prophets", JSem 24 (2015) 451-469.
Lier, G. E., "The Targum of the Book of the Twelve", in L.-S. Tiemeyer – J. Wöhrle (eds.), The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (VTSup 184 / Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, 9; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 305-324.
Loiseau, A. F., "Jerôme et les traditions exégétiques targumiques en particulier dans les XII", JSCS 44 (2011) 81-126.
Latin versions
Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem ad codicum fidem ... cura et studio monachorum Abbatiae Pontificiae Sancti Hieronymi in Urbe Ordinis Sancti Benedicti edita. Vol. XVII: Liber Duodecim Prophetarum ex interpretatione Sancti Hieronymi cum praefationibus et variis capitulorum seriebus (Romae: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1987).
Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem. Adiuvantibus Bonifatio Fischer, I. Gribomont, H. F. D. Sparks, W. Thiele, recensuit et brevi apparatu instruxit Robertus Weber. Editionem quintam emendatam retractatam praeparavit Roger Gryson (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2007). [first ed. 1969]
Note on the Vetus Latina: In the ongoing critical edition of the Vetus Latina, volume 14 will be dedicated to Daniel, XII Prophetae; this volume has not yet been published [see the listing of volumes, accessed 2021-01-19]. In the meantime, some readings from Vetus Latina manuscripts are recorded in the Göttingen edition of Jer-LXX (see above).
Loiseau, A. F., "Jerôme et les traditions exégétiques targumiques en particulier dans les XII", JSCS 44 (2011) 81-126.
Moro, C., "La traduzione di Gerolamo dei profeti minori", Adamantius 13 (2007) 102-125.
Rickerby, S., "The Latin Versions of the Book of the Twelve", in L.-S. Tiemeyer – J. Wöhrle (eds.), The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (VTSup 184 / Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, 9; Leiden: Brill, 2020) 325-351.
Grossouw, W. K. M., The Coptic Versions of the Minor Prophets: A Contribution to the Study of the Septuagint (Monumenta biblica et ecclesiastica, 3; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1938).
Ziegler, J., "Beiträge zur koptischen Dodekapropheton-Übersetzung", Bib 25 (1944) 105-142. Reprinted in J. Ziegler, Sylloge: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Septuaginta (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, 10; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1971) 268-305.
Barthélemy, D., Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament, 3: Ézéchiel, Daniel et les 12 Prophètes (OBO 50/3; Fribourg, Suisse: Éditions Universitaires; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992). [can be freely downloaded here]
Bogaert, P.-M., "L'organisation des grands recueils prophétiques", in J. Vermeylen (ed.), The Book of Isaiah. Le Livre d'Isaïe. Les oracles et leurs relectures. Unité et complexité de l'ouvrage (BETL 81; Leuven: Leuven University Press – Peeters, 1989) 147-153.
Fresch, C. J. – R. Fuller – W. E. Glenny, "9: Minor Prophets", in A. Lange – E. Tov (eds.), Textual History of the Bible, Volume 1: The Hebrew Bible. Vol. 1B: Pentateuch, Former and Latter Prophets (Leiden: Brill, 2017) 589-622. Details: Fresch, C. J., "9.1: Textual History of the Minor Prophets", 589-600; Fuller, R., "9.2: Ancient Hebrew Texts", 601-613; Glenny, W. E., "9.3: "Septuagint", 614-622. See also the relevant sections of Chapter 6-9.1 & 2 & 3 (623ff) on the Primary Translations, the Secondary Translations, and the Medieval Text of the MT of the Minor Prophets.
Fuller, R., "The Text of the Twelve Minor Prophets", CR:BS 7 (1999) 81-95.
Fuller, R. E., "Minor Prophets", in L. H. Schiffman – J. C. VanderKam (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000) 1:554-557.
Gelston, A., "Some Difficulties Encountered by Ancient Translators", in Y. A. P. Goldman – A. van der Kooij – R. D. Weis (eds.), Sôfer Mahîr: Essays in Honour of Adrian Schenker Offered by the Editors of "Biblia Hebraica Quinta" (VTSup 110; Leiden: Brill, 2006) 47-58.
Glenny, W. E., "Hebrew Manuscripts and Versions", in J. M. O'Brien (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets (Oxford Handbooks; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) 41-55.
Hartog, P. B., "Reading and Copying the Minor Prophets in the Late Second Temple Period", in H.-J. Fabry (ed.), The Books of the Twelve Prophets: Minor Prophets – Major Theologies (BETL 295; Leuven: Peeters, 2018) 411-423.
Jones, B. A., The Formation of the Book of the Twelve: A Study in Text and Canon (SBLDS 149; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1995).
Kim, Jong-Hoon, "Die hebräischen Textformen der hellenistisch-frühjüdischen Zeit. Ausgehend vom Habakuk-Text der griechischen Zwölfprophetenrolle aus Naḥal Ḥever (8ḤevXIIgr)", in T. Wagner – J. M. Robker – F. Ueberschaer (eds.), Text – Textgeschichte – Textwirkung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Siegfried Kreuzer (AOAT 419; Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 2014) 347-357.
Rizzi, G., "Orientamenti della critica testuale sui 'Profeti Minori'", Euntes docete 65 (2012) 107-156.